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How A Little-Known Scientist Cashed In After Helping Fauci Bury Lab-Leak Theory

If Anthony FauciDon’t blame China for its years-long, desperate effort to conceal evidence that the mysterious bat virus originated in China’s bat virus laboratory. Kristian Andersen.

The FBI, Department of Energy, as well as a U.S. Senate inquiry, have all found that COVID (which has so far killed more than 7 million people in the world), likely originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci’s claims that the mystery bat virus originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology are unlikely to be true. They also seem to have discredited Fauci’s claim that it broke out only a few feet from the mysterious lab. This was completely independent of the potentially dangerous research Fauci funded inside.

Andersen, a British-based virologist working at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, suspected a laboratory leak in January 2020 when COVID was just beginning to emerge. Andersen and three of his virology peers had looked at the SARS CoV-2 genome sequence. They suspected it was cooked up in a lab and not a bowl containing bat soup from the Wuhan Food Court.

“Eddie, Bob, Mike and myself all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory,” Fauci was notified by Andersen via email on January 31, 2020.


Andersen mentioned that there was a consensus between Edward C. Holmes of University of Sydney and Robert F. Garry of Tulane University. Michael Farzan is also from Scripps Research. They believed COVID had been engineered at least until a conference call with Fauci a few days later. The subject of which we don’t know much about, however, was confirmed by them. Fauci’s former boss sent a February 2 email. Dr. Francis CollinsWarning that traction could be used to support the laboratory leak theory “the voices of conspiracy will quickly dominate, doing great potential harm to science and international harmony,” Andersen changed his mind – or at least his position.

He was describing claims that the mystery bat virus originated from the mysterious virus lab on February 4, as one of many “crackpot theories” Learn more about COVID’s birth. He died in March that year. A paper was co-published in the journal. Nature Medicine COVID declared was not produced in a laboratory. “purposefully manipulated.” A few months later, Andersen got a $1.88 million research grant Collins’ National Institutes of Health Andrew Huff is the author.

BuzzFeed News made a Freedom of Information Act request more than a full year later and we now know only what Andersen sent to Fauci in his original email. Fauci’s claim that COVID cannot possibly have been created by humans was made credible by Andersen’s abrupt change-of-mind. A claim that the entire team has slavishly repeated. Liberals are pliant social mediaAnd The savage enforcement of this policy is brutally carried out by the “fact-check” industry That team worked to demonetize any website that suggested that the mystery bat virus might have originated in the mysterious bat virus laboratory.

After the embarrassing emails were exposed, Andersen was questioned about his flip-flop. What was the point in him and his colleagues appearing so confident at first only to quickly realize that they were wrong?

It’s all part the scientific process, he stated.

“As I have said many times, we seriously considered a lab leak a possibility,” He tweeted. “However, significant new data, extensive analyses and many discussions led to the conclusions in our paper.”

The Nature Medicine The article concluded that of all the possible locations where a deadly and unpredicted mutation of a batvirus could have occurred, it took place in the shadows of a laboratory that did research on bat viruses but had no connection to the lab. B.S. You might have called B.S. Trump did it at the time.

Kristian Andersen (a British scientist) is the man in the left. He emailed Fauci on 1/31/20 and said that the virus appeared lab-made. Kristian Andersen is the man to the right. This is the Fauci caller who ordered him to declare that it wasn’t laboratory-made. Fauci then gave…

— Mises Caucus (@LPMisesCaucus) March 1, 2023

“Yes, I have,” Trump replied on April 30, 2020, when a Fox News reporter asked him if he had seen evidence COVID leaked from the lab. Trump went on to infuriate the Left by calling COVID the “China virus” and blaming the World Health Organization for allowing Beijing to hide its catastrophic malfeasance.

If Trump said it was a lab leak and Fauci said it wasn’t, you know where Big Media, Fact Check Inc., the late-night woke-jokers, Facebook and pre-Elon Musk Twitter stood. Thanks in part to Sen. Rand Paul, we’ve since learned Fauci’s motivation for fibbing: His agency had almost certainly funded dangerous gain-of-function research on bat viruses in the Wuhan lab through grants to EcoHealth Alliance.

We may never know how clarity about the origin of the virus early on could have changed how scientists, health officials and elected leaders responded to the pandemic. What was always the most plausible and

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