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Bobulinsky testifies that Hunter’s work in China started in 2015 right after VP Biden’s Christmas party

A Decorated Military Veteran Exposes the Truth About Hunter Biden’s Business Dealings ‌with China

In a bombshell testimony released on Friday, decorated military veteran Tony Bobulinski revealed ​that the ‌work with a⁢ Communist Party of China-linked company involving Hunter Biden began while Joe Biden was in power, contradicting claims​ made by Democrats. Bobulinski, who was in business ​with Hunter, testified that soon after he became CEO of a venture in early 2017, Hunter angrily demanded ⁢$20 million for previous work,‌ which would have occurred while Joe Biden was vice president.

Contrary to the⁤ Democrats’ assertion that the work began when Joe Biden was a private citizen, Bobulinski stated, “that’s a lie.” He explained that a third investor, James Gilliar, disclosed an arrangement between the Biden family and the Chinese company in a message sent immediately after ‍attending Joe Biden’s Christmas party in ‍2015. The message stated that the deal would be a great addition to the Bidens’ portfolios.

Bobulinski, who attended the party with Gilliar, connected the dots and realized that Gilliar was referring to the Biden family. Emails ‌further revealed that Hunter was set​ to receive a 20% stake, Joe Biden’s​ brother Jim would receive 10%,⁤ and 10% would be held by “H for the​ big guy,” referring to Joe⁤ Biden. However, when the deal was finalized, Jim’s portion had increased to 20%, with no mention of ‌Joe. Bobulinski found it illogical for Jim to receive⁤ such a large cut‌ when he was not actively involved in the⁢ business.

According to Bobulinski, the Chinese company was supposed⁣ to provide $10 million in start-up cash, which ​would be used to hire bankers to identify ⁤investment opportunities. However, Hunter treated the ⁣start-up cash as his personal “piggy bank.” Bobulinski also revealed that the Bidens and Gilliar were secretive about their history with the Chinese company, but it became evident that it‌ predated Bobulinski’s involvement in 2017.

During a meeting with Chinese officials,⁣ Hunter confronted Director Zang, demanding the $20 million they were owed. This further confirmed that the Bidens had ‍been expecting payment for work done prior ​to 2017. Bobulinski emphasized that this arrangement began in 2015, as‍ corroborated by multiple individuals, including Rob Walker, another investor.

Additional messages showed that⁣ the Chinese business partner was willing to arrange a meeting between their company’s chairman and Vladimir Putin, pending approval from Chinese President Xi. Gilliar even remarked that Hunter’s last name was crucial for their business dealings with the Chinese, highlighting the influence it carried.

Bobulinski testified ​that he and Hunter met‌ with Joe Biden to discuss the CEFC work, as ‍there would be ​no reason for such a meeting if it were unrelated. Hunter introduced Bobulinski to his father, stating that he was helping them with their Chinese business. However, a dispute arose when the Bidens wanted equal voting ‍shares to override Bobulinski, who believed that as CEO, he should have more authority. Hunter messaged that his father‌ had rejected the idea of diluting the Bidens’ voting shares.

Bobulinski​ also ‌revealed that ⁢Joe Biden had met with the chairman of the Chinese company and participated in numerous business calls. Although they did not discuss business details, Bobulinski explained that such displays of power were common in​ high finance, where top operators would meet and leave, ‌signaling⁢ their support for lower-level operators.

Eventually, the Bidens cut Bobulinski out of the ⁢deal by ⁤creating a side agreement and submitting fraudulent documents to a bank. Bobulinski accused Hunter of stealing ⁢proprietary information and reproducing it, ⁣using the same​ serial numbers as the ⁣original documents. He also disclosed that Hunter had informed the Chinese that Joe Biden was demanding direct payment from them.

Bobulinski, a former naval officer ​with the highest security clearance, expressed‌ his concern about the truth being suppressed while Donald Trump faced impeachment for investigating Joe Biden’s involvement in ‌questionable international deals. He revealed that a diplomat named Lincoln Bloomfield, who ⁢played in a band with Secretary of State⁢ Tony Blinken, had been sent to convince the business partners to remain silent before the election.

