Washington Examiner

House GOP calls for Biden removal from office following debate – Washington Examiner

House⁤ Republicans, led by ⁣Representative⁤ Chip Roy (R-TX), are pushing⁤ for⁣ Vice President Kamala Harris to initiate the⁣ process of removing President‌ Joe Biden from office by invoking the 25th Amendment. This action follows Biden’s‌ performance in a‍ recent debate, which ​they argue has demonstrated his incapacity to fulfill his presidential ​duties. Rep. Roy has officially filed a ⁣resolution that, if​ passed, would require Vice President Harris​ to assemble the president’s Cabinet and activate Section 4 of the 25th Amendment. This would declare President Biden unable to​ execute his office’s responsibilities and ‍install Harris as the acting president.⁣ The timing for⁢ a vote on⁢ the⁣ resolution remains uncertain.

House Republicans are calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Joe Biden from office and take over as acting president following his poor debate performance on Thursday night.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) filed a resolution on Friday that would compel Harris to convene the president’s Cabinet and activate Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to declare Biden “incapable of executing the duties of his office.” In doing so, Harris would then succeed Biden as acting president. 

“I think last night, the American people saw what a lot of us have been seeing, those of us who follow politics closely: The president is just not capable,” Roy said. “I don’t believe that the president that we saw last night is capable of exercising the duties as commander in chief. I think most people, if they’re being honest, would agree.”

It’s not clear when Roy would call for a vote on his resolution, but the Texas Republican said he plans to speak with the House parliamentarian on steps to expedite the process.

Meanwhile, it appears Roy has support from House GOP leaders, with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) telling reporters on Friday that Biden’s Cabinet should begin having conversations about the president’s ability to carry out the remainder of his term. 

“This is an alarming situation. As I mentioned, our adversaries see the weakness in this White House as we all do. I take no pleasure in saying that. I think this is a very dangerous situation,” Johnson said. “I would ask the Cabinet members to search their hearts. … I think they know they have a serious problem. But it’s not just political. It’s not just the Democratic Party. It’s the entire country.”

The 25th Amendment was passed by Congress in 1965 and later ratified by the states in 1967. The measure contains four articles that offer pathways forward in case the president or vice president dies, resigns, becomes incapacitated, or is unable to fulfill their term. 


Roy’s resolution calls on Harris to activate Section 4 of that amendment, as the vice president is the primary starting point for invoking the process. The resolution presses Harris to convene the principal officers of the executive departments in the Cabinet to declare Biden incapable of discharging his presidential duty and “immediately” assume the powers and duties of acting president. 

“If I were in a Cabinet or in the Biden administration right now … I would be having that discussion with my colleagues at the Cabinet level,” Johnson said. “I think many of them think in their heart of hearts, they understand exactly what we do.”

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