Illegal Immigrant Stole U.S. Citizen’s Identity, Voted in 2016 and 2020 Elections: Law Enforcement

According to a recent press release from the ⁤United States Attorney’s ⁤Office in Alabama, Angelica Maria Francisco, a 42-year-old illegal immigrant, was charged for falsely assuming a U.S. citizen’s identity since 2011. Over 13 years, she allegedly traveled between the United States and Guatemala and participated in several elections,​ including the Alabama election in 2016 and‍ others in 2016 ​and 2020. Francisco reportedly used⁣ multiple illegally obtained passports during this time.

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen praised ‍the authorities⁢ for their efforts in capturing⁤ Francisco and emphasized the need‌ to address illegal voting comprehensively. The case involves nine federal counts, including voter fraud and aggravated identity theft, and a plea agreement ⁢has been filed.⁣

Amid rising concerns over ⁤illegal voting, especially among conservative voters, Allen and other Republicans are advocating for ⁣stricter‍ voter eligibility⁤ measures, linking concerns over‌ election integrity‌ to‌ broader immigration policy changes. The situation raises questions about the potential impact of illegal voting on future elections in the U.S., particularly with the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

According to a press release d Thursday by the United States Attorney’s Office in the Northern District of Alabama, an illegal immigrant has been charged with falsely assuming a U.S. citizen’s identity in 2011. She then used it to travel back-and-forth to her native country of Guatemala and to vote in numerous elections.

This includes an Alabama election in 2016 as well as both primary and general elections in 2016 and 2020. Wasn’t it the Democrats who insisted this never happened?

Apparently, they were wrong. 42 year-old Angelica Maria Francisco of Russellville, Alabama, is alleged living proof.

Francisco, who obtained multiple passports illegally, did so over the course of 13 years. It took that long for the woman to be caught.

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen, a Republican, commended the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service and U.S. Attorney’s Office in Northern Alabama for doing their jobs. This particular travesty of justice is high on Allen’s list of wrongs that need to be permanently and expeditiously righted in his state and the nation overall.

Allen’s statement as reported by Fox News made his gratitude, views, and intentions clear: “I want to thank the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Northern District of Alabama for their diligent efforts investigating and charging this individual. We will continue to assist law enforcement in every way possible as they prosecute individuals who vote illegally in Alabama elections to the fullest extent of the law.”

No doubt, plenty of right-leaning voters agree. It begs to ask the question, however, “How many other illegals are running wild among us, voting freely in our elections, and handing politicians false victories?”

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of Northern Alabama’s press release, “DSS investigated the case, with assistance from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, the East Metro Area Crime Center, and the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office. Assistant U.S. Attorney Brett A. Janich is prosecuting the case.”

The release continues that a plea agreement has been filed, whereby, Francisco plans to plead guilty to false claims made specific to voting, false statements regarding citizenship and passport acquisition, and aggravated identity theft.

There are nine counts in total filed at the federal court level. A date to enter that Francisco’s plea is currently being set.

As President Biden made it that much easier for illegal immigrants to access a path and the means to commit voter fraud through the signing of Executive Order 14019 in 2021 and the establishment of the National Voter Registration Act in 1993, Republicans like Allen are fighting back. Their current vehicle is the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, also called SAVE.

Republican Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah are working to attach the SAVE Act to a spending bill designed to avoid a total government shutdown at the end of the fiscal year.

America-first Republicans are trying to make this an ultimatum for Democrats.

As South Carolina GOP Rep. Ralph Norman said in a statement on Friday, as reported by Fox News, “The Senate can either ensure only eligible American citizens are voting in our elections – or shut down the government. To me, it’s a no-brainer.”

As concern among conservative voters over how many illegal immigrants are now living within U.S. borders continues to grow, there is equal concern over how many of them came here specifically to vote blue. Whether the number of illegals is 11 million or 72 million, if Francisco’s behavior is representative of even a small portion of them, the upcoming 2024 presidential election is in jeopardy.

(Even if Francisco and other of her ilk were to vote Republican — as if — illegal immigrants have no place voting in local elections. Period.)

This is especially true given how close the election appears. Voter rolls are a mess. And electronic voting has proven to be questionable at best.

Without the proper measures in place, cheating will find its way in through the back door and our southern border. Democrats know this.

And, it seems, in their insistence that U.S. elections are secure, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, they are counting on it in 2024 presidential election. How else will they ever beat Trump?

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