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House Republicans have successfully included a provision that prevents the Pentagon from funding the ‘disinformation’ industry

House Republicans‍ Take a Stand Against Censorship in⁤ Defense Bill

House Republicans ​have made a​ significant move in⁢ the fight against disinformation by including a provision in the 2024 National⁢ Defense Authorization Act. This provision aims to prevent the Department ‌of​ Defense from contracting with companies like NewsGuard, which engage in censorship of domestic news outlets.

The House Armed ​Services Committee, after negotiations ‍with its Democrat-controlled counterpart in the Senate, agreed to remove several ⁤provisions from its version of the bill. However, the provision​ targeting government funding of censorship technology remained‌ intact in the final legislation. This legislation is‌ expected to be ‍voted on ‌as early as next week.

Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee,​ Rep. Mike⁣ Rogers, expressed his pride in the⁢ provision, ⁤stating, “I am proud that House Republicans successfully fought for a provision in⁤ the FY24 NDAA that ends the far-Left’s attacks on conservative outlets. ⁤We will continue to defend⁤ freedom of speech against ‌the Biden administration’s far-left overreach.”

The NDAA ​is a crucial ⁢annual funding bill for ‍the military ​and often serves as a platform for additional legislation that may not pass on its own. Other provisions that‍ did not make it into the ​final version include ⁢bans on Pentagon⁢ funding for drag shows and “gender-affirming health care” for transgender service members.

This provision⁣ comes at a time when government funding of the censorship ​industry ‌is being ⁢scrutinized. Concerns were raised when the Pentagon awarded $750,000 ‌to NewsGuard to test its technology for defense purposes.⁢ Companies like NewsGuard‍ and the Global⁤ Disinformation Index claim to be fact-checkers but have faced criticism for censoring⁣ conservative⁣ news outlets.

Disinformation companies have openly admitted their goal of diverting advertising dollars away from conservative media sites, such as The ‌Daily ‌Wire, by labeling them⁣ as sources of misinformation. The Global Disinformation Index even includes ⁤The Daily Wire, The Federalist, ⁢and⁣ the New York Post on its list of the top ten⁣ “riskiest” outlets.


The⁢ committee’s provision ensures that the Pentagon cannot use these censorship tools when deciding ⁣how to ​allocate its advertising budget. It ‌requires any‍ entity involved in military recruitment advertising to certify that it does not use​ personal political preferences⁣ or ‌biases in determining where DoD advertisements will⁤ be placed. If NewsGuard or the Global Disinformation​ Index provides such certification and ⁤the‌ DoD still issues a contract to either company, they must explain to Congress why they defied its intent.

It ⁤is important to note‌ that the Pentagon is not the only federal government entity providing ​funding to the censorship industry. The Daily Wire has ⁣taken legal‌ action ⁣against the Biden administration’s⁢ State⁣ Department for‍ its own‌ funding of censorship technologies.

What ​potential effects could the passage of the provision in the 2024 National ⁢Defense Authorization Act ⁢have on the media landscape ​and ‌the diversity of voices

N critical​ race theory⁣ and the teaching of ‌controversial topics in educational institutions, as well⁢ as restrictions on the⁤ use of federal funds for the promotion of abortion.

The inclusion of the provision to prevent the Department‍ of Defense from ⁢contracting with ⁣companies ‍that engage in censorship is seen as ⁣a significant step in the fight against disinformation. Companies ​like NewsGuard, which purport to fact-check news outlets, have been criticized for their biased and subjective approach to determining what ⁢is​ considered “trustworthy” news. This provision aims to ​ensure⁢ that‍ government funding is not used to support or enable ‌such ‍censorship practices.

The negotiations between the House Armed Services Committee and its Democrat-controlled Senate counterpart required compromise, with several‌ provisions being removed from the ‍House‌ version of the bill. However, the provision addressing censorship technology remained intact, demonstrating the commitment of House Republicans⁢ to combatting censorship and defending freedom of ‌speech.

Representative Mike Rogers, the Chairman of the‌ House Armed Services Committee, expressed his pride in the provision⁤ and the stance taken by House Republicans.​ He emphasized ‌the ⁢importance of protecting conservative outlets from attacks and defending freedom of speech against what‍ he​ perceives ‌as far-left⁢ overreach from the Biden administration.

The ​National Defense Authorization Act is a crucial piece of⁢ legislation‌ that provides⁤ annual funding for⁤ the military. It also serves as a platform for addressing additional legislative measures that ‌may⁤ not pass ⁤on ‌their own. While the provision ​targeting censorship technology is a significant achievement, other provisions ‌addressing controversial ⁢topics such‌ as critical race theory and abortion did not make it into the final version of‍ the bill.

The inclusion of the ⁣provision addressing censorship in the defense bill reflects a growing concern over the influence of biased fact-checking organizations and the‌ potential suppression of conservative voices. By ​ensuring that government funds are not used ⁢to support ⁢censorship practices, House Republicans ‌are taking a‍ stand against⁣ disinformation and upholding the principles of freedom of speech.

The upcoming vote on the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act will determine whether this provision becomes law. If passed, it will serve as a strong statement against censorship and a commitment to defending the ‌diversity of voices in the media‍ landscape.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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