Illegal Immigrant Who Was Deported Under Trump Arrested for Allegedly Stabbing 14-Year-Old Girl

A recent Labor Day incident in Indiana has brought attention to crimes associated with illegal immigrants in the U.S. A ⁢26-year-old Honduran man, Dimas Gabriel Yanez, who had been‍ deported in 2018, was ​arrested after allegedly stabbing a ‍14-year-old ‍girl during a baseball game. The attack occurred while she was watching her brother play, and when⁤ her mother intervened,‍ Yanez attempted to stab her ‌as well. Fortunately, the girl suffered only minor‌ injuries and was treated⁤ at a ⁣hospital.

The local⁤ sheriff’s office indicated that Yanez might⁢ have been involved in criminal activities since re-entering the U.S. illegally, especially during the increase in illegal immigration ⁣following changes ‌in border policy under the Biden administration. This incident has reignited discussions about the perceived dangers of illegal immigration and systemic issues related to border security, contrasting sharply with the previous administration’s ⁤focus on stricter immigration enforcement. Critics ​argue that such crimes highlight failures in current immigration policies, leading to potential ramifications in upcoming elections as public sentiment shifts in response to these events.

A Labor Day stabbing in the American heartland is putting a new spotlight on the dangers of illegal immigrant crime.

According to WGN-TV in Chicago, a 26-year-old Honduran man, who was deported from the U.S. during the Trump administration, was arrested Sunday after a knife attack the day before on a 14-year-old girl watching her brother’s baseball game in northwestern Indiana.

And considering the “butcher-style knife” involved, the injuries could have been much more serious than they were.

According to a post on the page of the sheriff’s office of Lake County, Indiana, on the Illinois border, Dimas Gabriel Yanez was arrested after an “intense manhunt” that followed the attack at a VFW baseball field.

“Investigators have learned Yanez had been deported to Honduras in 2018 and may have been engaged in criminal activity across the United States since returning to the country illegally,” the post stated.

Yanez allegedly stabbed the girl in the hand, according to WGN.

“When the teen’s mother attempted to intervene, the attacker attempted to stab her as well,” the station reported.

The girl was treated and released from a local hospital.

The sheriff’s office did not specify when Yanez had returned to the U.S., but considering the tens of millions of illegal immigrants who’ve crossed the porous southern border since President Joe Biden opened the country to an invasion of illegal aliens in January 2021, it’s a good chance Yanez was part of that horde.

Regardless, the incident is another reminder of the literal clear-and-present danger the presence of illegal aliens presents to the American public.

And there has certainly been no shortage of them during the Biden administration — with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the nominal “border czar” (no matter how much establishment media outlets pretend otherwise).

Crimes attributed to illegal aliens have made headlines around the country during the Biden-Harris administration, like the murder of nursing student Laken Riley in Georgia in February or the seemingly endless stream of reports from points as geographically scattered as Colorado, New York City and Houston.

Every American with the ability to follow the news remembers that border security and deportation of illegal aliens was a hallmark of the years former President Donald Trump was in the White House.

Every report of an illegal immigrant committing a crime — like Saturday’s stabbing at a baseball game in the American heartland — is a reminder of how badly Biden and Harris have abdicated their duties to protect the country’s citizens.

If American voters remember that abdication when they go to the polls in November, the country could be taking the first steps back toward a secure border come Jan. 20, 2025 — when Donald Trump takes an oath for a second term in office.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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