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Hunter Biden faces nine charges of tax evasion

New⁣ Criminal Charges ​Filed Against Hunter Biden

The Department of Justice has recently ⁣filed fresh criminal​ charges against Hunter​ Biden, the son of U.S. President Joe Biden. These charges accuse him of evading $1.4 ‌million in taxes while ⁣indulging in an extravagant lifestyle.

In an indictment filed in U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Hunter Biden, 53, is facing ⁤three felony and six misdemeanor tax offenses. If convicted, ⁣he could potentially face up ​to 17 years in prison. ​The Justice Department has stated that their investigation⁢ into Biden is still ongoing.

“The Defendant ‍engaged‌ in a four-year scheme ​to ‍not ⁤pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed⁣ federal taxes he owed⁢ for⁢ tax years 2016⁣ through 2019,” the indictment read.

It further⁤ revealed that instead of fulfilling his​ tax obligations, he spent exorbitant amounts on “drugs, ​escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels ⁢and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other ‍items of a personal nature.” Shockingly, he even spent⁤ over ⁢$70,000 on drug rehabilitation.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, has claimed that his client has already⁣ repaid his ⁤taxes in full. Lowell accused U.S. Special Counsel David Weiss, who is leading the⁤ investigation,​ of going back on a previous agreement. According to U.S. media reports, Lowell stated, “If Hunter’s last name was anything other than Biden, the​ charges​ in Delaware, and now California, would ⁤not have been brought.”

The White House has chosen not to comment on the matter, and ⁤it remains uncertain when Hunter Biden will appear in court.

Income from Burisma⁢ and‍ Chinese ⁤Private ⁣Equity Fund

The indictment reveals that Hunter Biden⁤ earned​ a substantial ⁤income while serving on the boards of Burisma, a Ukrainian ‌industrial ⁣conglomerate, and a Chinese private equity fund. ‍Prosecutors state that between 2016 and ⁢October 2020, he ⁤received over $7 million in​ total gross income. This⁢ includes nearly $2.3 million from his position on the board of directors ‍of Burisma ‍between 2016 and 2019.

For years, Republican ‌lawmakers have targeted Hunter Biden’s‍ affiliation with Burisma, accusing ⁤him ⁤of leveraging his family name for financial gain overseas.

“The Defendant had a⁢ legal obligation to‌ pay taxes on all ​his ⁣income, including income⁢ earned in Ukraine from his service on Burisma’s Board, fees generated by deal-making with ​the⁣ Chinese private equity fund, as well‌ as​ income derived from ⁣his‍ work as a lawyer and other⁣ sources,” the indictment stated.

In addition to his work with ⁣Burisma, Hunter Biden also‌ had income from his involvement with CEFC China Energy Co Ltd, a ‌Chinese energy conglomerate.

As his income increased,‍ so did his extravagant spending. The indictment reveals that in 2018 alone, Hunter Biden spent over $1.8 million, including⁣ large cash withdrawals, payments to⁣ women,⁣ and lavish expenses ​on clothing and accessories.⁣ Shockingly, none of these⁣ funds were used to pay ⁢his taxes for that ‌year.

In October, ‍Hunter Biden⁣ pleaded not guilty to charges in​ Delaware related⁣ to lying about⁣ his drug​ use while purchasing a handgun. This marked the first‍ criminal prosecution of a sitting U.S. president’s child. The charges​ in⁢ Delaware were‍ brought by U.S. Special Counsel ⁣David​ Weiss, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump.

A proposed plea deal​ in Delaware, which would have required Hunter‍ Biden to​ plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax​ charges for ⁣failing to pay taxes in 2017 and 2018, was⁢ rejected by U.S.‍ District Judge Maryellen Noreika in July. The judge raised‌ concerns about the legality and scope of immunity offered in the agreement, leading to‍ its unraveling.

Former President Donald ⁢Trump‌ criticized ​the proposed plea deal, claiming it amounted‌ to favorable ‍treatment for ⁤the president’s son.

(Reporting by Costas Pitas in Los Angeles and Andrew Goudsward in Washington; Additional reporting by⁣ Jasper Ward in Washington, Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles; Noeleen Walder in New ‌York and ⁣Brad Brooks in Longmont, Colorado; Writing by Brad Brooks; Editing by Eric Beech, Ross‌ Colvin and Edwina‍ Gibbs).

What are the allegations against Hunter Biden regarding his‍ involvement with⁢ Burisma and his financial⁢ activities?

⁤ Dant⁤ misused‍ his family name to‍ gain access to lucrative business opportunities in⁢ Ukraine and ⁢China,⁤ and he ⁤profited immensely from it,” ⁢said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.

It is important⁤ to note that Hunter Biden’s ⁢involvement with Burisma ‌has⁣ been a ⁢point of ​controversy‍ for‌ years. In 2014, he joined ⁢the board‌ of directors of the ‍Ukrainian energy company while⁤ his father, Joe Biden, was serving as Vice President ​of the United States. ⁤Critics have argued that⁣ his position presented‍ a conflict of interest, ⁣as it ‍appeared that‍ he was ⁤using his family connections ‍for personal gain.

The indictment also ​alleges⁢ that Hunter​ Biden was aware of ‍his tax obligations and⁣ made false ⁣statements to conceal his income. He is accused of ‌creating and using sham corporations‌ to avoid reporting income, as well as‌ receiving income⁣ in​ the form of gifts and⁢ loans ⁣to further evade taxes.

Political Implications

These new criminal ‌charges against ​Hunter Biden‌ have political implications, particularly regarding his ‌father, President Joe Biden. Critics argue that it raises questions ‌about‍ the integrity​ and transparency of the Biden‌ family.

President Biden has previously stated‍ that his family would not engage in any business dealings‍ that could create‍ conflicts of⁣ interest. The indictment‌ against Hunter Biden‌ threatens to undermine these claims and fuel ⁢accusations⁣ of⁤ nepotism.

The Justice‌ Department’s investigation into Hunter Biden and the charges against him come at a sensitive ⁢time ⁣for the Biden administration, as it seeks ‌to push its policy ​agenda and‌ regain public trust following the tumultuous⁤ presidency of Donald Trump.

However, it remains to be seen how these ‌charges will ultimately impact the Biden administration and its ability to govern ⁣effectively. It is⁤ important for the legal process to run ‌its course and for all evidence to be thoroughly examined before any conclusions are drawn.

In conclusion, the filing of ⁢new⁤ criminal charges‍ against‍ Hunter Biden marks a significant development in the ongoing investigations ⁢into his financial activities. The charges of tax evasion ‍and his alleged indulgence in an extravagant ⁢lifestyle raise questions about⁣ his integrity and transparency. Furthermore, these ⁣charges have political implications for the Biden administration, potentially undermining its ‍claims of avoiding conflicts of interest. As​ the⁢ legal process unfolds, it is crucial​ to allow for a fair examination of all evidence to determine the truth behind these allegations.

Read More From Original Article Here: Hunter Biden Indicted on Nine Charges of Tax Evasion

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