Purchased Bible, Slingshot, and Sports Gear. Likely on ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Watchlist

Americans Flagged as Potential Domestic Terrorists for⁣ Innocent Purchases

According to Rep. Jim ⁣Jordan, Americans who shopped at sporting goods stores or​ bought religious books like‌ the Bible were flagged by their banks as potential domestic terrorists. ⁢The ‍federal government even flagged transactions involving the ⁢terms “MAGA” or “Trump.” These innocent Americans were labeled as “violent extremists” without due ⁤process or notification of their constitutional ⁣rights being violated. The government⁢ went as far ‌as requesting surveillance of private payment app messages.

We now know ‍the⁤ federal government flagged terms like “MAGA” and ⁤”TRUMP,” to financial institutions⁢ if Americans completed transactions using those ‌terms. What was also flagged? ⁣If you ‌bought a religious text, like​ a BIBLE, or shopped at⁣ Bass Pro Shop. pic.twitter.com/jjRaVNItWz

– Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) January 17, 2024

It turns out ⁢that simply shopping at popular⁣ sporting goods stores like Cabela’s, Bass‍ Pro Shops, or Dick’s Sporting Goods could lead to being ‍flagged ‌as a “Lone Actor/Homegrown Violent⁣ Extremism” by law enforcement. These ‍retailers, along ​with many others, were listed by a federal financial crime⁣ agency to instruct banks on ⁢how to criminalize innocent Americans based on ‌their religious and political beliefs.

In ‌a letter released by Jordan, he states that the federal government encouraged financial ⁢institutions to scrutinize their⁤ customers’ private transactions for suspicious charges‍ related to protected political and ​religious expression.

As a mother who frequently shops⁢ at sporting goods stores, I never imagined that ​my purchases could ⁣label me as a “domestic terrorist” ​to my bank or the government. I was simply ‌buying legal‍ goods for my⁤ family. The only‍ threat I posed was ⁣to squirrels with my son’s slingshot. We don’t live ‍in communist China, do we?

It’s astonishing how harmless activities by law-abiding citizens like myself are ⁣seen as a threat, while ⁤the actual terrorists⁣ and foreign infiltrators go unchecked. Instead of targeting the ​real ​dangers, it’s easier​ for‌ the government to ⁢go after moms buying hiking boots for their kids. This manipulation of numbers only​ serves to justify giving more power‍ to these power-hungry individuals who‍ target innocent families.

Furthermore, the connection between the‍ government’s search for “MAGA” goods purchasers and President Joe Biden’s claim that they represent an ⁢extremism threatening the republic is concerning.‍ Democrats view peaceful political opposition as terrorism. Dissent from their politics⁣ is ​met with attempts ⁣to criminalize it, as evidenced by the connection‌ they make between Bible-buying and ​political dissent.

This bank ​flagging system supports leftist ​cancel culture and aligns with totalitarian acts seen in other countries like Canada’s⁢ debanking of its citizens or China’s social credit system.⁣ It’s a clear ‌violation of our constitutional rights, but unfortunately, most federal​ agencies​ operate outside ⁣the bounds ​of the Constitution. While congressional hearings and letters are a start, stronger action is needed to hold these agencies ⁢accountable.

In what ways does​ the government’s request for surveillance of private payment app messages invade privacy and violate the Fourth Amendment, affecting Americans’ right to engage in secure conversations without government interference

Based on their purchasing habits. ⁢This is⁣ a clear violation of privacy and a potential infringement on the rights of ⁣American citizens.

The fact that purchasing religious books, such as the Bible, also triggered suspicion is deeply concerning. Religion is a fundamental freedom protected by‌ the Constitution, and individuals should not be targeted or⁣ labeled as potential domestic terrorists ⁢solely based on their religious beliefs or purchases.

Furthermore, the government’s⁤ request for surveillance of private payment app messages is an invasion‍ of ‍privacy ⁣and a ‌violation of the Fourth Amendment. Americans have the right to engage in ⁤private, secure conversations without the fear⁢ of ⁢government monitoring or interference.

The labeling of innocent ⁤Americans as “violent extremists” without due ‌process or notification‌ is a dangerous and alarming practice. It goes ​against⁣ the‌ principles of justice and undermines the very foundation of our democratic society. Every individual is entitled to their ‌constitutional rights, including ⁣the right to a fair and impartial legal process.

In a country that prides itself on freedom and individual liberty, ⁣it ⁣is‍ disheartening to see the federal government engaging in⁢ such behavior. The ⁣targeting and flagging of individuals⁣ based on their innocent ‌purchases or​ use of certain terms is a form of profiling that is both unfair and unjust.

It is ⁢essential⁢ for lawmakers and agencies involved to address this issue ‍immediately. The government should not have ‍the power to flag innocent Americans as potential⁣ domestic terrorists without proper justification and evidence. Safeguards must be⁣ put in place to ensure that individuals’ rights are protected, and that innocent people are ⁤not falsely labeled or targeted.

In conclusion, ⁣the flagging of Americans as potential domestic terrorists based on innocent purchases is a deeply concerning violation⁤ of privacy and ⁢constitutional rights. It is imperative that steps are taken to rectify this ‍situation and protect the rights and freedoms of⁤ all Americans. The government must respect the principles on which this‍ nation​ was founded and ensure that ​innocent individuals ‍are not unfairly targeted or ​labeled.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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