
House Speaker Mike Johnson fully supports President Trump.

U.S. Speaker of the ​House Mike Johnson (R-LA) ⁢participates in a‌ ceremonial ⁣swearing in for new Rep. Gabe Amo (D-RI) at the Capitol November 13, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Photo‍ by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

OAN’s Frank Lara-Risco
12:44 ‍PM – Tuesday, November 14, 2023

House Speaker Mike Johnson has affirmed his support for 45th President Donald J. Trump’s 2024 campaign.


During ⁤an⁢ interview on ​Tuesday, Johnson (R-La.) said he already​ has endorsed Trump wholeheartedly and was one of the closest allies he had in Congress.

“I’m all in⁤ for President Trump and I expect​ he will be our nominee,” Johnson stated. “We have to make Biden a ‍one-term ‍president.”

He hailed Trump’s first ⁢term as ⁣‘phenomenal’ ⁤and said‍ the United⁤ States had the greatest economic numbers in the world during the first​ two years of his‍ presidency.

Johnson stressed that Trump is a far superior choice to ‌Biden, especially when⁤ taking into account their contrasting principles and policies.

The‌ speaker also⁤ dismissed the‌ ongoing ⁢criminal cases against the former president. Johnson said that⁤ the lawsuits are motivated by ⁤political⁤ prosecutions and that they are just another‍ way ‌to go after⁢ him.

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How does House Speaker Mike Johnson’s endorsement of President Trump demonstrate his unwavering support, even ⁢in the face of ongoing criminal ⁤cases against the former president

House Speaker Mike Johnson Endorses President Trump for 2024 Campaign

November 14,‍ 2023

House Speaker Mike Johnson has ‌recently expressed his‌ full support for the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and his potential 2024⁣ campaign. In⁤ an interview on Tuesday, Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, ⁢stated that he has already endorsed Trump wholeheartedly and was one of his closest ‌allies​ while in ⁣Congress.

“I’m all in for President Trump and I expect he will be our nominee,” said Johnson. “We have to make Biden a one-term president.” Johnson emphasized his belief that Trump’s first term in office was ‌”phenomenal” and ⁤highlighted the impressive economic numbers⁣ the ‍country experienced during‌ the first two years of his presidency.

According to Johnson, Trump is a far superior choice‍ compared to President Biden, particularly when considering their differing principles and policies. The Speaker praised Trump’s leadership and his commitment to making radical changes. He argued that the American people are currently facing difficulties ​and believe that it ⁤is crucial to address ⁣their concerns.

Despite ongoing criminal cases against the former president, Johnson dismissed them as politically motivated. He believes that these lawsuits are merely another way for Trump’s opponents to go after him. Johnson’s endorsement showcases ⁤his unwavering support for Trump, even in the face of legal challenges.

As the House Speaker, Johnson’s endorsement holds significant weight in the Republican Party.​ His public declaration of support for Trump sends a message to ⁢fellow Republicans and could potentially influence the party’s stance⁤ on the 2024 presidential campaign.

In ⁣conclusion, House Speaker ⁢Mike Johnson’s endorsement of President‍ Donald J. Trump for the 2024 campaign highlights his ‍unwavering support for the former president.⁢ Johnson ‌firmly believes in Trump’s ability to lead and create positive change for the⁢ country. ⁣As the Republican Party prepares for the upcoming‍ election,⁤ Johnson’s endorsement may have far-reaching implications.

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