Bobulinski’s testimony‍ shed light on the efforts made to prevent the truth from emerging.⁢ He ​mentioned that he had shared ⁢his story with the Wall Street Journal before the‍ election, but the article​ quoted Gilliar denying Joe Biden’s involvement. Bobulinski believed that the Bidens​ were worried that ‌the ⁣truth would impact ⁣the election outcome.

During the testimony, Democrats attempted to discredit ⁢Bobulinski for cooperating with Republicans to expose ⁢the truth. ‍They questioned him ⁢about recorded calls, seemingly trying to determine if he had broken any laws. ‌However, ⁣Bobulinski maintained that he had recorded the calls in a state where it was ⁤legal.

Rep. James Comer, the Republican‌ chairman of the Oversight Committee, ​apologized to Bobulinski for ⁢the Democrats’ behavior during the deposition, calling it “pathetic.”

Bobulinski’s testimony has raised serious​ questions about the Biden family’s involvement with China and their business dealings, leaving the American people demanding ‌the truth.

What⁣ evidence does Bobulinski provide regarding the arrangement between the Biden family and the Chinese company?

E networking and ⁤establishing⁢ relationships are crucial. He added that Joe Biden’s involvement was⁤ evident, as‍ he would often reference ⁢discussions he had‌ with his father.

The bombshell testimony provided by Tony Bobulinski sheds light on the truth behind Hunter ⁤Biden’s business dealings with China. Contradicting claims made by Democrats, Bobulinski revealed that the work began while Joe Biden was in power, and not when he was a private⁢ citizen. This revelation undermines the ​Democrats’ defense and⁢ raises ‍serious‍ questions about the integrity‍ and transparency of the Biden family.

Bobulinski’s testimony provided concrete evidence of ‍the arrangement between the Biden family and the Chinese company. The messages disclosed ⁢by​ James Gilliar explicitly mentioned the involvement of the Bidens and touted ‌the deal ⁣as a valuable addition to their portfolios. Emails further revealed the allocation of stakes, with Hunter set to receive 20% and Joe Biden’s brother receiving 10%. The‍ mention of “H for ⁢the big guy” indicated Joe​ Biden’s connection to the deal, although his official involvement was not evident in ‌the finalized agreement.

Furthermore, Bobulinski’s revelations exposed the handling of funds. The Chinese company was supposed to provide ⁤$10 million‍ in start-up cash, but Hunter treated it as his personal “piggy bank.” This ​misuse of​ funds raises concerns about⁣ the Bidens’ ethical conduct and financial ⁤integrity. It is alarming that the Bidens and Gilliar ‍were secretive about their history with the⁣ Chinese company, indicating a lack of ‌transparency and potential conflicts of interest.

The testimony also highlighted the Bidens’ expectation of payment for work done prior to 2017. Hunter demanding the ‍owed $20 million from Chinese officials during a meeting further corroborated this⁤ fact. It is evident⁣ that the Bidens had been involved in business⁣ dealings with⁤ China since 2015, well before Bobulinski’s⁣ involvement.

Bobulinski’s ⁤testimony also shed light on the influence of the Biden name ⁢in their business dealings. The Chinese business ⁤partner’s willingness to arrange a meeting with Vladimir Putin, pending approval from President Xi, clearly indicated the significance of the Biden name in their transactions. ⁣These revelations raise⁣ serious ⁤concerns about​ the potential​ abuse of power and influence that​ could arise from the ‍Biden family’s connections.

Finally, the meeting between Hunter, Bobulinski, and Joe Biden further solidified the link between the Bidens and the Chinese business dealings. Hunter introduced Bobulinski to his father, emphasizing ⁤their involvement ⁢in⁣ the Chinese‌ business. The dispute ​over voting shares highlighted the Bidens’​ desire for control and influence in ​the venture, ⁣ultimately ⁣overriding Bobulinski’s authority as CEO.

The testimonial ⁢evidence provided by Tony Bobulinski presents a compelling case against Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China. The revelation ⁤that ⁢these dealings began while Joe Biden⁢ was in power contradicts the claims made by Democrats, raising serious questions about the integrity and honesty of the potential future⁢ President of⁣ the United States. The evidence suggests ​a lack of transparency, potential conflicts of ⁣interest, and⁣ a willingness ‌to⁤ exploit the Biden name for personal​ gain. The American people ‍deserve‍ to know the truth about these business dealings and make ​an informed decision about ⁣the suitability of ⁢Joe Biden as their leader.

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