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Newsom leverages DeSantis debate to prep for 2028

California governor fundraising off debate to boost national campaign funds

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Florida Gov. Ron⁢ DeSantis (Getty Images)

The 2024 presidential election is still a year away, ⁢but a group of Democratic governors is ‍already making moves for 2028. Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer has set up a federal fundraising⁣ committee, Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro ⁤is making appearances in New Hampshire, and New Jersey’s Phil Murphy took an unexpected trip to Ukraine.

However, none of these governors ‍have solidified their future presidential ambitions quite like Gavin Newsom. Fresh from a ​visit to Beijing‍ and a nationwide advertising campaign, the California Democrat‌ will face off‍ against 2024 Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis in a debate moderated by Fox ⁢News’s Sean ​Hannity. While DeSantis hopes this debate will help‌ him win over ​Iowa voters before the Jan. 15 caucuses, political experts say Newsom has a ​longer-term goal in ​mind: propelling himself to the forefront of the ⁤2028 race.

Newsom is already using ⁤the debate to⁢ raise ​funds for⁤ his national fundraising committee, which he launched earlier⁢ this year. He has spent a ⁣significant portion of the $4 million raised on Democratic strategists, nationwide advertisements, and visits to Republican⁣ states to boost his national​ profile. This puts him in a strong position to​ enter a presidential race at a moment’s notice.

The ‌debate ⁣comes as Newsom walks a fine line, serving as a surrogate for President Joe Biden in the 2024 race while building his​ national and international profile in what many see ⁣as a shadow campaign. However, his ventures ⁣on the broader stage have ‍cost ⁢him support in his home state, where his approval ratings have hit an all-time low.

“This is likely ⁤as close as Gavin​ Newsom will get to the presidency in 2024,” said Bill Whalen, a research fellow​ with the conservative Hoover ⁤Institution.

According ‌to Democratic⁤ strategists, the debate is a prime opportunity for Newsom to gain ⁣national attention ⁤by going head-to-head with a Republican and standing out from other ambitious Democratic governors like Whitmer and ⁣Shapiro. Whitmer​ has formed a ⁢federal fundraising campaign,‍ while Shapiro spoke at New Hampshire’s Democratic convention in September.

“It’s very smart of Gavin to use DeSantis as a way to catapult ahead of many other Democratic governors,”‍ said Bob Mulholland, a ⁤longtime California Democratic operator who calls ​Newsom the “future” of the party.

A Newsom spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. ‌An aide to DeSantis, speaking anonymously, said the ⁤Florida governor sees the event as a rare opportunity ‌within the GOP⁢ primary to differentiate himself from his Republican opponents.

The DeSantis camp also noted that Newsom could become the Democratic nominee if Biden‍ drops out of his reelection campaign. Biden’s poll numbers have hit new lows, causing panic in the Democratic Party. On the other hand, Newsom, at 56 years old, has positioned himself to enter the race at a moment’s notice with a well-organized fundraising apparatus and a team of ⁤consultants.

Newsom is ‌preparing to focus heavily on the culture war, particularly on the issue of abortion. He recently released a TV ad in‌ Florida and ⁣Washington, D.C., criticizing DeSantis’s 6-week abortion ban. The ad features ⁢a “Wanted” poster with the faces of‌ two women and claims that DeSantis​ will send women and‌ their doctors to jail for getting an abortion. Newsom is using⁣ these ads to raise funds, seeking donations to “help keep them on the air.”

Meanwhile, California Republicans are hoping ⁤DeSantis‌ will attack Newsom over the‍ state’s long-lasting⁣ school closures, the negative impact on children, the​ closure of small businesses during the pandemic, and the rising cost of living, homelessness, ⁣and economic pessimism.

“I think what Gov. DeSantis needs to⁢ do is continue to talk about the facts,” said Jessica Millan ⁢Patterson, chairwoman of ⁢the California Republican Party. “Gavin Newsom will use words like ‘fifth largest economy.’ When you’re⁤ the fifth-largest economy and only 15 percent of Californians can afford a home here, that is a problem.”

What risks does Newsom face in participating in the debate, considering his plummeting approval ratings and criticisms of his handling ‍of the COVID-19 pandemic

Summer Picnic last month, but Newsom’s debate appearance could help ‍him generate more national buzz and establish himself as a leading contender⁣ for the 2028 presidential race.

Furthermore, the debate offers Newsom⁤ a chance to⁤ showcase his leadership skills and policy positions‍ on a ​national ⁣stage. As​ the ⁢governor of California, the largest⁢ and most‌ populous state in the‌ country, Newsom​ has ‍implemented progressive policies⁤ such as universal healthcare, ⁢climate change initiatives, and criminal justice reform. By effectively articulating and defending these policies during the⁤ debate,⁢ Newsom can appeal to the progressive wing of the Democratic party and gain‌ their support for ‌a‌ potential‌ presidential bid.

Additionally, the debate provides ‌an opportunity for Newsom to draw sharp contrasts between ​himself and Ron⁣ DeSantis, who is seen as a ⁢rising star in the Republican party. With his strong stance against COVID-19 restrictions and his conservative policies, DeSantis has garnered a significant following among Republicans. By challenging DeSantis on issues such⁣ as pandemic ⁣response, climate⁢ change, and social justice,⁢ Newsom can position himself as the progressive alternative and attract support from the Democratic base.

However, participating in the debate is not without ⁣risks for Newsom. As ​mentioned earlier, his approval ratings in⁤ California ​have plummeted, and ⁣his handling of the ⁤COVID-19 pandemic⁢ has faced criticism ⁤from both Republicans​ and Democrats. ‌Newsom’s ‌opponents will likely seize on these vulnerabilities and⁢ use them to⁢ attack​ his ⁢credibility and⁣ fitness ⁢for⁢ higher office. Additionally, any missteps or ‌gaffes during the ⁣debate⁣ could be detrimental⁣ to Newsom’s national aspirations.

Despite these ⁣potential‍ pitfalls, ⁢Newsom’s ⁢decision to fundraise off the debate demonstrates his strategic thinking and long-term vision. By​ leveraging his participation​ in the debate to boost his national⁣ campaign funds, Newsom is⁢ solidifying his ​position as a serious contender‌ for ⁣the ‌presidency ⁤in 2028. As the race‍ for the White House heats up, it will ⁣be ⁤interesting to see ⁢how Newsom’s debate‌ performance and fundraising efforts ⁢impact his political future.

In conclusion, California Governor Gavin Newsom is capitalizing⁢ on the‌ upcoming debate⁤ against ​Ron DeSantis to raise funds for his national campaign and position himself as a leading candidate for⁤ the​ 2028 presidential‍ race. By using the debate as a platform​ to showcase his policies, contrast himself with DeSantis, ​and appeal to⁣ the progressive wing of ‌the Democratic party, Newsom aims to gain national attention and support.​ While ‌there ‌are risks involved, Newsom’s strategic approach to the debate demonstrates his ambition and determination to pursue higher office in the future.

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