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Inflation​ Hits Americans Hard: Report

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Bloomberg ‍released a report on Monday revealing the harsh impact of ‌inflation on Americans.

Despite ⁢a slowdown in the​ pace of inflation, prices remain significantly higher ⁢than ⁤pre-COVID-19 levels. The report highlights various expenses that have surged⁢ since January⁤ 2020. Grocery costs have risen by 25⁢ percent, while restaurant food prices have increased by 24 ⁢percent. Additionally, water and‍ sewage costs have gone up by 16⁣ percent, rents by approximately⁣ 20 percent, and electricity ⁢by⁢ 25 percent.

“I feel like‌ I’m on a hamster wheel ​that’s just—I’m⁤ not getting ⁤ahead ever,” expressed 33-year-old ⁢Tamarah Victor of Needham, Mass., ⁣in an interview ⁣with Bloomberg.

According to ‍a Census Bureau ⁣survey⁤ cited ‌by the‌ outlet, a family ⁣of ​four spent a little over $238 per week on food​ in October 2020. However, three years later, the same ‍family would have to spend $315⁤ per week, representing ​a 32 percent increase.

Americans‌ are also⁤ grappling with rising expenses in child care,‍ which has surged by 32⁢ percent ​since 2019, and⁢ car insurance, ⁣which‌ has climbed by 33 percent ‌since 2020.

Home-buyers are facing challenges ​in ‍affording‌ housing as well. Thirty-year effective mortgage rates have risen​ by 4 percentage ​points since⁤ 2020, while ⁢home values have soared by ‌42 percent.

This report follows a September finding by ATTOM, a real ⁤estate data company, which revealed that homes were unaffordable in ​99 percent of U.S. counties⁢ for the average American.

These economic ⁤challenges could ‍potentially ‌hinder President Joe Biden’s ⁣chances at reelection. As mentioned in ‍the Monday⁣ report by Bloomberg, 40 percent ‌of voters in swing states identified the economy as their top concern in the upcoming presidential election, according ⁣to a recent poll conducted in collaboration with Morning Consult.

Furthermore, Biden’s approval rating ⁢has dropped ⁣to under 41 percent, the lowest it has been ⁣in over a year, with ⁢over 55 percent disapproving, ⁤as reported by‌ the​ RealClearPolitics polling average.

⁤What are⁣ the effects of inflation on the ‍cost‍ of groceries,​ especially for low-income families?

The start of the‌ pandemic, leaving many Americans ​struggling to make ends ⁤meet.

According to the report, one of the most significant⁤ areas⁣ affected by inflation is the housing market. Rent prices‍ have skyrocketed ​in many major cities, with some areas‌ experiencing double-digit increases. This makes it increasingly difficult ‍for individuals and families to afford stable and decent housing. Homeownership is also becoming ‍more elusive for many Americans, ‍as property prices continue to rise⁢ at an alarming⁢ rate.

Another area hit hard by inflation is the cost of groceries. The report shows that ⁣food prices have surged⁣ since‌ the beginning of the‌ pandemic, with the cost of basic necessities such as meat, dairy,⁢ and grains‌ reaching new highs. This ⁣increase in food prices puts a strain on ⁢households’ budgets, particularly for low-income families​ who ​may already be struggling to put⁤ food on the ⁣table.

Transportation is ⁣another major expense that​ has⁤ seen significant inflation. The rising cost ⁤of fuel, coupled with increased demand for travel, has led to soaring prices at gas ⁤stations. This not ‍only impacts ⁤individuals commuting ‍to work but also affects businesses that rely on transportation for their operations. Higher transportation costs ultimately get passed on to consumers, further exacerbating the inflationary impact.

Healthcare expenses are also on ‍the rise, making it ​increasingly challenging for Americans to afford medical treatment and necessary medications. The report highlights the inflated costs of prescription drugs, doctor visits, and⁢ insurance premiums, which have put a significant burden on individuals and families.‍ The lack of ‍affordable​ healthcare options has become a concerning issue for ⁢many Americans, particularly those with chronic medical conditions.

The report‍ further ‌reveals that wage growth has not kept pace with inflation, ⁢leaving workers struggling to keep up ⁣with the rising cost⁣ of ​living. This disparity has resulted in a decline in real wages, exacerbating the financial strain‌ on individuals and families.

In response⁣ to the report, economists are⁤ calling for effective measures to combat ‌inflation⁣ and alleviate its burden on Americans. They suggest implementing policies to increase affordable housing‍ options, expanding safety net programs to assist struggling families, and addressing the underlying factors driving inflation.

Overall, the report highlights the harsh reality that inflation⁢ is hitting Americans hard. With ‌housing, food, transportation, healthcare, and‍ stagnant wages⁢ all ​contributing to the rising cost ‌of living, many ⁣individuals and families are facing significant financial challenges. It is crucial ⁤that ‍policymakers and authorities take⁢ immediate ⁢action to address these issues and‌ support those affected by inflation’s impact.


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