How A Globalist Drive For A Utopian Super City Is Pushing Dutch Farmers To Protest
The Dutch farmers won’t leave their country.
Last week, two large protests took place in the Netherlands as people voted in their local elections yesterday. One protest was led in part by farmers, fishermen, and their support. Dutch life style, Dutch tradition of success, and Dutch land are at risk.
The second protest was an uncontrolled assembly of human drones, which was fueled in part by the information war. These were the victims of “menticide” The following are the “extinction rebellion” — brainwashed meatbots — from the same information ecosystems that created Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Although the Dutch provincial elections were a positive outcome for farmers, many still believe that the threat to their autonomy remains.
Dutch farmers are facing a severe information attack. They have been accused of causing the death of many people through their farming practices. “stickstoff poisoning,” — nitrogen poisoning. This accusation is so false that it is impossible to discuss its merits. Joost Meerloo (a Dutch psychoanalyst and medical doctor) wrote extensively on menticide in his classic work on brainwashing. “Rape of the Mind,” Published in 1956. Dr. Meerloo is the author of this book. Explained what is currently happening, and how to combat it. Dr. Meerloo advised that we not discuss details when the core of the argument is lies. To discuss the merits and the worthless is to lose.
The argument that nitrogen is a good idea, as presented by Rutte (the Dutch prime minister) and his globalist colleagues, is false. This argument is unworthy of discussion. Instead, they should fix their gaze higher — ad hominem in this case — on the communists and other tyrants who wield the information swords.
The argument is prima facie as false as the accusation that Holland was called. “Holland” This is untrue. Their real goal is total control. The control of the most basic acts of existence, like eating, which words are used, and calling yourself Dutch or American, is their true goal. The Dutch government claims that the name “Holland” The term Holland is no longer appropriate and should be discarded by the Dutch government officials. Yes, the Dutch term Holland has been canceled.
The following is a Recent interviewDr. Jordan Peterson repeatedly and pointedly called this country, The Netherlands, Holland, several times. Dr. Peterson is the only man who understands the power and magnitude of one word. Dr. Peterson is well aware that compelled speech can be considered slavery and lead to spiritual death.
Last year, a crowd of over 100 people gathered outside a venue in the Netherlands to hear Dr. Peterson speak. Due to credible and serious threats, he travels with a security team. Antifa Protestors attempted to intimidate people who would listen to men who study, stand and speak truth.
I have spent months with Antifa in the past — in Portland, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Hong Kong (yes), and Washington D.C. I am familiar with their methods and know how they tirelessly attempt to intimidate.Information war is their most powerful form of warfare.
The Information War is currently spreading throughout the Netherlands “mindscape” This is the real poison. The Dutch government is openly in the grips of a beastly alliance of the WEF and the CCP — The World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party. Klaus Schwab, chair of the WEF has publicly praised Mark Rutte as the Dutch version of Justin Trudeau.
These globalists will need farmland to construct their Utopia. “Tristate City,” It is a megalopolis which includes large parts of Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Peter Savelberg (urban planner) was the brainchild behind this massive blueprint. He recently rejected his plan.It doesn’t change the WEF vision of a human farm, where every movement can be recorded and analysed in real-time by agents such as Chinese.
Tristate City comprises the two busiest European ports: Antwerp (Rotterdam) and Antwerp (Antwerp). China will have its way. Rail infrastructure in Asia The Tristate City will be a jog from the Tristate City to Rotterdam. The Tristate City is poised to be a major Chinese port city.
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WEF/CCP is looking for land. The farmers and strong Dutch spirit are standing in their way. The western WEF members who have been cooperating so closely with CCP will eventually win the fight for the spoils. Stated more plainly — though WEF and CCP are today wedded in unholy marriage, they are destined for bloody divorce.
Why is it so hard to destroy Dutch culture and farmers as well as fishermen? Control is the control of food supply, movement, freedom, association and commerce. Dutch farmers — among the most efficient and responsible in the world — are working in large parts on land that was reclaimed from the sea. These are not primal forests but submerged. Their family trees go back many centuries. They are the original tribespeople. The Frisians and other indigenous peoples in this area, if it were not Europe, might be considered protected.
WATCH: New Dr. Jordan B. Peterson podcast, “Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine, with Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek”
Michael Yon At just 19 years old, he became one of America’s youngest Green Berets. Michael has spent over half of his adult life in foreign countries, or traveled to more than 90 countries. He is America’s most experienced combat correspondent, having written three books in the USA and three in Japan. Follow him on Twitter: @Michael_Yon, and
The opinions expressed in this piece are solely those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect those of The Daily Wire.
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