Washington Examiner

Investigation finds no evidence Musk super PAC broke voter registration laws – Washington Examiner

An investigation into Elon Musk’s​ America‍ PAC, which supports former President Donald Trump’s reelection, found no evidence of violations regarding voter ⁢registration laws. This follows complaints from North Carolina and ⁣Michigan about misleading content on the PAC’s website. Initially, the site​ provided a voter registration assistance form that inadvertently misled⁣ users into ⁣believing they were registered without actually guiding them to the correct state sites.⁣ Following the investigations, the PAC has ceased offering this assistance​ and now ⁢focuses on running ads on social media that direct users⁣ to official voter registration platforms. The PAC has requested​ that state ​officials drop​ the investigations, claiming they are committed to ​encouraging civic engagement and voter registration.

Investigation finds no evidence Musk super PAC broke voter registration laws 

Elon Musk’s America PAC, which is supporting former President Donald Trump’s reelection efforts, is calling on election officials to drop its investigation into alleged violations of state campaign finance law

State officials in North Carolina and Michigan launched investigations into Musk’s PAC after reports came in that its website was misleading to voters. The website had a form for people to fill out that would assist them to register to vote in their state. It would collect a user’s personal information, such as the person’s age and cellphone number. However, NBC reported that if a ZIP code was entered from a certain state, it would not direct a person to a site where one could actually register to vote.

Officials said the website was misleading people into thinking that they were registered to vote when they weren’t. 

America PAC’s website has since stopped assisting people with voter registration, and instead, it is just running ads on Facebook and Instagram in swing states. The ads include a link for users to follow to state-run voter registration websites.

The super PAC wrote nearly identical letters to officials in North Carolina and Michigan, saying they should be receiving a “commendation” for “good faith efforts” in supporting civic engagement and voter registration.

“Your office can rest assured knowing that the America PAC is utilizing the data to register voters and encourage them to vote,” the letters stated. “Admittedly, not all our plans or strategies are public at this time, but any investigation into our efforts will prove premature and imprudent.”

In response to the investigations, the PAC now explicitly says on its website’s terms of service that it is using the data collected to register people to vote. 

​​“We have not found evidence of any violations of Michigan campaign finance law but will continue to monitor the situation,” Angela Benander, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of State, wrote in an email to NBC. 

Musk’s name hasn’t appeared on the PAC’s public disclosure of contributors, but he said that he is the creator and that he’s donating to it. Prior to 2022, Musk considered himself to be an independent and had voted for Democratic candidates. But Musk attributes the COVID-19 lockdowns, speech censorship, and the Left’s “woke agenda” to leading him to support Trump.

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