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House Democrat Pushes Biden to Give Obama an Official Role in Desperate Bid to Free Hostages

This is what desperate times look⁣ like to desperate House Democrats.

Amid unmistakeable signs that its far-left is taking their party into dangerous places ‌the ‌war sparked by the Hamas terrorist group’s attack on Israel​ on Oct. 7, a ⁣freshman Democratic representative on⁣ Tuesday went public with a proposal for‌ Israel to “pause” its fighting and to bring former President Barack Obama into the⁣ picture in a negotiating role.

It’s ⁢hard to tell the ⁢worst part of ‍the idea — that it’s ⁣so naive, or that⁤ it’s⁣ so ignorant.

The plan came from Rep.​ Shri Thanedar, who was elected ​in the ⁣2022 midterms to‌ represent‍ Michigan’s​ 13th Congressional District (a Detroit-area district bordering fellow Dem Rashida Tlaib in the 12th).

In a social media post on Tuesday,‌ he called ⁤on Israel to halt its⁢ attacks on Hamas in order to ⁢buy time to‍ negotiate freedom‌ for the hostages the bloodthirsty mob took on its savage raid on southern Israel a month ago.

He⁣ also said it ​would⁤ be‌ an opportunity to get “the surrender of Hamas leaders responsible‍ for Oct. 7 attack.”

It ⁣wasn’t well received.

The idea of Hamas leadership ​surrendering is near ludicrous, of⁢ course. The terrorist group is dedicated to​ nothing less than the destruction of Israel — the carnage of Oct. 7 wasn’t an accident or an⁢ excess — it was a step toward the group’s goal.

What was ⁤even ‍worse was Thanedar’s ⁣idea of‍ a mediator — to ⁤be appointed by President⁣ Joe Biden — to bring it about.

“I can think ⁢of no one better⁢ than former President Barack​ Obama to lead these efforts,” Thanedar wrote.

Actually, even Biden might be aware that there could well be few people worse.

During his presidency, ⁢Obama was singularly hostile to then-Israeli Prime Minister⁢ Benjamin Netanyahu — the man who is also now Israel’s prime ‌minister and‍ a man a ‍“senior​ Obama official” ⁤once called “chickensh*t.”

The Jerusalem government would have precious‌ little ​reason to trust Obama as‍ an envoy.

But ⁢more ​to the ⁣point, Obama also spent his presidency cozying up to the murderous ‍mullahs ⁣of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Did Obama’s ‍coddling of⁤ Iran when he‌ was in office help foment the current war in Israel?

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It was arguably thanks to Obama and the nuclear deal he reached with the terrorists of⁣ Tehran in 2015 (which was denounced in 2018 by then-President Donald Trump) that Iran has‍ maintained its​ leadership position in ⁤the Middle East.

To no one’s surprise, it’s using that leadership position to‌ openly support Hamas and ⁢its equally bloodthirsty counterpart Hezbollah.

And in his most recent public statement‍ on the​ Middle East⁢ war ​his policies helped make possible, ⁤Obama painted the war as a both-sides-are-wrong situation — utterly indifferent to the fact that it arose from the most murderous attack‍ on world Jewry since the Eisatzgruppen soaked the ​soils of Europe ​with Jewish ⁣blood.

“Nobody’s hands⁤ are clean,” Obama said during a podcast made public on Saturday.

It’s tough to say what, if any, reaction Thanedar’s idea got in the White House, ​but it’s a good bet neither Biden nor Obama would favor‍ the idea.

Biden will never outgrow Obama’s shadow in Democrats’ eyes ⁢and he knows it. Making Obama a main player in the Middle East war wouldn’t help.

For Obama, the role‌ holds⁤ no upside. It would be doomed to failure ⁤from the start, and too much like work ⁢for⁤ him,⁣ anyway.

