Washington Examiner

House Democrats are urging the Senate to move forward with President Biden’s border security request.

Democratic Caucus Urges Swift Action on Border‌ Security Bill

The New Democrat Coalition, one of the largest Democratic caucuses in the House, is calling on the Senate to advance a‌ border‌ security bill that aligns with ⁣President Joe Biden’s supplemental request. This request aims to address the pressing issues of illegal immigration and the smuggling of fentanyl at the southern border.

In a letter sent‍ to congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Mike Johnson, the coalition emphasizes the urgency of⁣ passing legislation​ related to border security. This plea comes just a week after President Biden submitted a supplemental request to Congress, seeking additional law enforcement personnel and stronger border security ‌measures.

Border Communities Can’t Wait

Representative Greg Stanton, chairman of the NDC Immigration and Border Security ‍Task Force, expressed the need for immediate action, stating, “Border ⁢communities can’t wait‍ any longer ⁢— they⁢ need the federal ‍government to step up.” He further added, “The President’s request directs unprecedented resources to⁢ secure the border and​ crack down on deadly fentanyl. New Dems stand ready to reach across the aisle to get it done.”

The supplemental request, totaling $13.6 billion, would allocate ⁣funds for‌ various purposes. This includes‌ hiring 1,300 Border Patrol agents, establishing 375 new immigration judge teams, and appointing 1,600 asylum ⁤officers to address the⁤ significant⁤ backlog in immigration courts. Additionally, $1.4 billion would be allocated to the Shelter and Services Program, which⁤ supports local‍ governments‌ and nonprofit organizations providing resources to released immigrants.

Addressing the Fentanyl Crisis

The funding⁣ would⁢ also be used to hire 1,000‍ officers ​dedicated to preventing ⁤the flow of fentanyl​ into the ⁣United States.⁢ The letter highlights the alarming increase of ⁢nearly 200% in ⁢fentanyl- and ⁤opioid-related‌ deaths over the past decade.

A Bipartisan Goal

The​ letter emphasizes that securing the southern border is a ‍bipartisan goal and the shared responsibility of all members of Congress. It urges swift action in bringing this crucial package to a vote in the Senate.

However, it remains uncertain whether Republicans ‍will‍ support the supplemental request. ‌Some GOP lawmakers ​have criticized President Biden for linking border ‌funding with aid packages for Israel and Ukraine. This skepticism could hinder the bill’s chances in the Senate,⁣ where​ Democrats would need bipartisan support to overcome the legislative filibuster.

Republican Demands for⁣ Policy Changes

Several Senate Republicans have stated that they would require ‌stronger policy changes​ from the Biden administration in exchange for their support on‌ the supplemental request. They ⁢argue that simply allocating more funds is not enough and that policy adjustments ‍are necessary to discourage illegal border crossings.

Uncertain Future​ in the Republican-Led House

Even if the ‍bill manages to‌ pass the Senate, its fate in the Republican-led House remains unclear. GOP leaders in the lower chamber are likely to propose changes to the supplemental request that align⁣ more closely with their own border​ security bill. However, President Biden has⁣ threatened to veto any‍ bill that reaches his desk if it⁤ deviates from his administration’s priorities.

What strategies does the‍ coalition propose‍ to effectively prevent the smuggling of fentanyl across the border and ‌save lives from overdose deaths

S the ⁤backlog of asylum⁢ cases. ‍Additionally, the funds would be used to enhance technology and infrastructure at the border, such as the installation of new surveillance systems and the construction​ of additional border​ wall sections ‌where necessary.

The NDC acknowledges that border security is not a ⁣partisan issue but a matter of national security and public safety. They believe ‌that addressing the challenges at the ‌border requires a multi-faceted approach, combining enhanced border security measures with comprehensive immigration reforms.

Furthermore,⁤ the ⁣coalition underlines the critical importance of addressing the issue‌ of fentanyl ⁣smuggling. Fentanyl ‍is a⁤ highly potent synthetic opioid responsible for a significant portion ⁣of overdose deaths in the United⁢ States. The NDC believes that by strengthening border security​ and preventing the ⁣entry of​ illegal drugs,⁣ the lives of countless Americans⁣ can be saved.

In their letter, the NDC‌ also ​offers their willingness to work with both parties towards a bipartisan solution. They recognize the need for compromise and believe‍ that by reaching across the aisle, they can achieve meaningful and effective legislation.

This call for swift ⁤action comes at ‌a time when the ⁢situation at the southern border continues to⁤ worsen. The​ number of apprehensions and illegal ‍crossings has surged in recent ‌months, putting a strain‌ on border enforcement agencies and posing a challenge to public health⁣ and safety.

The New Democrat Coalition’s plea for immediate action ⁢on the border security bill reflects a sense of urgency and a dedication to⁢ finding effective solutions. They ⁢are calling on⁤ their colleagues in Congress to prioritize the security and well-being ⁤of the American people by swiftly advancing legislation that​ aligns with President Biden’s supplemental request.

As the largest​ Democratic⁣ caucus‍ in the House, the NDC’s support for this issue adds significant weight to the urgency of the⁣ situation.⁣ Their​ willingness‌ to collaborate and ​work across party lines demonstrates a commitment to ⁤achieving meaningful and impactful results.

It is⁣ now⁤ up to Congress to heed the call⁣ of⁢ the NDC and take⁢ immediate ‍action on the border security bill. The urgency of the situation demands swift and decisive measures to address the⁤ pressing issues ‍of illegal immigration and fentanyl ⁢smuggling. The American people deserve nothing less than a strong and ‍secure ⁤border.

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