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House Spending Battle

Congress Faces Critical‍ Challenges: Government Shutdown⁣ and Speaker Selection

The next 40⁢ days will be crucial for Congress as they confront two major obstacles: the looming government​ shutdown and the task of‌ choosing a new speaker of ⁢the House.

Following ⁤the removal of‍ Rep. ⁤Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as speaker on Oct. ⁤3, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), ​chairman of ⁣the influential⁢ House Judiciary Committee, and House‌ Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) have officially thrown their hats into the ring as potential​ successors.

Notably, Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), ​chairman of the Republican Study Committee, ⁢has not ruled‍ out making a ⁤bid for ​speaker himself.

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After the motion⁣ to vacate the chair passed 216–210, with ​eight Republicans joining 208 Democrats voting​ in favor, Mr. McCarthy announced that he wouldn’t​ run ‌for speaker again​ and ​said⁤ he was undecided about whether he would remain in Congress. Rep. Patrick ⁤McHenry (R-N.C.) has ‌been appointed as speaker pro tempore until ⁤a replacement is voted in.

The House is currently in​ recess until Oct. 9. On that evening, Fox⁤ News will‍ televise a ⁢debate between ⁢Mr. Scalise,⁤ Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Hern. The following ⁢day, a candidate forum is scheduled, with the ‍party casting their⁣ choice for speaker on Oct. 11. The date for ⁣the⁣ House floor vote‌ on the⁣ new speaker remains uncertain.

‘Clock’s Ticking’

Members of Congress recognize the urgency of selecting a speaker to ensure the ⁢passage of all 12 appropriations bills. House⁣ rules dictate that legislation cannot be addressed on the House floor without ⁣an appointed speaker pro tempore.

“The House has got to ‌resolve‍ leadership⁤ issues … to‍ actually move⁢ forward,” said Sen.​ James Lankford (R-Okla.), who ‍previously served in the House. “Clock’s ticking.”

Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), another⁤ former House member, expressed concern about​ meeting the deadline for appropriations bills due to the speaker’s fight. He emphasized the importance of​ resolving the issue promptly to avoid sending a negative message to ​the world.

Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), chairman ‍of the Senate ​Armed Services Committee, also acknowledged the impact ⁣of the speaker’s battle on the⁤ appropriations process, citing the limited time available and the ⁣preoccupation of House members ⁢with the speaker’s role‍ and uncertainty.

Senate Majority Leader ⁤Chuck Schumer⁣ (D-N.Y.)⁤ stressed the need for bipartisanship in the selection of ⁢the next speaker,⁤ emphasizing the importance ⁤of cooperation to keep the government open ​and improve the lives of Americans.

Rep.​ Michael⁣ McCaul (R-Texas), chairman ⁢of the House Foreign Affairs⁤ Committee, expressed frustration over the time ⁤lost due to ⁣the speaker’s vacancy, hindering the ⁤passage of appropriations bills and impeding progress for⁣ the nation.

The Candidates for Speaker

Mr. Jordan, a former‌ wrestling ⁢coach ⁢who has been in Congress since 2007, previously ⁢supported Mr.⁤ McCarthy’s bid ​for speaker. However, he now seeks the ⁤gavel and has ​received the endorsement of former President Donald Trump. In a letter‌ to colleagues, Mr. Jordan⁤ emphasized the importance of unity and⁣ fulfilling promises to the American people.

Mr.⁣ Scalise, who⁢ survived a shooting ⁤in 2017,⁢ highlighted the​ House’s accomplishments in areas such as border security and energy. He stressed the need to maintain momentum ​and complete the consideration of all 12 appropriations bills. Mr. Scalise also‌ shared his personal journey‌ and his ​determination to fight for the country.

Meanwhile,​ the Democrats plan to nominate‍ House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) for speaker, ⁣as they ⁢did in the previous rounds.⁤ The​ selection ‌of⁢ the next speaker will be crucial⁢ for working effectively with ‌the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Joseph Lord contributed to this report.

What steps can lawmakers take to prioritize the needs of the American people over political gamesmanship in the selection ⁢of the next speaker of the House and ⁤the‍ budget‌ negotiations

⁤ E said, “The longer it takes to resolve this issue, the more⁢ difficult it becomes to get things done and meet the needs of the ⁣American people.”

The⁢ choice of the next speaker ‌of the House is not the only challenge​ facing Congress. The possibility‍ of a​ government⁣ shutdown looms large as lawmakers struggle to reach an agreement on the federal ‌budget. The current budget expires on December 10, and without a new budget or a continuing resolution, the government will be forced to shut ⁤down.

The debate over the budget has been contentious, ⁣with Democrats and Republicans at odds over key ‌issues such ‍as funding for the ⁢border wall and social programs. The political divide in⁣ Congress has made it difficult to find common ground and⁢ reach a compromise.

Congressional leaders from both parties have been engaged in negotiations, but so far, no agreement ‍has ⁣been‌ reached.⁤ The⁣ potential consequences⁣ of⁢ a government ⁣shutdown are dire, with federal employees facing furloughs ⁣and the suspension ​of critical government services. It also has an impact on the economy, with businesses losing revenue and consumers experiencing ‍disruptions in ‌services.

Time is of the essence, and lawmakers must ⁢work quickly to find a solution to avoid a ⁤government shutdown. The consequences⁢ of⁢ failing to‌ do so⁣ are too ​great, and the American people deserve better. ​The uncertainty and instability caused by a shutdown would only deepen the political divisions and erode public trust in ​Congress.

As Congress grapples with these critical challenges, it is essential for lawmakers⁢ to prioritize the needs of the American people over political gamesmanship. The choice of the next speaker of the House⁤ should be made with the best interest ⁤of the country in⁣ mind, not party politics. Similarly, the budget negotiations should‍ focus on finding common⁢ ground and reaching a compromise that⁤ addresses the nation’s priorities.

It ‌is a⁣ pivotal moment for Congress, ⁢and the decisions made in the coming weeks will shape the future of our nation.‌ The government shutdown and the speaker selection are‍ not just partisan issues; they have real consequences​ for the⁣ American people. It is time for⁢ our elected representatives to put aside their ‌differences and work together for the good of the country.

As Sen. Lankford‌ aptly put it,‌ “Clock’s ticking.” The American people are counting‍ on ‍Congress to find solutions and move‌ our⁢ country forward. It‌ is a test of their leadership and their commitment ⁤to serving the needs of the American people. Let us hope that they rise‌ to ⁢the occasion and meet these critical challenges head-on.

Read More From Original Article Here: House sSpending Fight

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