Washington Examiner

House Democrats urge Jim Jordan to rescind RFK Jr.’s invitation to weaponization hearing.

House ⁣Democrats Request Disinvitation of Robert ⁤F.⁣ Kennedy Jr. from Social Media Censorship Hearing

Several⁤ House⁣ Democrats,⁢ led by Reps. Debbie‍ Wasserman​ Schultz, Dan ‌Goldman, and Judy Chu,⁢ have⁢ sent ‍a⁣ letter ​to House Select⁢ Subcommittee on‌ the⁢ Weaponization of the Federal ⁣Government Chairman⁢ Jim ⁤Jordan, urging ⁤him to‍ disinvite scheduled⁣ witness⁣ Robert‌ F.⁤ Kennedy Jr. ⁢from ⁢an ‍upcoming hearing ​on ⁤social ⁤media censorship.

According⁣ to the⁢ Democrats, ⁣Kennedy’s ​recent spread of vile⁤ and dangerous antisemitic and⁣ anti-Asian conspiracy theories tarnishes his credibility as⁤ a witness and ⁢should not ‌be ⁢legitimized with ⁢his appearance before the U.S. ‍Congress‌ or ‍given ‍the platform of an⁤ official committee hearing.

The lawmakers specifically ⁣took issue with‌ Kennedy’s insinuation that⁤ Jewish⁢ people ​were ⁣a⁣ different race, comparing​ it⁢ to‍ Hitler’s ⁣tactics during⁣ the Holocaust. They argue that ⁣allowing Kennedy to serve as⁢ a‌ witness would‌ only serve⁤ to legitimize his antisemitic ⁣and anti-Asian views.

On Monday,‍ the ⁣Executive Director of the ⁣Congressional Integrity‍ Project,​ Kyle⁣ Herrig, also wrote ⁣a letter expressing ​concern about Kennedy’s views, ⁢calling them “horrific antisemitic ​and xenophobic.”

Despite the disagreement‌ with Kennedy’s views, Chairman Jordan has stated⁣ that​ he⁢ still plans to⁣ have ⁣him at the hearing, as it focuses ⁣on​ the⁢ issue of censorship ⁤by⁤ Big ​Tech.

Key Points:

  • House Democrats ‌request disinvitation of ⁢Robert F.⁢ Kennedy Jr. from ‌social media⁤ censorship ⁢hearing
  • Kennedy’s recent spread ​of antisemitic and anti-Asian conspiracy theories raises concerns
  • Democrats ⁤argue that Kennedy’s ‍views should not be legitimized‍ in an official⁢ committee hearing
  • Comparison made ​to Hitler’s tactics during ⁢the ‍Holocaust
  • Executive Director of the⁤ Congressional Integrity Project also expresses concern
  • Chairman ‌Jordan plans to have⁣ Kennedy at the hearing despite disagreement

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