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House Democrats Slam FBI Whistleblowers, Republican Investigation as ‘Partisan’

According to Democratic committee staff, FBI whistleblowers testifying before the House Judiciary Committee were merely conspiracy theorists and did not offer any evidence of misconduct at the Department of Justice (FBI) or FBI.

Reps. Jerrold N.Y. and Stacey Plaskett (D.N.Y.), claimed that the Republican-led probe is motivated by partisanship, and is tainted. “disturbing outside influence on the witnesses and, potentially, the Republican members of the Select Subcommittee,” According to a 300-page report Issued March 2.

Nadler is the highest ranking member of this committee. Plaskett serves as the chief member of the Select Subcommittee on The Weaponization of Federal Government.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, chairs these bodies and leads an investigation into how the government treated school board protesters.

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio (Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee), was seen on Capitol Hill in Washington on February 1, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Jordan’s spokesperson for Nadler and Plaskett called Nadler’s actions disappointing. “cherry-picked excerpts” of witness in an effort to attack “brave whistleblowers.”

“These same Democrats vowed to fight our oversight ‘tooth and nail,’ and they are willing to undermine the work of the Congress to achieve their partisan goals,” Russell Dye told The Epoch Times.

“It’s clear that Democrats would rather defend bureaucratic abuses than work collaboratively with Republicans to protect fundamental civil liberties.”

Republicans are speaking to “dozens and dozens” A Capitol Hill staffer said that there was a list of whistleblowers who were involved in the investigation. But, so far, three people have agreed to testify.

“We hope that Democrat leaks do not chill their bravery to speak to Congress about what these whistleblowers see as wrongdoing within the Department of Justice and FBI,” The staffer stated.

In addition, the Democratic report criticized the investigation in an effort to divert attention from 2021’s Capitol riot.

“Nearly all of the Republicans involved in this investigation—the witnesses, some of the members, and certainly their outside operators—are tied together by the attacks of Jan. 6, 2021,” Nadler and Plaskett wrote: “these extremists share a view antithetical to the safety of our republic, and the American public has a right to be concerned.”

The Democratic Report cited evidence that a variety of statements were made via Twitter by witnesses George Hill and George Hill (retired FBI intelligence analyst).

According to the report, Hill referenced the FBI in a tweet dated Nov. 9, 2022. “the Brown Shirt enforcers of the @DNC,” An apparent reference to the ex-paramilitary arm the German Nazi Party. This post was edited to remove the reference.

Democrats also claimed that three of the witnesses did not qualify as whistleblowers because they didn’t speak of violations of law, gross mismanagement or waste of money, abuse of authority or any specific threat to the public’s safety or health.

“Instead, the witnesses presented claims relating to their personal opinions—most of which lacked actual firsthand knowledge of the events or matters at issue,” According to the report, this means that their testimony isn’t legally protected.


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