The federalist

House Republicans impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas

Homeland Security ⁤Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Impeached for Refusing to​ Secure the⁢ Border

In a⁢ historic vote on Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas became the second presidential cabinet official to be impeached. The House of Representatives voted 214-213 to impeach Mayorkas over the administration’s failure‍ to secure ​the nation’s borders.

Republican House Speaker Mike⁢ Johnson expressed his support for the impeachment, stating, “From his first day in ⁤office, Secretary Mayorkas has⁤ willfully‍ and consistently refused to comply with‌ federal‍ immigration laws, fueling the worst border catastrophe in American history.”

Mayorkas was impeached for “Willful⁤ and Systemic Refusal to Comply⁣ With the Law” and “Breach of the Public Trust.” According to Johnson, Mayorkas has undermined public trust through false statements to Congress, obstructed lawful oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, and violated his oath​ of office.

Lawmakers accused Mayorkas of deliberately undermining the administration’s constitutional obligation to secure the ‌border through initiatives‌ aimed at circumventing U.S. ​immigration laws.‌ The DHS chief has welcomed ⁢unchecked⁤ illegal immigration, expanding parole and implementing the CBP One App,‍ which allows migrant entry with a ⁢scheduled appointment. Since President Biden took office, an estimated 1.7 million ⁣known “gotaways” ​have entered the ​United States unvetted, and over 10 million total illegal immigrants have reportedly flooded the country.

The latest data from‍ U.S. ‌Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals more than 176,000 border encounters​ for January, marking the slowest month of the fiscal year. ‍However, according to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), these numbers are still concerning.

This impeachment vote was the second attempt by ⁣House Republicans, with ‌the first attempt failing last week. However, this time, Republicans were boosted by the return of Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, who voted with⁤ them. The final ‍vote was 214-213, with three Republicans voting against the impeachment.

JUST IN — Mayorkas⁤ has⁣ been impeached by the House of Representatives for refusing to secure the border.

The final ‌vote was a 214-213 vote with Buck, ⁣Gallagher, and McClintock once again being the three Republicans who voted against.

⁤ — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 14, 2024

About the Author

Tristan Justice is the western ‍correspondent for The Federalist and ‌the​ author of​ Social Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture,⁣ health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily ‌Signal. Tristan graduated from George Washington University with a major‌ in political science and a minor in journalism. Follow him on ⁢Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact ⁣him at [email protected]. Sign ​up for Tristan’s email ⁤newsletter here.


⁤ How has Mayorkas’s ​handling of the immigration crisis impacted national security and public safety, according to⁢ Republican lawmakers?

⁤ Ed 1.3 million ‍migrants have been apprehended at the border, with monthly‌ apprehensions reaching the highest numbers in two decades.

The impeachment proceedings were ⁤initiated by ⁣Republican lawmakers who ⁣argue that Mayorkas’s handling of the⁣ immigration crisis ‍has been detrimental⁣ to national security and public safety. They claim that his refusal to enforce immigration laws and secure the border has allowed criminal organizations and drugs to flow into⁤ the ‍country, risking the safety of American citizens.

During the impeachment trial, evidence was presented that showed Mayorkas’s‍ blatant disregard ⁣for the law. He has⁤ repeatedly ignored court orders, refused to⁣ cooperate with law enforcement agencies, and‍ instructed ‌DHS officials to prioritize the release of illegal immigrants instead ⁤of detaining them for deportation.

Critics argue that Mayorkas’s policies have created ⁢an incentive for more migrants to‍ attempt the dangerous journey to the United States, putting lives at‍ risk⁢ and overwhelming border patrol agents. The surge in illegal border ⁤crossings has also strained resources and exacerbated the humanitarian crisis at the border,⁣ with overcrowded detention facilities ⁤and ⁣a backlog of asylum cases.

The impeachment vote comes at a time when the Biden administration’s immigration policies have​ drawn criticism from both sides‌ of the political ⁢aisle. While Democrats advocate⁢ for a more compassionate and inclusive ‍approach ⁣to immigration, Republicans argue that national security and the rule of‍ law must be prioritized.

Mayorkas’s impeachment serves as a warning to ⁢future⁤ officials who may be tempted to ​disregard the law​ and their ‌constitutional duties​ in pursuit of a political agenda. It reaffirms the importance of accountability and upholding the principles⁤ upon which this⁢ nation was founded.

Although ⁤the impeachment‍ of a cabinet official is a rare occurrence,⁤ it highlights the gravity ​of the situation at the border and the urgent need for a comprehensive​ and effective approach ‌to⁤ immigration. It is now up to the Senate to hold a trial and determine whether or not Mayorkas should be removed‍ from office.

Regardless of the outcome, the impeachment proceedings have brought widespread attention to the failures of the Biden administration in securing the border. It⁤ is a reminder ‍that national‍ security‌ should ​always ‍be a top priority, and that the American people‌ deserve officials who will act in​ their best ‌interests.

As the nation grapples​ with the ongoing immigration⁣ crisis, it is crucial that the government takes‍ the necessary steps to address the issue, secure the border, and ‍restore public ​trust. The impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas ‌serves as a significant milestone in this process, holding accountable those who fail‌ to fulfill their ‌responsibilities and ensuring that our borders are properly protected.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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