I Must Talk to You About California

The text is ‌a call to action regarding a significant event centered around California, which is⁢ portrayed as a major threat to America. The⁣ author emphasizes the urgent need for a gathering to address the​ issues arising from California’s situation. It is aimed at pastors, business leaders, politicians, and influencers, ‌urging them to come together for a⁣ “massive ⁣impartation of the fire and glory​ of God.” The author believes that despite the challenges faced, ‌there are divine​ solutions available that can revitalize the state and bring about positive change. The text invites participants to ‍a free brunch where ⁣they will receive encouragement and guidance in tackling these ⁣challenges.‍ It stresses ​the importance of collective prayer and collaboration to forge ⁣a path⁤ forward for California.

I must talk to you about California. California is now the greatest threat America has ever seen.

To answer that threat we are sponsoring the most urgent gathering we have ever organized. The scope of this gathering is stunning. We have no choice,

We know what is at stake in California. Time is running out for us to face the threat of California. Hearing from God is no longer a luxury. It is now life and death.

This is no exaggeration. The destructive power of California is why Kamala Harris was chosen. The force that works here can easily take down America.

That is why we are putting everything on the line. I am calling for a gathering.

It is a massive call encompassing the entire state. It is a call to pastors, business owners, politicians, law enforcement, educators, and influencers from the media and entertainment industry.

We have never undertaken such a massive step of faith. We have no choice. s are going out to thousands of pastors, leaders and influencers. We are already flooding social media with this call.

I know it sounds crazy, but this has been a crazy week! God had told me to make a bold statement. He has told me to call as many as possible together to reveal a supernatural solution for California.

I need everyone who is a friend of this ministry to start praying right now for this event.

We are telling all of these pastors and leaders to come together for a huge reason.

Anyone who is trying to be used of God in California is facing unrivaled hostility. It seems that we cannot make any significant headway.

But now there is an answer. In fact there are supernatural solutions. I have the proof.

Let me put it this way. There is no way we should be seeing the results we are seeing as we go up and down California with our tent. Yet, during this flood of evil we have exploded every myth about California being impossible.

Thousands are being born again. Miracles of healing fill our tent. Fires of revival blaze in churches. How can this be happening in such a vicious atmosphere?

But the fact that this is happening is not the real story. The real story is the process that Jesus took me through to receive and implement supernatural solutions.

I need to that process and those solutions!

They are not just for preachers. They’ll bring victory in business, education, law enforcement, and politics. And in any field where God has made you a leader in California.

I am praying for the chance to impart explosive truth and unleash an army of pastors and leaders who can turn the tide in California.

To that end I am inviting pastors and leaders to a free brunch. But it is so much more than a brunch. It will be a massive impartation of the fire and glory of God.

If you do not live in California but you know a pastor or leader there, please this article!

For those of you who are pastors and leaders in California please hear me! You will never regret taking the time to join me for this free brunch. Bring key members of your team.

It is free, but you must register.

Give me the chance to give you real encouragement. Let me pray with you to receive a supernatural infusion of faith, fire, wisdom and direction.

There is a special place at the table for you and your select team. It is free, but you must register. Use the link now to register instantly.

I can’t wait to see you at this historic gathering!

Click here now to register for the brunch.

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