The federalist

If Republicans Win, They Will Raze Your Home, Steal Your Possessions, Take Your Lives, And Laugh When They Enslave Your Children

Schadenfreude doesn’t normally do it for me, but I have to admit watching people about to lose political power engage in panic-stricken hysterics has a certain appeal.

I’m sure, by now, you’ve heard that the end is near-ish. About a week away. Sure, there were rumblings when we passed net neutrality. Those who survived were then subjected to the fiery lake of burning sulfur known as the Trump tax cuts, which Nancy Pelosi had presciently noted was “armageddon.” “People will die if Trumpcare becomes law,” she warned. And so they did. Millions of Americans perished. Then came the overturning of Roe v. Wade — a decision that “released the whirlwind.”

And here we are at the midterms of 2022, the most momentous election not only in your life but perhaps in the history of mankind; a pivotal event on which not only our democracy hinges, but world freedom.

Last night, the president of the United States, a man whose pathological lying has been ratcheted up to surreal levels lately, gave a cringingly divisive speech. I’m not sure any president has engaged in this brand of willful, transparently toxic partisanship. Biden, quite paradoxically, warned that American “democracy” would survive if the nation functioned under one-party rule. Despite historic early turnouts, the president lied about widespread attacks on voting rights, preemptively engaging in the kind of election denialism he contends is un-American. Biden has probably forgotten that virtually every major Democrat was an “election denialist” not only in 2016 but in 2000, as well.

The president blamed the actions of the mentally ill, drug-addled individual who viciously attacked the husband of Nancy Pelosi on all of MAGAdom — which, according to Democrats, includes everyone who disagrees with their policies, including a pro-life movement that’s been around as long as Biden himself. The president, who has likely engaged in more executive abuse than any post-war president, leads a party that makes no distinction between “democracy” and its own power, treating any deviation, whether it be by the courts or voters, as illegitimate and “undemocratic” — a word that has been sapped of any real meaning.

This kind of hyperbole isn’t only found in the rantings of hair-brained Twitter celebrities or the desperate, last-ditch campaigning of a cognitively deteriorating president. Erstwhile historian Michael Beschloss, a man who imparts his alleged wisdom on the president, warned that the nation was “six days away” from a new GOP dictatorship in which innocent children were at risk of being “arrested and conceivably killed.” This is not the first time Beschloss has dropped insane hyperbole, not long ago claiming “that we are all in existential danger of having our democracy and democracies around the world destroyed,” and it surely won’t be the last.

Sunny Hostin, a cohost of the most popular daytime television show in the country, claimed that white suburban women who backed the GOP were “like roaches voting for Raid.” Hostin is a historical illiterate, perhaps, but surely even she understands that comparing people to bugs

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