Conservative News Daily

Hunters outraged over Biden’s new restrictive rules.

American Hunters and Fishermen Push Back Against Proposed Lead Bullet and Fishing Weight Ban

A group of American hunters and fishermen are voicing their opposition to a proposed rule from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that would ban the use of lead bullets and fishing weights on eight national wildlife refuges within the next two years.

“In this proposed rule, Blackwater, Chincoteague, Eastern Neck, Erie, Great Thicket, Patuxent Research Refuge, Rachel Carson, and Wallops Island NWRs are each proposing a non-lead requirement, which would take effect on September 1, 2026, if we adopt them as part of a final rule,” according to the summary of the proposed rule.

A prominent hunting advocate is particularly concerned about the lack of scientific evidence behind this proposed change in hunting regulations. Lawrence Keane, the senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, argues that the Biden administration is disregarding the need for scientific evidence and is instead promoting an anti-gun and anti-hunting agenda.

“This administration is ignoring its promise to ‘follow the science,’” he said. “In fact, it is ignoring the need for scientific evidence in order to advance an anti-gun and anti-hunting agenda.”

The proposal from Fish and Wildlife claims to be “based on the best available science,” but fails to provide any specific references to the scientific studies it relies on. This lack of transparency raises concerns among hunters and fishermen who believe that any restrictions on lead fishing tackle should be supported by sound scientific evidence.

Furthermore, the proposal states that U.S. Fish and Wildlife aims to expand hunting opportunities and increase access for hunters and anglers, while reducing regulatory burdens. However, critics argue that the ban on lead ammunition contradicts these goals and could actually limit hunting on federal lands.

The Biden administration recently settled a lawsuit with the Center for Biological Diversity, which resulted in a promise to expand the prohibition of lead ammunition in future regulations. This settlement suggests that the administration acknowledges the potential negative impact of lead ammunition on wildlife populations.

The proposed rule is open for public comments until August 22, 2023. Individuals can submit their comments by mail or through the Federal eRulemaking Portal.

Source: The Western Journal

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