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Hulk Hogan recalls EMTs’ arrival post-frightening Fentanyl incident at his home.

Hulk Hogan​ Recounts Near-Death Experience with Fentanyl

In‌ a recent appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience,”​ professional wrestling legend Hulk ⁣Hogan shared a harrowing story of a near-death⁤ experience caused by a fentanyl overdose.

Hogan’s introduction to opioids came after multiple back surgeries left him with‍ excruciating chronic pain.

“The thing that completely shut me down ​and made me say ‘enough is enough’ was when they‍ started giving me fentanyl,” Hogan revealed.

The powerful painkiller, ⁣prescribed to Hogan in large quantities, quickly proved to be dangerous.

According to Hogan, a doctor had never seen⁤ a patient on such a high dosage of the opioid. Even the ‌pharmacist was astonished,​ saying, “I’ve never ​seen anybody on so‍ much fentanyl and ‍still be alive.”

After the combination of excessive​ drug use and chronic pain caused Hogan’s body to contort, he made ⁢a firm decision ⁣to break free⁢ from the​ grip of these powerful drugs.

“It took a team of EMTs to get me ⁣out of the house. And when I returned, I said, ‘That’s it. I’m done,'” ⁢Hogan recalled.

Determined to rid himself of the drugs, Hogan took a risky approach. He cut time-release opioid patches in half and applied them to his ​legs to manage the​ pain as he began the withdrawal process. However, he quickly removed them after consulting with a doctor.

Although Hogan never intentionally touched fentanyl again, a subsequent painkiller drip led to ⁤him fainting and suffering a dislocated hip and damaged​ knee‍ while ⁢in a split position.

“When I woke up, the EMTs were injecting me with fentanyl,” Hogan said, shocked by the turn of events.

Now, ⁤Hogan manages his chronic ​pain with as little as‌ two ⁣Tylenol pills in​ the morning and two in⁣ the afternoon,‍ if necessary.

It is a sobering reminder⁢ of the dangers of prescription opioids. According to the⁣ Centers for Disease Control, nearly 280,000 Americans lost their ‌lives to prescription opioid overdoses between ‍1999 and 2021.

Several companies involved in manufacturing and‍ prescribing these dangerous painkillers have faced‌ billions of dollars in‍ liability for damages.

In a ‍recent development, the ⁢Supreme Court blocked⁣ a $6 billion settlement that would have granted immunity⁤ to the⁤ pharmaceutical billionaire Sackler‌ family for any lawsuits related to the misuse​ of the opioid Oxycontin.

For Hulk Hogan, ‍his ​frightening encounter‌ with fentanyl serves as a⁤ cautionary tale, highlighting‍ the ‌urgent need for awareness and action in combating the opioid crisis.

Source: Hulk Hogan‌ Describes When EMTs Came to His House⁢ After​ Scary‌ Fentanyl Experience

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