Washington Examiner

House advances motion to remove McCarthy, paving way for historic vote.

The House of Representatives on⁤ the Verge of Historic⁣ Vote to Remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

The House of Representatives has taken ⁤a significant step towards removing House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from⁢ his position, setting the stage for ⁤a momentous vote that ⁣could determine the fate⁤ of the lower chamber’s ​leader. The outcome now rests⁤ in the hands of House Democrats, ⁤who have ⁤the power to either save McCarthy ⁢or allow him‌ to be ousted.

Democrats Face a Crucial Decision on McCarthy’s Speakership

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) ⁣introduced a motion ‍to vacate on Monday, following through on months of threats that began in January when McCarthy was elected speaker. Gaetz‌ has repeatedly ⁣vowed to strip​ McCarthy of his leadership role, claiming that he would have ‌enough support from fellow⁤ Republicans. Now, with the slim majority held by Republicans in the House,⁤ McCarthy can only⁤ afford to lose⁢ five ​GOP votes if ⁤all Democrats ​vote against ⁤him.

During the vote⁤ to table the motion, ‌11 Republicans joined forces with Democrats, resulting in a 208-218 vote against halting the procedure. This fell short of the majority ​needed to stop ⁤the motion, ‌paving the way for⁣ a subsequent ​vote on McCarthy’s ouster. Notably, this marks the ⁢first time in over a century that such a motion has⁤ been considered.

While several​ GOP lawmakers ​have publicly declared their intention to vote against‍ McCarthy, including Reps. Gaetz, Tim Burchett (R-TN), Eli Crane (R-AZ), Bob Good (R-VA), Matt Rosendale (R-MT), and Andy Biggs (R-AZ), the final‌ decision now lies with the Democrats. McCarthy has⁤ made it clear that he will not strike a deal with the opposing party to save his speakership.

Democrats Hold the Key to ​McCarthy’s Future

House Democrats ⁤could ultimately determine whether ⁢McCarthy retains his speakership. ‍However, party members have made it clear that they are not interested in ‍resolving the ‌internal tensions within‍ the ​Republican Party.⁣ Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) stated prior to the vote, ⁢”We’re not here to‍ keep Kevin McCarthy in‍ power. ‍This⁤ is their problem.”

Gaetz⁣ initiated the motion to vacate ⁢after ‍accusing McCarthy of striking a “back deal” with Democrats⁣ to pass a temporary ⁢government funding resolution, which he ⁣believes violates ⁢the ‍speakership agreement brokered in January.⁤ Gaetz emphasized the need for new⁢ leadership that can be trusted.

The motion to vacate has only been utilized twice in the ⁣past century. McCarthy made concessions during the speakership vote, allowing any ⁣lawmaker, regardless of party affiliation, to bring forth a motion to vacate the chair. Previously, a majority of their party’s support was required to advance the ​motion.

With the failure to table ‍the⁣ motion to vacate,‌ the House will now proceed to an hour of debate on the motion itself. Following the debate, a voice⁤ roll ‍call vote will take place, with each member’s name being‌ called in alphabetical order. Members⁤ will stand ⁤up and voice their ⁣vote, similar ⁢to the⁢ speaker’s race in ⁢January.

If ⁣the‍ motion to vacate is successful, a⁤ temporary replacement speaker will⁣ be appointed ⁣from a list ‌of undisclosed names. There may be a motion to adjourn immediately after the vote, ​or members could engage⁤ in another⁢ round of leadership votes to determine the ⁤next nominee. It remains uncertain who the ​GOP defectors plan ⁤to nominate for the​ speakership, leaving open⁣ the possibility of McCarthy seeking reelection.

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What are the potential long-term repercussions and stability within the House of Representatives if McCarthy is ousted and a precedent ​for future speaker elections ​is set

Ith Democrats to save his position, ⁣insisting ⁢that he will fight to ​the end to remain ⁣as speaker.

The decision⁤ facing House ​Democrats is a challenging one. On​ one hand, removing McCarthy from ‌his position would be a significant blow to the Republican‍ Party and potentially​ create further division within their ranks. It could also be seen as a victory for Democrats, who have long ‍criticized McCarthy’s leadership and handling of key issues.

On the other hand, ‌allowing McCarthy to be ousted could have unintended consequences for House Democrats. ‍The Republican Party would likely rally around‍ a new⁤ leader, potentially someone with a more consolidated base of support. This ‌could ⁤make it more difficult for Democrats to advance their legislative agenda and achieve their policy goals.

Furthermore, ⁤if Democrats choose to remove McCarthy, it⁣ could set a precedent for future speaker elections. This may lead to a revolving door of leaders and increased​ instability within the House ⁢of Representatives.

Ultimately, the decision resides in the hands of‍ Speaker⁣ Nancy Pelosi and her caucus.​ Pelosi has not yet publicly⁢ disclosed her position on McCarthy’s removal, but it is rumored that she may see value ⁣in keeping him in his current⁣ position. McCarthy’s leadership has often been criticized by Democrats, who argue that his divisive rhetoric and unwillingness to work across the aisle impedes progress.

The coming days will be critical as House Democrats weigh the pros and cons of removing McCarthy. They must carefully consider the potential short-term gains against the long-term repercussions of their decision. No matter the outcome, this historic vote ⁢will shape the trajectory of the House of⁤ Representatives and potentially redefine the nature of bipartisan cooperation​ within the chamber.

In the end, removing McCarthy would send a clear message that Democrats are​ committed to holding leaders accountable and prioritizing effective ‍governance. Conversely, if McCarthy survives the vote, it could be interpreted as a sign of⁤ strength and resilience for the Republican Party.

The Future of the House Hangs in the Balance

As the House of Representatives stands on the verge of this historic vote, the eyes of ⁣the nation are watching. The outcome will not only impact the fate ​of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy but also shape the future dynamics and functioning of the lower chamber. In a time of increasing‍ political polarization,‍ this decision will speak volumes about the ability of Democrats and Republicans to work together and ⁤lead‍ the ⁢country forward.

Whether McCarthy stays or⁢ goes, one⁢ thing is certain: this vote will go down in history as‍ a pivotal moment in American politics. ​It is a reminder of the fluid nature of ⁣power and the importance‍ of every decision made within the halls‍ of Congress.

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