House January 6 Committee Alleges Ties Between Trump, ‘Extremist’ Orgs in 7th Hearing

In its seventh hearing on July 12, the House January 6 Committee alleged ties between President Donald Trump and “extremist” right-wing groups.

Much of the evidence centered around testimony provided by former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone.

Cipollone, who was involved in a Dec. 18, 2020, meeting at the White House that included both internal and external legal advisers, met with the January 6 Committee for eight hours on Friday to provide testimony.

In her opening statement, Ranking Member Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said that Cipollone’s testimony “met our expectations.”

In his opening statement, Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) continued committee attacks against the former president, who the commission has said intentionally tried to mount an insurrection against the United States government.

Instead of “[trying] to achieve [his] desired outcome through force or harassment or intimidation,” Thompson said, Trump “seized on the anger he had already stoked among his most loyal supporters” and “summoned a mob to Washington, D.C.” on Jan. 6.

Echoing Thompson, Cheney said that on Jan. 6, Trump “summoned a mob to Washington” by spreading “election lies” that “provoked that mob.”

Cipollone ‘Corroborated Virtually Everything’ in Controversial Hutchinson Testimony

According to the committee, Cipollone “corroborated virtually everything [former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson]” said in her controversial testimony to the January 6 Committee.

In her testimony during a last-minute hearing to the commission, Hutchinson made claims that raised some eyebrows: among these claims, Hutchinson said that in a moment of rage with Attorney General Bill Barr, Trump threw a glass plate against a wall, forcing her and the White House usher to clean ketchup smears off the wall.

Hutchinson also claimed that, angry at not being permitted to attend the Jan. 6 march on the Capitol, Trump attacked a Secret Service agent and lunged to take control of the White House Limousine steering

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