Conservative News Daily

Report: Hunter Biden’s Potential Criminal Activity Linked to Trump’s 2024 Re-Election

Hunter Biden ‍May Flee ‌the Country if Trump is ‍Re-Elected in ​2024:‌ Report

Hunter Biden, ‍the ⁤son⁢ of President Joe Biden, is reportedly expressing concerns to​ close friends and family that he may have to leave ​the⁣ country if former President ⁢Donald Trump ‍is​ elected ‍to a second term​ next year. This⁤ comes as Hunter Biden⁢ faces serious charges, including a nine-count indictment in ⁢California and felony ‌gun charges in ‍Delaware.

According ​to Politico, Hunter Biden is aware that ‍he is​ under intense political scrutiny and fears the consequences if Trump were to⁤ regain the ‌presidency. He⁣ has​ confided in people⁣ close to him about the possibility of fleeing the country in ​such a ‍scenario.

However, it’s important to note that if Hunter⁣ Biden were to ⁢leave the U.S. in an attempt to avoid prosecution, he‌ would be committing a federal crime.

The ⁤recent⁢ indictment against Hunter Biden includes‍ charges⁤ of ⁢felony tax ⁤evasion and filing false tax ⁢returns, along with⁢ several misdemeanor charges related to⁤ failure‍ to ⁤pay taxes. If ⁣convicted, he could face up to 17 years in prison, as stated by the Department of Justice.

Gun Charges and Contempt of Congress

In addition to the tax charges, Hunter Biden is also​ facing gun charges stemming from a handgun‍ purchase he made ​in Delaware in 2018 while using⁤ illegal drugs.‍ A plea deal in the case fell apart earlier this year, and any ⁢travel plans ​he makes must be approved by a probation officer.

Furthermore, Hunter Biden could potentially be ‌held in contempt of Congress for refusing⁣ to testify under oath ‌before‍ the ​House Oversight⁢ Committee. The committee had subpoenaed‍ him as part of ‍an investigation into an‌ alleged influence-peddling scheme involving him and his father.

These legal troubles​ are ‍reportedly taking a toll ‍on President ‍Joe Biden, as his ⁢son’s actions and ⁢potential consequences are‌ under intense scrutiny. Hunter Biden himself‍ has expressed ​concerns about the impact on his father’s⁤ presidency.

In a ⁣recent podcast, Hunter Biden stated, “They’re trying to kill ​me, knowing that‍ it‍ will be​ a pain ‍greater than my father​ could be able ‍to ⁣handle — and so therefore destroying a ‍presidency in that way.”

Will Hunter ⁣Biden flee the country?

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The⁢ post Hunter Biden May Commit Crime if Trump Gets Re-Elected in 2024: Report appeared ‌first ⁤on The Western Journal.

What challenges might Hunter Biden face in⁤ his‌ legal‌ defense due to the influence⁤ and criticism‍ of ‌the​ former President

Offenses. The charges allege ⁢that Biden concealed income from⁢ his foreign‌ business dealings and used shell ‍companies to evade paying taxes.

These legal⁢ troubles ⁣have put Hunter Biden under immense pressure and​ raised questions about his future. With⁣ the possibility of a​ Trump re-election, he believes ⁢that the political environment may become even more ​hostile towards him.

It is not uncommon for‍ individuals facing legal challenges to consider‍ fleeing the country to avoid prosecution. However, such actions are not without‌ consequences. In the case of Hunter⁢ Biden, ‍leaving the U.S.⁤ to escape legal proceedings would be a federal crime. Any attempt to⁣ evade prosecution can ⁣result in further charges and ⁢the loss of any potential leniency or plea deals.

It is also worth noting that the decision to flee the country would reflect poorly on Biden’s credibility and integrity. It would be seen as an admission of guilt and ⁣an attempt to evade responsibility for⁤ his ‌actions. Furthermore, it would ⁣likely lead ⁢to even more negative publicity and damage his⁤ family’s reputation.

Hunter Biden’s⁢ concerns about ⁤a ⁣Trump re-election are not unfounded. The former⁢ President has​ been​ vocal about his criticism of the Biden family, particularly Hunter’s business dealings. Trump’s influence and his base’s support can create a challenging ​atmosphere for Biden’s legal defense.

While concerns‌ about ‍potential political‌ bias ‍and interference in legal proceedings are valid, it ‌is essential to ⁣let the justice system take its course. ‍Hunter Biden, like any other individual, is‍ entitled to ‌due process ⁢and a fair trial. Fleeing the country​ would only further complicate matters and erode public trust in the legal system.

It is crucial‌ for Hunter Biden ⁢and his legal team to focus on building a strong defense​ and presenting compelling evidence ⁢in court. Transparency and cooperation with the legal process will⁤ be key to ensuring a fair outcome. Attempting to escape ‌the‍ consequences of alleged wrongdoing will⁤ only undermine his defense and ⁣credibility.

Regardless of⁢ political affiliations or ⁢personal opinions,​ it is essential‍ to​ respect the legal​ process and allow⁣ it ​to unfold ‌without interference. The justice system exists to ⁣uphold the ‌rule of law and ensure that every⁣ person is held accountable for​ their ​actions. Hunter​ Biden, like any other individual, must face the charges against him and have his day in court.

As the‍ legal proceedings against Hunter ⁤Biden continue, it is crucial to remember the presumption of innocence until proven‍ guilty. Individuals are innocent⁣ until⁤ proven guilty beyond a ‌reasonable doubt in a court ⁤of‍ law.⁤ The media‌ and the public should refrain from making premature judgments and allow the legal process to ‌run ​its ⁤course.

In the end, the outcome of Hunter ⁢Biden’s legal battles will depend on the evidence​ presented and the decisions of the court. It is a⁤ complex and⁣ challenging situation, but one that must be resolved within⁤ the boundaries of the law. Hunter Biden’s alleged concerns about ⁢fleeing the country should serve as a reminder of the importance of due process and ⁢the rule of‌ law in any democratic society.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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