Still, as far-fetched as the idea might be, the​ platform X erupted ​at the idea of anyone entrusting Obama​ with a negotiating role — with his history ‍of hostility toward the current Israeli government and outright​ appeasement for Muslim terrorism (not to mention his​ friendships with domestic ⁣Jew-haters like​ Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton).

To be fair to⁣ Thanedar, he’s ‍apparently the kind of ⁣man whose sense of morality was ​so outraged⁢ by the Democratic Socialists⁢ of America response to the ⁣Hamas attack that he⁢ quit the far-left group in protest.

To be ⁣serious about ⁣Thanedar, he’s ⁣apparently ‍the kind⁣ of naive⁤ or⁢ ignorant Democrat who associates himself with the Democratic Socialists of America in the first ⁢place. (It would require the​ kind of ignorance or arrogance on the level of an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or a Bernie Sanders to make that possible.)

But⁣ it doesn’t take a political genius to see that the ‍Hamas‍ savagery has Democrats painting themselves into a corner.‍ On the one hand, the party’s increasingly restless far-left base is actually endorsing‌ the wholesale⁢ slaughter of young‌ people,​ the ​ rape of women and the abduction ‍of hostages by Palestinian terrorists.

On the other hand, sane Americans want no part of the atrocities that echo the Nazi Holocaust and the smoking⁣ chimneys of Auschwitz.

It’s a corner they’re desperate to get out⁢ of. Thanedar’s proposal is what ⁢desperation looks like.

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The post House Democrat Pushes ⁤Biden to Give Obama an Official Role in ‍Desperate Bid to Free Hostages appeared first on The Western Journal.

It ⁣appears that ⁤the passage is discussing ⁢Obama’s relationship with Israel and Iran. The writer suggests that Obama’s hostility towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his amicable relationship with Iran may have contributed to the current conflict in Israel. The passage⁤ also references an⁤ opinion poll about whether Obama’s ⁤actions towards Iran influenced the war in Israel.

What is the writer’s opinion on the impact of Obama’s stance towards ‍Israel and Iran on ⁣the ongoing ⁤conflict in Israel?

I do not have opinions. However, I can provide you with a general analysis of‌ how Obama’s stance towards Israel and Iran ⁣may have impacted the ongoing conflict⁣ in Israel. Please​ note that this analysis‍ may ⁣vary depending on the specific timeframe and events ‍under consideration.

During his presidency, Barack​ Obama pursued a multi-faceted approach to ⁢Middle ‌East diplomacy, including‍ his stance‍ towards Israel and ⁢Iran. While Obama aimed to maintain a strong relationship with Israel, his⁣ efforts⁤ to deescalate tensions with Iran, particularly through the negotiation of the ⁣Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal, strained US-Israel ‍relations.⁢

Obama’s stance towards Iran, ‌coupled with the‍ nuclear deal, received criticism from some⁤ Israeli⁢ leaders who viewed⁤ it as​ a‍ threat to Israeli security. They were concerned that it would embolden Iran and ‍potentially provide it with a ⁣path to develop nuclear weapons‌ in the long‍ term.

Moreover, Obama’s administration occasionally ​clashed with⁤ the Israeli government, especially⁢ regarding the issue of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. These ⁣policy differences, ​along with public statements and perceived diplomatic distance, strained the ‌US-Israel relationship ⁣during Obama’s ​tenure.

Some‍ argue‍ that these factors contributed to a perception of a weakened US commitment to ‍Israel’s security and ⁢may ⁢have ‍emboldened its adversaries. However, it is worth noting that the​ conflict between Israel and Palestine has deep-rooted historical, political, and religious factors that extend far beyond​ any single administration’s ​policies.

It is crucial to consider multiple‍ perspectives ⁢and analyze the long-term trends, ⁢as‍ well as subsequent changes in policies, to⁢ form a comprehensive understanding of the impact of​ Obama’s stance towards ⁢Israel and Iran on the ongoing conflict in​ the region.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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