If Michiganders Re-Elect Whitmer And Pass Prop 3, Kids Aren’t Safe From Sexualization At School
With the Biden administration controlling the Department of Education and Democrats planning to dump millions into public schools to fund social workers and medical and psychiatric services in the upcoming budget, the trans-ing of kids in Michigan will be on the agenda if parents re-elect Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and pass Proposition 3.
The discovery of sexually explicit books in school libraries has awoken apolitical Michigan parents to the significance of their vote at the local school board level. But with the Biden administration controlling the Department of Education until at least 2024, a much more dangerous threat will lurk in the government-run school system if voters re-elect Whitmer and pass Proposition 3: stealth efforts to push transgender ideology on kids and the secret “transitioning” of young boys and girls without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
During the second and final Michigan gubernatorial debate earlier this week, Whitmer made clear that under her administration, public school libraries can continue to stock sexually explicit books. The question arose against the backdrop of hundreds if not thousands of parents in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn demanding that books they described as “pornographic” be removed from the school libraries. To chants of “vote them out,” the outraged parents descended on two school board meetings to protest the sexualizing of their children.
While Republican challenger Tudor Dixon pledged to stand with parents and unequivocally declared that sexually explicit books had no place in the public school system, Whitmer not only rejected the removal of sexually explicit books from school libraries, but the Democrat governor also framed Dixon’s support for parents as a “dangerous” attempt “to wedge communities against one another.”
The only danger, however, is to Whitmer and Democrats’ electoral fortunes as the party’s extremism over the sexes is fracturing the coalition between the far-left and moderates. The debate in Dearborn — the sixth largest city in Michigan — showcases the schism.
Parents in this heavily Arab-American and Muslim community, who vote overwhelmingly Democratic but are now fighting to remove these sexually explicit books from schools, find themselves fighting against the Whitmer-endorsing American Federation of Teachers union, the liberal Democrat Arab-American Muslim mayor, and LGBT activists.
What many Michiganders don’t know, however, is that the presence of sexually explicit books in school libraries represents but one aspect of Whitmer and the Democrats’ efforts to use the schools to sexualize kids and peddle gender-bending ideologies.
Take One Look at Democrats’ Priorities
An expose last month by Christopher Rufo revealed that “the Michigan Department of Education has adopted a radical gender theory program that promotes gender ‘fluidity’ beginning in elementary school and encourages teachers to facilitate the sexual transition of minors without parental consent.” Rufo, who obtained videos and internal documentation of the Michigan public school training program, detailed the materials’ claims “that the West has created a false notion that ‘gender is binary’ in order to oppress racial and sexual minorities.”
“Teachers should know that, in fact, gender is a spectrum,” one presenter taught, “including
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