Washington Examiner

Read the complete IRS whistleblower testimony on Hunter Biden investigation before Oversight hearing.

The House ⁤Oversight Committee to‍ Hear​ Testimony ​from‍ Whistleblowers on ‍Hunter ⁤Biden⁤ Investigation

The ⁣House ​Oversight ⁣Committee‍ is‌ set to⁣ hold a ⁤highly ⁣anticipated hearing on Capitol Hill ‍this Wednesday, ⁤where ⁤two courageous ​whistleblowers will‍ come ⁤forward‌ to ⁢shed light‍ on ⁢alleged‍ misconduct ⁤in the investigation ‍into President⁣ Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

One of ‍the whistleblowers, Gary ​Shapley, an⁣ IRS agent,⁤ has been diligently exposing‍ his allegations​ for over a‍ month. ⁢In his testimony, ​Shapley will‌ reveal how the ​Hunter Biden investigation was mishandled‍ by ‍the Department of Justice and⁤ IRS, among others. ‌He will⁤ boldly ‍assert that ‌”the Hunter​ Biden tax ⁤investigation was very different‌ from any other case in my 14 years at the IRS,” ​suggesting the ⁣existence of‌ a ⁤”two-track justice system‌ depending on ⁣who you​ are ⁢and who you’re connected‍ to.”

Shapley’s ​Prepared Testimony:

⁣ ⁢

“The‍ Hunter ‍Biden tax⁤ investigation was‌ very different ‌from any other case in my 14 years at the ⁣IRS. There seemed to‌ be a⁢ two-track justice ‌system depending on⁤ who you ⁣are ⁢and⁢ who you’re connected to.”

The⁢ second ⁤whistleblower, known as ⁢”Whistleblower X,” will also‍ testify at the hearing.⁤ Their‌ identity ⁤will‍ be revealed ⁢during the proceedings. Whistleblower‍ X will ⁣speak⁣ out against ‍the⁣ erosion of ethical standards and the⁢ abuse of power​ that ‌pose‌ a threat ⁢to⁣ our nation.

Whistleblower X’s Prepared Testimony:

“I have witnessed ‌the corrosion ⁣of⁣ ethical standards and ⁢the⁢ abuse of ⁤power that threaten our nation.”

This hearing ‌comes on the heels of the announcement that Hunter Biden will enter​ a plea deal related to ⁤charges of failing⁣ to pay federal⁢ income tax. The House ⁢Oversight Committee hearing, ‍featuring these two ⁢brave ⁤whistleblowers, ​is ⁤scheduled⁢ to commence‍ at 1 ⁣p.m. on Wednesday.

Click‍ here to⁤ read more ⁢from ​The Washington Examiner.

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