Ian Haworth: Biden The Fascist

Last night, I witnessed the most divisive and incendiary speech from a President of the United States in living memory.

Last night, I witnessed the most divisive and incendiary speech from a President of the United States in living memory, from the worst President of the United States in living memory.

Biden began by referring to the “sacred ground” of “Independence Hall” in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sacred enough to be used by Biden as the background for his speech — lit in dark red and flanked by two United States Marines, sparking so many comparisons to historical and fictional examples of fascism that it was almost too easy to criticize.

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Twitter avatar for @ighaworthIan Haworth @ighaworth

Biden’s speech reminded me of something…I can’t put my finger on it…

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But beyond the optics of the speech — which, don’t get me wrong, were utterly shocking — it was the content of the speech that stunned me.

Biden’s pitch throughout was simple: “equality and democracy are under assault,” and if you are a true patriot, you must rally behind him to defeat the country’s single enemy — so-called “MAGA Republicans.”

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” Biden argued about both a man who hasn’t held any political office since January 20, 2021, and of a Republican party that is the minority in both the House and the Senate.

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.  They do not believe in the rule of law.  They do not recognize the will of the people,” Biden continued, ignoring the fact that he routinely bypasses the rule of law to achieve what he wants, such as “forgiving” student debt without the approval of Congress.

“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love,” Biden added, again ignoring the fact that he was one of the most vocal anti-abortion members of Congress since about five minutes ago, and once described homosexuals in the military as “security risks.”

Then, Biden moved on to perhaps the most shameless and hypocritical segment of his speech: the subject of political violence.

“This is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool,” Biden mumbled. “We do not encourage violence.”

OH REALLY? Months of nationwide Democrat-endorsed riots under the banner of Black Lives Matter and Antifa seem like an obvious counter-example, let alone the fact that Biden’s Vice President fundraised to bail out rioters arrested in the process.

Then, Biden made a comment which is just…historically moronic.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we can’t be … pro-insurrectionist and pro-American.  They’re incompatible.”

Standing on the steps of Independence Hall…arguing that it’s un-American to be pro-insurrectionist. George Washington would have a few thoughts about that.

Then, when the arm-waving and fist-banging was done, Biden performed his usual routine of promising that the country is on the brink of an economic boom thanks to his policies, and to end cancer (something he’s been promising for years), before concluding by repeating his standard speech-ending platitudes, such as “We are the United States of America. The United States of America,” and “Democracy. Thank you.”

Now, throughout, Biden tried to argue that he wasn’t labeling every Republican as a “MAGA Republican,” adding “not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.”

But make no mistake: this speech — the most divisive speech in modern American history — was designed to do one thing, and one thing alone: to paper over the widening cracks of Biden’s failure by inventing a scape-goat which poses such a colossal threat to the nation that no other priorities hold any importance.

And anyone who disagrees with him in any way is part of this scape-goat of “extremism,” another MAGA Republican fascist who must be driven from our society for the sake of democracy itself.

If you’re not with him, you’re against him, and must be defeated.

Who’s the fascist now?

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