Huge Mob of Communists Marches Through Major US City, Calls for ‘Class War’

The excerpt discusses⁣ a recent incident where a group of young Communists marched in Philadelphia, ​advocating for “class war.” The event, highlighted by Eyal Yakoby, an American-Israeli student, was criticized as a manifestation of what he perceives as a troubling trend⁤ stemming ⁤from‌ U.S. universities. The marchers displayed the Hammer and ⁣Sickle flags, symbols linked to​ the historical atrocities of ‌Soviet communism, while chanting slogans reminiscent of revolutionary rhetoric.

The article⁢ reflects ⁤on the complex allure of Communist ideals, particularly the appeal to compassion for the poor—an aspect underscored by Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson. He notes that this emotional connection often masks the underlying dangers of communism, ⁣which historically has led to significant loss of life and oppression. The⁣ Revolutionary⁤ Communists of America (RCA), who organized the ​march, are ‍portrayed as⁣ either misguided or malicious, reflecting a deeper issue within contemporary political discourse and educational influences regarding communism and collectivism.

Of all the false gods to which human beings have turned to, the god of secular collectivism has proven most resilient.

In a 21-second clip posted Sunday to the social media platform X, a group of young Communists marched through the streets of Philadelphia calling for “class war.”

Eyal Yakoby, the American-Israeli student who posted the clip, blamed American higher education for the ridiculous scene.

“Communists are currently taking over Philadelphia. These communists are waving the Hammer and Sickle flag, a flag responsible for the Soviet Gulags, the Great Terror, and widespread famine. If you are wondering how this is happening, look no further than US universities,” Yakoby wrote.

The Communists, some of whom appeared well fed, chanted the banal slogans of the cosplaying revolutionary.

“Class war, 2024! Fight the rich, feed the poor!” they chanted like sheep on an Animal Farm.

To crown the absurdity, they carried red flags bearing the hammer and sickle symbol associated with the old Soviet Union.

According to Shore News Network, the march included roughly 500 members of the new Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA), which held its first Congress in Philadelphia.

In that sense, the group represents merely the latest manifestation of a very old and catastrophic impulse.

Communists, of course, have always posed as friends of the poor. In fact, that posture alone has given them their deceptive appeal.

“It’s easy to understand why people are emotionally drawn to the ideals of socialism, let’s say the left, because it draws its fundamental motivational source from a primary compassion,” Canadian psychologist and prominent conservative intellectual Jordan Peterson said in a 2019 interview with the Heritage Foundation.

“That is always there in human beings, and so that proclivity for sensitivity to that political message will never go away. It’s important to understand that. You have to give the devil his due, unfortunately,” Peterson added.

Indeed, the weaponization of compassion has aided tyrannical leftists on many fronts. And it often forces conservatives into a struggle that has deep historical roots.

For instance, most students even in U.S. public schools have heard of the French Revolution. But few have heard of the War in the Vendée (1793-96), a civil war between traditional French Christians on one side and revolutionaries bent on imposing secular collectivism on the other.

With communism in particular, however, compassion for the poor has always functioned as a Trojan Horse. When you wheel that horse to your city’s gates, you discover that it contains not altruistic liberals but bloodthirsty atheists and would-be oligarchs.

In an early poem, Communist philosopher Karl Marx pledged revenge upon God.

Then, Soviet and Chinese Communists in particular spent much of the 20th century making war on God’s creation.

By the time they had finished, Satan’s red warriors had slaughtered nearly 140 million of their own people.

Thus, the 500-plus RCA marchers acted from either ignorance or malice.

Given the state of American higher education, we may assume the former, in which case the march had tragicomic elements.

But the devil deceives, and communism dies hard, so we cannot rule out malevolence.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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