House Oversight blasts Biden over report that he leans on son for advice – Washington Examiner

The House Oversight Committee criticized President Joe Biden for reportedly seeking ‍advice from his son, Hunter Biden, particularly ⁣regarding ⁤his reelection⁢ campaign. A​ New ‍York Times report described the ⁤behind-the-scenes dynamics ⁣after the president’s ​debate performance, with Hunter Biden​ encouraging him ​to stay in‌ the race despite suggestions to​ the contrary. The ‌House Oversight Committee called attention to Hunter Biden’s controversial past, including​ accusations ‍of‌ profiting from foreign entities and criminal misconduct. The ⁤committee’s response ⁣to the report prompted further investigation and scrutiny.

House Oversight blasts Biden over report he leans on son for advice

The House Oversight Committee slammed President Joe Biden over a report that he leans on Hunter Biden for advice, particularly regarding his reelection campaign.

A New York Times report published Sunday detailed the dynamics behind the scenes after the president’s shaky debate performance, which gave rise to suggestions from some that Joe Biden should be replaced. One of the strongest voices telling him to stay in the race was his controversial son, drawing outrage from the House Oversight Committee.

“To decide his political future, the New York Times is reporting that President Biden is leaning on Hunter Biden for advice,” a post on the committee’s X account read, followed by a detailed “resume.”

“Made millions from China, Russia, and other foreign entities by selling access to Joe Biden … Referred for criminal prosecution for lying to Congress … Charged with tax-related crimes investigated by the IRS … Convicted for lying about drug use on a federal background form when buying a gun in 2018 … Admitted that CCP-linked CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming was a business partner in plea agreement … Used Joe Biden’s status as then-VP to avoid federal investigations,” the post said.

The Washington Examiner reached out to the House Oversight Committee for comment.

The committee posted a screenshot of the outlet’s report that led to the denouncement.


“One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations,” the report said. “Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night.”

Hunter Biden has been a favorite target for Republicans before and during the Biden administration, with his antics resulting in a Congressional investigation that almost led to the president’s impeachment. He was recently convicted for lying on a federal form to obtain a firearm.

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