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Report: Hunter Biden’s lawyer allegedly smokes bong during visit with First Son.

Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Lights ‌Up ⁣Bong While First Son Is ⁤over for a Visit: ⁢Report

I understand it’s an epically bad week to be an attorney for ‌Hunter Biden, but Kevin Morris should really be careful where and when⁤ he smokes his bong.

On the same day Republicans‌ on the Senate Oversight⁤ Committee released details of⁤ an FBI⁣ informant interview in ‌which​ their source alleged that the CEO of Ukrainian energy giant ⁤Burisma told him that $10‍ million in bribes were paid to ‍then-board member Hunter and his father, and the day that the New York Post reported the ⁢FBI had ​told Twitter it had authenticated the comments of Hunter Biden’s über-toxic laptop ⁢on the same day⁣ the social media giant ‍censored reporting on it in October of 2020, Morris was spotted taking ‌a huge rip from a smoking device typically associated with marijuana‍ usage while his client‍ was present⁢ in ‍Los Angeles.

“The First Son ​took a trip from his ⁢Malibu⁢ pad ​to the ​Pacific Palisades on Thursday to visit his attorney, after agreeing to plead guilty⁤ to federal tax crimes last month,” the U.K. Daily⁢ Mail reported.​ “While Hunter was at the ⁣house, Morris was snapped on a balcony in plain view of the public street appearing to huff from a white bong.”

The​ paper reported that Hunter was ⁤greeted ⁣outside by an unknown woman in a yellow floral-print dress. Meanwhile, photographers were across the street ⁢waiting‍ to ‍record what went on inside — or in ⁢this case, outside —‍ the house. (Or, as the liberal media likes to‍ put it, “Republicans‌ pounce!“)

The ⁣Daily Mail noted that the pictures “could bring unwanted flashbacks⁤ for the‍ First Son, who photographed and videoed ‌himself using copious amounts of drugs including crack cocaine on weeks-long benders for years, material from⁣ his abandoned laptop‍ shows.

“One ⁤of the criminal charges against Hunter is lying on a​ 2018 federal gun​ form that he was not an illicit drug user, when he admitted in his memoir to being a crack addict.”

It also could​ bring unwanted attention just ‌weeks after ​cocaine was‍ found ​in the White House, leading many to believe ​that Hunter⁤ might‌ be, ahem, off‌ the wagon again.⁣ The‌ Secret Service also ​disclosed that pot was found in the White House twice in 2022. So⁣ not only is it ‍the White House, it’s also⁤ pretty green as well. Thanks, I’ll​ be here‌ all weekend. Try the ‍fish.

While marijuana is legal in Washington, D.C., ‍it cannot be possessed legally on federal land or buildings; you don’t ⁤get⁣ more ⁣federal than the White House.‌ Cocaine, meanwhile, isn’t legal in⁢ any state or ⁢federal territory.

It’s also worth noting​ that, while ‌marijuana is‍ also legal ⁤(and practically a⁢ way of life, it seems) in California,​ it remains a Schedule I ⁣substance at the federal level, meaning it has no accepted medical or recreational use. (Neither⁣ of the past two administrations ‍has even made the pretense of enforcing this on states and jurisdictions ⁣that have legalized the substance, however.)

And, while ⁢it ​might indeed be ⁢legal, it’s probably not a great⁣ look​ for your attorney to be getting ripped on the ⁤same day that Republicans⁤ on the Senate ⁢Oversight Committee released​ the FBI informant document which claims Burisma paid your client and/or his⁢ father $10 million. (Subscribe to The Western Journal to read‍ our full breakdown of ⁣the document in ‍its​ entirety.)

Needless to say, the latest photos gave Twitter users an opportunity to ask about the Biden ⁢family history and/or the White House cocaine:

And there were, apropos given the incident‍ involved a​ man named Hunter with a drug-imbibing attorney, more than ⁤a few “Fear and Loathing ​in Las Vegas”⁢ memes under the tweet:

But there was also the “it’s totally legal!” contingent, ⁢as well:

Let’s leave aside the arguments about its legality at⁢ the federal level (where its Schedule I status is rarely, ​if ever, challenged by authorities who virtually never attempt to intervene‍ at the ‌state or city level) or even the optics of a lawyer apparently getting high at the exact‌ same time his⁤ client faces a raft⁣ of⁣ bad new⁢ publicity emanating from Washington and New York. (One ‍assumes that it’s pot ⁤in the bong; while other substances can ‌indeed be smoked through ⁢a water pipe, it generally isn’t associated with tobacco usage.)

Hunter Biden is supposed to be, by all accounts, sober. Not only ⁢that, he’s supposed to be hanging⁣ around sober people. Keep in mind what he ⁤told The New York ‌Times ⁤in ⁤2020 when the paper asked about​ his new career ‍as an artist; painting, Hunter said,‍ “puts ​my⁤ energy toward something ‌positive”⁤ and “keeps me away from ‍people and ⁢places where I shouldn’t be.”

Kevin Morris isn’t just ​Hunter’s‍ attorney, he’s reportedly loaned⁤ the first son his‍ private ⁢jet⁤ on ⁣occasions and $2.8 million to pay off his tax debts. Hunter ‌was inside​ his ⁣home when he was smoking the bong; not only that, ​the Daily Mail noted that he “arrived in the afternoon in a black SUV, escorted by Secret Service bodyguards and dressed in a blue shirt, jeans and aviator sunglasses favored by both him and his​ father.” ‌Ergo, ⁢the Secret Service was ⁤there along with Hunter as his attorney was likely smoking a‍ Schedule ‌I substance outside his home. (By the by: Good work, men in black!)

The ‍first son is arguably one of the most infamous drug users in the United States ⁢simply by dint of⁢ being the president’s child. Morris is inarguably more well-acquainted with this reputation than the average person — particularly given his client’s recent⁢ plea on a gun charge related to his drug use⁢ — which‌ means Hunter 1) at​ the very⁤ least hasn’t been as‍ assiduous⁢ in “keep[ing] … away from people and ‍places where I shouldn’t be” as he‌ was in 2020, ⁤when the Times ​interviewed‌ him; 2) has a lawyer who isn’t looking out for what’s best⁤ for his client; or 3) both.

And, as Joe Biden faces the biggest scandal of a presidency which has seen no shortage of them, ​it would be ‍helpful if the high-powered attorney representing a wayward son the White House‌ loves to portray as ​ having found⁢ his way home to sobriety could indeed ​stay sober ⁣in that son’s presence. That he can’t resist the temptation of a freshly packed bong on the worst day Hunter has had in a while isn’t a good augury, either, for the first son or how things will unfold for him over the course ⁤of the next few⁢ weeks.

The post⁢ Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Lights Up Bong While First Son‍ Is over for a Visit: Report appeared​ first on The Western Journal.

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