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House passes defense bill blocking funds for studios censoring for CCP.

An exciting development has occurred in the fight against censorship in Hollywood. A new amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) aims to put an end to film studios censoring their products at the request of China’s communist regime.

The amendment, known as the Stopping Communist Regimes from Engaging in Edits Now Act (SCREEN Act), was included in the House version of the FY24 NDAA. It was introduced by Rep. Mark Green and seeks to prevent the federal government from supporting Hollywood studios that co-produce films with Chinese companies.

Rep. Green explained, “The Chinese Communist Party is exporting its totalitarian censorship to Hollywood, demanding that America’s film industry kowtow to its agenda. That’s why my SCREEN Act is so important, and why I am pleased it passed the House today.”

In addition to prohibiting government assistance to studios that collaborate with the CCP, the SCREEN Act also requires film companies receiving production assistance from the Department of State to disclose any previous films that have been substantially edited by the Chinese Communist Party. It aims to hold studios accountable and ensure transparency.

While the House version of the NDAA has passed, it faces challenges in the Senate due to other amendments. However, the SCREEN Act has brought attention to the issue of CCP censorship and interference in U.S. media.

SCREEN Act Takes Aim at CCP Censorship

The influence of the CCP in Hollywood has become a contentious issue as tensions between the United States and China continue to rise. Taxpayer dollars intended for defense should not be used to support Hollywood productions that frequently censor films for the CCP.

For years, the Pentagon has had a mutually beneficial relationship with Hollywood, allowing movies to be filmed on military bases in exchange for positive portrayals of soldiers. However, the CCP has exploited the allure of the Chinese film market to pressure studios into censoring or altering movies to promote communist values.

In response, the Pentagon has taken a stance against China’s film censorship. They have updated their media production document to declare that they will not work with studios that comply with China’s demands to censor content. Rep. Green’s SCREEN Act builds on this by prohibiting the federal government from funding any project by a studio that censors on behalf of the CCP.

The SCREEN Act is a crucial step in protecting free speech and preserving U.S. values and principles. It sends a clear message that Hollywood should not compromise its integrity for the sake of the Chinese market.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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