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IDF discovers terror device plans on deceased Hamas militant: Report

Israel Uncovers Plans for Chemical Weapons in Hamas Attack

As the memory of the sickening Oct.⁤ 7‍ attacks dims from memory, ⁣and the media inundates the airwaves with ⁢pictures‍ of the destruction in‍ Gaza by‌ Israeli troops, we are seeing more ⁤and more people out on ⁣the streets protesting Israel’s response.

But ​horrendous as the attacks⁤ on Israel were, reports ‍are now emerging that it could have been far worse if the terrorists had their way.

According to an Axios report, the Israeli​ military has found ‍a ‍USB key with⁤ instructions for the​ production of a “cyanide dispersion device” on ⁣the body​ of a Hamas operative who participated in the​ terrorist attack, as per two⁣ Israeli officials ⁣and ​a copy of a classified ⁢cable from The Israeli Foreign Ministry’s weapons⁣ of mass destruction non-proliferation ‌department headlined “Hamas​ intention of using‌ chemical ‌weapons.”

According to ​the cable,‍ these documents show the ‍“intention by Hamas to use chemical‍ weapons as part of its terror attack against civilians” ⁣and⁤ that they want ‌“to conduct attacks in a ‍similar way that ISIS ​tried to do.”

The⁢ cable was sent to diplomats in foreign ministries ⁤with a ⁤request not to ‌use⁣ it ⁤publicly in any way.

According to the New ‍York Post, Israeli President Isaac Herzog said in an interview on Sky‌ News that these ⁣plans ‌come from⁣ a 2003 Al Qaeda design for chemical weapons.

“It’s Al Qaeda material. Official Al Qaeda ⁢ material. ⁤We are dealing with ⁢ISIS, Al‍ Qaeda and Hamas,” he said, adding, “This‌ is‌ how shocking the situation is where we’re looking at the instructions that are given on ‍how to ⁤operate and how ‌to create a kind of ​non-professional chemical weapon with cyanide.”

Meanwhile,⁤ students on college campuses and large⁤ groups ⁤on the streets of New York‍ City,⁢ have been shouting slogans‍ used⁤ by Hamas ⁢like, “From the river to the sea, Palestine ‌will be free,” which, simply put, is⁢ calling⁤ for the eradication of the⁤ State of Israel which⁢ lies between the ⁤river Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea.

It’s​ not enough that Israelis had to⁣ deal with this horror, they are now ​reduced to proving that it actually happened by releasing gruesome footage of dead Israelis in ⁢an attempt ⁢to⁣ prove the truth ​and satisfy the‍ insatiable anti-semitism has raised its ugly⁢ head in the U.S and around the world.

Some of those ‍shouting these slogans may just be ‍carried away by a⁢ desire to join what ‍seems‌ to be the “woke” side of the war.

But‍ for Hamas, the slogan⁢ is an objective, and the eradication ⁣of Israel is a goal.

They​ will‍ continue ⁣to ​work ‌on such horrific weapons and​ they will not stop⁢ until they do what they set out to do —‍ unless⁣ the world stops them first.

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The⁢ post IDF Says It Found Schematics ‌for​ Horrific‌ Terror Device ⁣on Dead Hamas Militant: Report appeared first ‌on The Western Journal.

⁢How‌ does the recent discovery of plans​ for chemical⁣ weapons in Hamas’ possession underscore‌ the seriousness of the threat faced by Israel and ​the international‌ community?

S://” target=”_blank”⁣ rel=”noopener”>other extremist groups,” Herzog said.

The discovery of ⁢these plans for‍ chemical weapons underscores the seriousness⁢ and complexity of the ​threats that‌ Israel ⁤faces from terrorist organizations like Hamas. The ⁢fact that Hamas operatives⁣ were in possession of such instructions is⁤ deeply troubling ​and raises concerns about their intentions for future attacks.

Cyanide is an extremely toxic chemical that can ⁣cause serious harm‍ or even ​death in high doses. Its use as a weapon⁣ of terror is a grave violation of international law and human rights.⁢ The potential consequences of a ‌cyanide dispersion ⁢device being ⁣deployed by terrorists are horrifying to‌ contemplate.

Israel’s ability to uncover‍ and prevent such⁢ attacks is a testament to the effectiveness of its ⁣intelligence and ⁤security​ forces. The discovery of ‌the USB‌ key demonstrates the commitment‍ of Israeli military and intelligence ​personnel ​to ⁣ensuring the safety and security⁤ of the Israeli people.

It is important to⁤ recognize that Israel’s⁢ actions in response⁤ to the⁤ recent terrorist attacks were not unwarranted or disproportionate. ‍The threat posed by ‌Hamas and other terrorist groups is real and significant, and Israel ‍has a duty to ‌protect its citizens⁤ from⁣ harm.

While‍ Israel’s ​response to the attacks may have resulted in civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure in Gaza,‌ it is important to remember that Hamas and other terrorist organizations deliberately operate from densely populated areas, using civilians as⁣ human shields. ⁤This tactic is a clear violation of international law and puts innocent lives at risk.

The international ⁣community must condemn these attempts⁢ by Hamas‌ to⁣ use chemical weapons and​ support Israel in its efforts to‌ combat terrorism. ⁢The threat‍ of chemical attacks is not limited to Israel ​alone. It poses a danger ⁢to the entire international community and‍ requires a unified and coordinated response.

Israel has the right and ⁣the ​responsibility to defend ⁤itself against​ terrorism in all its forms. The discovery of these ​plans for chemical weapons should serve as a wake-up call ⁤to the world about the ongoing threat ⁢posed by extremist groups and the ​need ‍for continued vigilance and ⁣cooperation in combating terrorism.

The Israeli government‌ has already ⁤shared this information with its allies and partners, highlighting⁢ the​ global nature of the threat.‌ It​ is essential that the ‍international community takes⁢ this threat ⁢seriously and takes appropriate measures‍ to prevent the ​use of ⁤chemical weapons ⁣by terrorist organizations.

In conclusion, the recent ⁣discovery‍ of plans for chemical weapons in Hamas’⁢ possession highlights the urgent need for ⁣continued vigilance‌ and cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Israel’s ability to ​uncover and prevent these attacks is commendable ​and ⁤underscores the seriousness of‍ the threat faced by the country and ‌the international ‌community as ‍a whole.​ It is ⁢imperative⁤ that⁢ the international community condemns ⁤these attempts to use⁢ chemical weapons and supports Israel in⁢ its efforts to ⁣combat terrorism and ​ensure the safety and security‍ of‍ its citizens.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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