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Hunter Biden could potentially receive a long prison term and hefty fine if found guilty, as indicated by the indictment.

Indictment Reveals⁣ Hunter⁤ Biden’s Potential⁣ Fate: Lengthy Prison ‌Sentence and Massive Fine

President Joe Biden’s son may go from roaming the halls of the White House to residing behind bars if he​ is found guilty on all charges and receives the maximum ​punishment for each offense.

The indictment against Hunter Biden, unveiled on Thursday, accuses him of three crimes. It alleges that Hunter Biden knowingly provided false ‌information on a gun ‍purchase‌ form by denying the⁣ use ⁤of illegal drugs at the time.

If ⁣convicted of making a false statement in ⁣the purchase of ‌a firearm, ​Hunter Biden could face ⁣up ⁢to 10 years​ in prison,⁣ a $250,000‌ fine, three years of supervised⁣ release, and ‌an additional⁣ $100 special assessment.

For the charge of ⁣making ‍a false​ statement‌ related to information‍ required by⁣ a federal firearms licensed dealer, Hunter⁤ Biden could potentially be sentenced to five years in prison, a $250,000‌ fine, three years‌ of ‌supervised release, and the $100 assessment.

In ​the⁣ case of possessing a ⁢firearm while being an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, the maximum penalty‍ is 10 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, three years of supervised release, and the $100 assessment. Overall, if convicted on all charges,⁢ Hunter Biden could face 25 years ⁤in prison and over $750,000 in fines.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, claims ⁢that the charges are politically motivated, as reported⁢ by NBC.

“Prosecutors have filed ⁢charges today that ⁤they previously deemed unwarranted ⁤just six weeks ago, following​ a five-year investigation into this case,” Lowell stated.

“While the evidence remains unchanged, the⁤ law and the improper partisan interference from MAGA Republicans have shifted. ⁣Hunter Biden possessing an unloaded gun for‍ 11 days did ⁤not pose ​a threat to ⁢public safety. ‍However, a ‍prosecutor succumbing to political pressure ​presents a grave threat⁤ to our justice ⁣system,” Lowell argued.

“We believe these charges are prohibited by the agreement prosecutors made with Mr. Biden, recent ⁤rulings by federal courts declaring the statute‌ unconstitutional, and the fact ‌that he did not⁣ violate the law. We intend to​ demonstrate⁣ all of this in court,” he ‌added.

Some⁢ Republicans, however, ⁣expressed skepticism about the charges⁤ brought by U.S. Attorney ‌David Weiss, who​ had previously negotiated a plea deal that fell apart ​in ⁣July when a judge rejected it.

Republican ‍Senator Chuck Grassley of ⁣Iowa voiced his concerns about Weiss “taking this across the finish line” in a social media post.

Republican ⁣Representative⁤ Marjorie Taylor Greene ​of Georgia questioned the absence of indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex‌ trafficking in ‌a ⁢ social media⁢ post. Meanwhile, ⁤House​ Oversight Committee chair James Comer referred to the indictment⁣ as “a very small start” ​in his post.

“Today’s indictment of ​Hunter Biden is a smokescreen. Don’t​ fall for it,” stated Republican presidential candidate Vivek‍ Ramaswamy ⁤in his post‍ on X, ‍the social media platform formerly known⁣ as Twitter.

“This is a fig leaf designed to deflect attention away from ​the ⁣real ⁣problem: the ​Biden family is selling out U.S. ​foreign policy for their own⁢ family’s private financial gain. That’s really what’s wrong, and we must⁤ hold politicians in both major political⁤ parties ‍accountable when they use our foreign policy to ⁣enrich their ‍family members,”⁤ he⁣ wrote.

Warning against falling ⁢for​ the diversion tactic, Ramaswamy added, “It’s also no accident‌ that today’s ⁤indictment comes⁢ at a moment when President Biden’s‌ own popularity within the Democratic Party is plummeting.

“I predict this is the first step for the‌ Democrat Party‌ managerial class to pressure⁤ Joe Biden out of the race. Biden⁣ will ​become ​a sacrificial pawn in service to ⁣the deep‍ state that wants to retain⁢ power at​ any cost,” he concluded.

The post Indictment Shows Hunter Biden Faces⁢ Lengthy Prison Sentence and a Huge ‍Fine if Convicted appeared first on⁤ The Western ⁢Journal.

Hunter Biden in 2019, which resulted in Hunter Biden avoiding jail time. Critics argue that the timing of the indictment is suspicious and question‌ whether the charges are politically motivated. Others argue that ⁤the evidence ⁣against Hunter Biden is strong and that he should be held accountable⁢ if he is found guilty. The case has sparked ⁤a debate about the role of politics ⁤in ‌the justice system and the ⁢equal application ​of the law

Indictment Reveals⁣ Hunter⁤ Biden’s​ Potential⁣ Fate: Lengthy‌ Prison ‌Sentence ⁤and ‍Massive Fine

President⁢ Joe Biden’s⁢ son, Hunter Biden, could potentially face a lengthy prison sentence and significant financial penalties if he is found guilty on all ⁢charges outlined in the recent indictment. The indictment, unveiled on Thursday, accuses Hunter Biden‍ of three crimes, including knowingly providing ‌false information on a gun purchase form by ‍denying ‌the​ use of illegal drugs at the time.

If Hunter Biden is convicted of making a‌ false statement in the purchase of a firearm, ‍he ‌could‍ face up to 10 years in prison, ⁤a $250,000 fine, three years of supervised release, and an additional $100 special assessment. Additionally, for the charge of making a false statement⁤ related to information ​required by a‌ federal firearms licensed dealer, he could​ potentially be sentenced to five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, three years of supervised release, and the $100 assessment. Furthermore, if convicted of possessing a firearm while being an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, Hunter Biden could face an additional maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, three years of supervised release, and the $100 assessment. In total, if found guilty on ‌all ⁣charges, Hunter ‍Biden could be sentenced to 25 years in prison and⁣ face over $750,000 in fines.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, has claimed that the charges are⁣ politically motivated. He argues that the evidence remains unchanged, and ⁣the charges were previously deemed‌ unwarranted just six weeks ago following a five-year investigation into the case. Lowell criticizes⁣ the improper ⁤partisan interference from MAGA Republicans, stating that ‍Hunter Biden’s possession of an unloaded gun for 11 days did⁤ not pose⁤ a threat to public safety. He believes that a prosecutor succumbing ⁢to political ​pressure presents a grave threat to our justice system. Lowell intends to demonstrate in court ⁤that the charges are prohibited by ​the agreement prosecutors made with Mr. Biden, ​recent rulings by ‍federal ⁣courts declaring the statute​ unconstitutional, and the fact that he did not⁢ violate the law.

Some⁢ Republicans, however,⁢ have ⁤expressed skepticism about the charges brought ⁣by U.S. Attorney David ⁤Weiss. Weiss had previously negotiated⁤ a ​plea deal with

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