Washington Examiner

Elite Israeli platoon unites against Hamas terrorists in war.

Israeli Soldier Describes Unity and Resilience Amidst Hamas Attacks

An⁤ Israeli soldier recently shared a ⁣remarkable story of how civilians⁤ and soldiers from diverse⁢ backgrounds have come together in a powerful display of ​unity following the devastating Hamas terrorist attacks. Itai Reuveni, a combat medic in the elite Paratroopers Brigade, described the situation as ​”beautiful” and emphasized the shared goal of fighting‍ for Israel’s “existence.”

Reuveni highlighted how Israelis have set aside ​their differences, including political disagreements, to rally ⁤around their love for their country. Despite the staggering loss of ‌life and injuries, the Israeli people have united ​in​ the face of adversity. Over 1,400 Israelis ⁣have tragically ⁣lost their lives, while more than 5,400 have been​ injured. Additionally, it is estimated that over 200 people, including Americans, are being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza,⁤ with at least 33 U.S. citizens losing their lives‍ in connection to the war.

A Turning⁣ Point for Israel

“The best way to look at it is to deeply understand what ​happened that Saturday will be remembered as⁢ one of the biggest breaking points Israel has ever had,” Reuveni explained. “We are still in the vengeance and denial phase. We⁢ see the pictures, the videos,⁤ we read the horrific⁢ stories that I cannot even talk about.”

“But we choose‌ to put that aside ⁣for a moment,​ and just go on⁣ and finish them,” Reuveni said. “For us, it’s about our existence.”

Reuveni’s brigade, known for their motto “Initiate, Lead, Make‌ an Example and Win,” is led by Col. Ami Biton, who was among the first military leaders‌ to meet​ with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu⁤ when the war was declared. The Paratroopers Brigade has a storied history, including their pivotal role in the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

Reuveni also discussed the unique‍ threat posed by Hezbollah in⁣ relation to the 2023 conflict, stating that⁣ they ⁤present a more challenging adversary‌ compared to Hamas. While Israel does not‍ seek escalation in the north,​ they will respond if Hezbollah escalates ⁤attacks, according to Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs ‌Ron​ Dermer.

Unity Amidst Adversity

“Day to day, it’s moving⁣ from being on high alert to being‍ with the guys on the ‍platoon, spending time​ together, and having​ endless coffee, and speaking, talking, laughing, and it’s ⁣a very interesting experience,” Reuveni shared. “In the platoon, there ⁣are people who are⁤ 22 years old.”

Reuveni⁣ highlighted the incredible support from civilians, who have been providing logistical assistance to the military ⁣by offering food, equipment, and even their⁤ homes for soldiers to shower. This unprecedented level of support ⁤has brought⁤ the country together, ⁤blurring the lines between⁢ civilians and soldiers.

Reuveni also mentioned the contributions of the Druze community, an Arab-speaking group that is not Jewish, who have been delivering food from restaurants ‌to⁢ soldiers. He emphasized that there are ⁣non-Jewish soldiers serving alongside their ⁢Jewish counterparts.

Reports have emerged of Israeli​ civilians mailing supplies, including helmets ‌and vests, to​ the IDF. Basic necessities like underwear, toilet paper, food, tents, and beds have also been sent to soldiers from ⁤Expo Tel Aviv International Convention Center, ‍a volunteer facility. Additionally, civilians are volunteering ‌to fund rescue missions​ in southern Israel.

Reuveni’s own ‍family is deeply involved in the ⁣war effort, with his father⁢ volunteering⁢ in⁢ the border police ​and his two brothers serving in ⁣combat ⁤units. He marveled at how, ⁣in times of crisis, all differences and disagreements⁢ are set aside, and a sense of unity prevails.

A Fight for ‍Existence

“We can fight about politics,⁤ or whatever, ⁤but ⁤we ​understand that eventually, when the​ order will come, everyone is one body, everyone is for everyone,”‌ Reuveni emphasized.

Reuveni concluded by stating that ​this war is ultimately about⁢ “the existence of ‍our people.” ⁢Despite the sadness⁣ and anger caused by Hamas’ atrocities, the Israeli people remain​ resilient and strong.

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How have‍ the Israeli ⁣people demonstrated resilience and unity in⁣ the ​face of ‌the Hamas attacks?

Lking about everything except​ the war,” Reuveni explained. “It’s about taking care of each other, supporting‌ one another, and finding strength⁣ in our shared purpose.”

He⁢ described how soldiers and civilians alike have come together to provide support and aid to those affected by the ‍attacks. From‍ organizing fundraisers and⁢ providing meals to offering emotional support and counseling, the​ Israeli people have shown⁤ immense resilience in the face ⁤of tragedy.

Reuveni also ​discussed the role of social media in spreading awareness and rallying ⁤support for Israel.​ He mentioned how platforms like Facebook and Instagram ⁣have‌ become ‍powerful tools in sharing stories of hope and unity amidst‌ the chaos. It has also allowed for ‌communication and connection between soldiers and their loved ones, easing the burden of separation ⁢during these difficult times.

Despite​ the ongoing conflict, Reuveni ⁢expressed hope for a peaceful resolution. He emphasized ‍the importance ​of open ⁢dialogue and understanding between nations, and the need to find a solution that ⁤ensures the safety and security of ‌both Israelis and Palestinians.

In conclusion, Itai Reuveni’s‌ account ⁤of unity and resilience amidst the Hamas ‌attacks offers a⁤ powerful insight into the spirit ‌of​ the Israeli people. Despite the devastating loss and ongoing conflict, they have come together​ in a show of strength and determination. It⁤ serves as a reminder ⁢of the capacity of human beings to unite in the face of adversity, and‌ the continued hope for peace and stability in the region.

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