In Defense Of Chrissy Teigen

Earlier this week, it was reported that “darling of the Left,” Chrissy Teigen, had bullied a Twitter user named Courtney Stodden when she was just 16 years old, sending abusive messages that included talking of a “fantasy” of the girl taking a “dirt nap.”

“[Teigen] wouldn’t just publicly tweet about wanting me to take ‘a dirt nap’ but would privately DM me and tell me to kill myself,” Stodden said. “Things like, ‘I can’t wait for you to die.’”

These tweets appear to have been sent almost 10 years ago.

Teigen publicly apologized for her behavior, posting her thoughts (rather appropriately) on Twitter.

“Not a lot of people are lucky enough to be held accountable for all their past bullshit in front of the entire world. I’m mortified and sad at who I used to be. I was an insecure, attention seeking troll,” Teigen tweeted. “I am ashamed and completely embarrassed at my behavior but that is nothing compared to how I made Courtney feel.”

“I have worked so hard to give you guys joy and be beloved and the feeling of letting you down is nearly unbearable, truly. These were not my only mistakes and surely won’t be my last as hard as I try but god I will try!!” Teigen added.

“I have tried to connect with Courtney privately but since I publicly fueled all this, I want to also publicly apologize. I’m so sorry, Courtney. I hope you can heal now knowing how deeply sorry I am,” she continued. “And I am so sorry I let you guys down. I will forever work on being better than I was 10 years ago, 1 year ago, 6 months ago.”

Now, I was reliably informed that the vast majority of conservatives oppose “cancel culture.” I was also reliably informed that conservatives believe in forgiveness, and believe that destroying someone’s life for their mistakes of the past is not something a forgiving society should promote.

Well, apparently that’s simply not true. Apparently, many conservatives are just as hungry for the fresh blood of “cancel culture” as the Left.

Teigen is now experiencing the reality of “cancel culture,” with the model’s products reportedly “scrubbed” from Target’s website following the Stodden scandal, according to The Sun. Some conservatives celebrated this move, calling for further action against the model.

Yes, Chrissy Teigen is a depraved, ignorant and entirely unimportant human being, whose long history of bizarre and immoral behavior should be condemned in real-time. And yes, “cancel culture” does not apply to every case of “cancellation,” since there is objectively bad behavior in our society — extreme examples include white supremacy or mass murder — which does not justify your continued existence as a respected participant.

However, trying to destroy someone’s life for appalling things they tweeted 10 years ago, after they offered an apparently sincere apology? Isn’t this exactly the sort of reaction “conservatives” have been complaining about for years? After all, if “cancel culture” is wrong, then it’s still wrong when the Left are the rare victims of its jaws.

As conservatives cheer Teigen’s downfall, perhaps they should remind themselves that nothing about the celebration of Teigen’s demise is conservative.

Ian Haworth is an Editor and Writer for The Daily Wire. Follow him on Twitter at @ighaworth.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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