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Illegal alien fist-bumps border patrol agent after cutting through border wire.

Was it a fist​ bump or a punch in the gut?

That depends on​ which side of the illegal immigration debate the⁢ viewer⁣ is on while watching a video captured by​ the Daily Caller ‍on‍ Thursday.

The​ clip ⁣began moments after a U.S. Border Patrol agent reportedly cut a razor wire barrier to let several illegal migrants cross the southern border into Texas.

One⁣ illegal alien showed his gratitude⁢ by fist-bumping the agent, who stood aside to ⁢let more unvetted newcomers into a state — and a nation — in the throes of a humanitarian crisis.

The wire, installed in Eagle Pass, Texas, was ​part of GOP Gov. Greg ‌Abbott’s last-ditch effort to stop the flow of illegal migrants as ​President Joe Biden’s administration does nothing about it.

Mark Morgan, former acting Customs and Border Protection commissioner, was quick to defend the Border Patrol agents whom he claims are simply doing as they’re told.

”I want to‌ be crystal clear — what’s happening is not the fault of the men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol,” Morgan told the Daily Caller.

“They have been thrust into an⁤ untenable no-win chaotic ⁣situation. Place blame for the lawlessness ⁤at our borders ⁤where it belongs⁣ — the Biden Administration,” he added.

“If you want to stop the invasion of people, drugs, criminals, and national‌ security threats pouring across our borders, President ⁣Biden could do so tomorrow with a stroke of a pen!” Morgan continued.

“We must not fall into​ their trap to allow the scapegoating of the Border Patrol.”

Biden is certainly to blame on the whole, but why are ‍the people who are supposed to be enforcing the law flouting it?

A CBP spokesman told ⁤ Reuters that Border Patrol may take down or move whatever barriers are ⁣put up at the border if they believe it’s ​necessary to apprehend illegal migrants.

Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens ⁢also stated that agents have a duty to act if ‌they see illegal immigrants in harm’s way, which lends another possible explanation — or, more precisely, ⁢excuse — for becoming their accomplices.

“If they ⁣start getting swept away by the​ currents, if they start succumbing to the ⁢environment, ⁢the extreme temperatures, the humidity, … and my men and women see that, they are not going to let somebody die or get into harm’s way,” Owens said Tuesday from Eagle Pass.

However, the ‍Daily Caller’s clip didn’t seem to show anyone in ‍distress, nor was ⁢there a life in danger when a Fox News livestream caught National ⁤Guardsmen positioning a ladder to help⁢ illegal migrants scale a structure to⁣ get into the U.S.

Instead, it’s becoming‍ apparent​ that record illegal immigration is the goal rather than a failure of border enforcement at every ‌level.

It’s true that the men and women⁤ of‌ the Border Patrol have a difficult tightrope to walk between securing the border and keeping the people trying to ⁢enter illegally from getting injured or dying.

Perhaps it’s too difficult to tell ⁢these people to reverse course through dangerous terrain​ to return‌ to destitute nations like Venezuela.

However, this border patrol agent after cutting through border wire.”>agent casually helping people break the law while the American people foot the ​bill for them ‌is a bridge too far.

This was not just a fist‌ bump — it was a punch in the gut to every man, woman, and child who will suffer the consequences of his actions.

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Have unintended consequences and pose significant⁣ challenges for⁤ border security and immigration enforcement. This ⁢raises the question of whether the goal of record immigration⁢ is being achieved​ or ⁢if it is exacerbating the border crisis and straining resources

Title:⁢ Was it a Fist Bump or a Punch in the Gut?


A ⁣recent video captured by the Daily Caller has once again brought the issue of illegal immigration ⁤to the⁤ forefront. The footage shows a U.S. Border Patrol agent⁢ allegedly cutting ‍a razor wire barrier to allow several illegal⁣ migrants to ​cross the southern ⁤border into Texas.⁢ The‍ response to this act has been divided, with some interpreting it as a sign of cooperation and gratitude, while others view it as a betrayal of duty and a disregard for the law. ⁤This article delves into the ⁢controversy surrounding the incident and explores the implications of such actions.

The Border Crisis:

The wire barrier that was cut by the Border Patrol agent was⁢ installed in‌ Eagle Pass, Texas, as part of GOP Gov. Greg Abbott’s ⁣efforts to stem ⁣the flow of ​illegal migrants. With the Biden administration seemingly inactive on ⁢this issue, the crisis at‍ the border has worsened, leading to a strained situation. Mark Morgan, ‍former acting Customs and Border Protection commissioner, defended the Border Patrol agents, ⁤asserting that they ⁢are merely following orders and that⁣ the blame lies with the Biden administration.

Enforcement ‍or Accompaniments:

The actions of the Border Patrol⁤ agent have raised questions regarding the​ enforcement of⁣ immigration laws and the⁢ role of agents⁢ in determining⁤ when and how to intervene. While a CBP spokesman stated that Border ​Patrol may remove or relocate barriers if necessary to apprehend illegal migrants, Border Patrol‌ Chief ‍Jason Owens explained that agents have a duty to act if they ‌believe that individuals⁣ are in immediate danger. ‍However, the video footage did not depict any distress or imminent ⁢threat.

The Goal of Record Immigration:

From ‍recent incidents and reports,‍ it is becoming evident that the record-high ⁣levels of ‌illegal ‍immigration may

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