The bongino report

How George Soros Co-opts the Media and Keeps Criticism Down

George Soros is America’s most dangerous man. The investor intends to remake the country to his liberal image. This includes our foreign policy priorities, and undermining our criminal justice system. This week The Post takes a look at the reach of Soros’ billions. Matt Palumbo is the author of this essay. “The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros,” examines Soros investments in liberal propaganda.

A new report by the Media Research Center has shown connections between billionaire liberal financier George Soros (and 54 other prominent media figures) These include journalists, anchors and columnists as well as editors and news executives.

Some of the most high-profile media figures have revealed connections to Soros. This is often because they sit on boards of organizations that he funds.

  • CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Sits on the Board of the Center for Public Integrity (a non-profit investigative journalism group that is funded by Soros), which critics claim mainly targets Republican fundraisers.
  • NBC’s Lester Holt, Washington Post’s Sally BuzbeeAssociate Press Executive editor Julie Pace, and Reuters Editors-in-Chief Alessandra Galloni They all serve on the board for the Member of Committee to Protect Journalists. It is a Soros-funded group that claims to protect journalists’ rights.

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  • CBS’ Margaret Brennan and CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Serve on the Board of the hugely influential Council on Foreign Relations, an Soros-backed think tank that specializes in U.S. Foreign Policy.
  • NBC’s Chairman Cesar Conde Aspen Institute board member, a Soros-backed think-tank. In recent years they launched a left-leaning commission to combat so-called disinformation, and was implicated in the suppression of The New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story in the recently released Twitter Files.
  • NPR’s President and CEO John Lansing The direct funding Soros provides his publication is a link.
  • PolitiFact Editor In-Chief Angie Dronbic Holan The board of the Soros-backed International Fact-Checking Network has been openly pressing Facebook to censor any misinformation they consider (i.e. Anything that goes against the liberal narrative is censored. “high body” There are many fact-checking organisations that it covers.

Their coverage reflects this. Soros funds the media to promote his radical left agenda. His funding also shields him from criticism.

As Vazquez and Schneider include among their examples: During a PBS segment in 2018, Amanpour had on Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó and used the opportunity to accuse his boss, Prime Minister Viktor Orban, of being “anti-Semitic” for cracking down on the billionaire’s influence in his country.

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As I wrote in my book, “The Man Behind the Curtain,” bogus charges of antisemitism against Soros’ critics Soros-funded outlets are most likely to attack them with this common line of attack.

The Soros-funded ThinkProgress called reports during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings of 2018. Soros was paying people to protest An attack on then President Donald Trump “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory,” Trump of being an accuser “getting in on the anti-Semitic action.”

Soros continues to be a powerful force in the world. This was spending $5 million on the effort to thwart Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer Debra Katz was vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, which has been directly funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

NPR has received more than $2 million from Soros to hire up 100 reporters. When Spanish language broadcaster Radio y Televisión Martí ran a 15-minute segment on the influence of Soros, warning that he has his “eyes on Latin America,” It was branded by NPR “taxpayer funded anti-Semitism against George Soros” (referencing the fact that Radio y Televisión Martí is funded by the U.S. federal government). They also supported the U.S. Agency for Global Media opening an investigation into them.

This “any criticism of Soros is anti-Semitic” The narrative spread naturally to other left-wing publications like the Associated Press and Washington Post, New York Times, etc. Moment Magazine was so ignorant of this kind of accusation that it accused Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Jewish Prime Minister, of antisemitism for criticizing Soros.

Soros was at the top of his media empire during the Trump era. Other research from the MRC found that Soros spent at least $131million between 2016 and 2020 to influence at most 253 journalists and activist media groups in order to promote far-left views about abortion, economics and LGBT ideology. Common strategy is to frame any allegations of Soros misdeeds by outlets reporting on them. “conspiracy theories” People with sinister motives (similarly to the way the media will describe Republicans’ reactions to Democrat misdeeds and failures). “Republicans pouncing” — as if they’re the ones in the wrong). Publications that employ journalists that also serve on Soros-funded boards include the NY Times, LA Times, Baltimore Sun, CNN, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ABC News, the Sacramento Bee, and countless more.

Others will simply downplay any alleged wrongdoing or accept Soros’ counternarrative without question. One such example came back in 2021 when the left-leaning journalism nonprofit ProPublica (which receives just under 2% of its funding from Soros) released a report that used 15 years of confidential IRS records to calculate the effective tax rate that billionaires pay on their fortunes (which was low because unrealized capital gains aren’t taxed).

Between 2016 and 2020, Soros donated $131,000,000 to at most 253 journalism groups and activist media organisations.
Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images

Among the billionaires named was Soros, who didn’t pay a cent of income tax for three years in a row from 2016 to 2018. Although the report includes a lot of criticisms about the other billionaires, Soros is only mentioned briefly. A representative then immediately responds to the criticism with a quote. “Between 2016 and 2018 George Soros lost money on his investments, therefore he did not owe federal income taxes in those years.”

Quick fact-checking reveals that Soros Fund Management received 5% in 2016, 8.9% for 2017, and 0.8% for 2018. ProPublica was not able to challenge this lie. A more likely culprit for Soros’ lack of tax burden (at least in 2017 and 2018) is his transfer of $18 billion of his own wealth to his Open Society Fund. This move ensured that these funds would be protected from the IRS for ever in what one commentator called “the abridgment”. “single biggest tax dodge in U.S. history.”

Soros can deduct up to 20% from the market value of the donation on his personal taxes ($3.6billion). This allows him to carry forward for five year, effectively giving him a double-write-off. He will not have to pay taxes on future income but he can avoid capital gains taxes.

ProPublica was able to address any concerns regarding Soros funding and their coverage by dismissing those fears. “Soros-funded” You can also use it as a “vaguely anti-Semitic epithet meant to connote left-wing bias.”

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