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GOP leaders warn that Iraq is on the brink of being lost to Iran.

Tehran-aligned agents in Baghdad strangling ‌pro-U.S. ⁣Kurds

⁢ Iraqi prime minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani and Iranian ⁣president Ebrahim Raisi (Iranian state media)

According to Republican foreign⁢ policy ‌leaders, Iraq is on the ⁤brink of losing ​itself to Iran as Tehran-aligned elements in ⁣Baghdad’s government suffocate‍ the pro-U.S. Kurdish population. This ⁤dire situation has ‌caught the attention of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who penned‍ a letter to the White⁢ House, expressing their concerns and urging action.

The⁣ Kurdistan Regional​ Government (KRG) in Iraq has been a steadfast​ ally of the United ​States in the Middle East. However, it is now ⁢facing economic⁣ strangulation, political and legal pressure, and military ⁣threats from Iran and its proxies in Baghdad. The KRG’s semi-autonomous region in Northern ⁤Iraq ⁢is where the majority⁣ of ⁤American‌ forces are stationed, making it a ⁢crucial source ⁢of support for​ the U.S. Yet, Iran is systematically dismantling the Kurdish ‍government‍ to eliminate this support⁣ and further its own interests.

Iran’s increasing ⁢influence over Baghdad’s ruling regime has‍ allowed it ⁢to exploit Iraq and use it as a platform to expand its ​illicit oil trade, ‌worth ‌billions of dollars. ​The Biden administration’s reluctance to confront Iranian meddling has emboldened ⁣Tehran, leading to a surge in its influence operations. Meanwhile, Turkey, a key trading ​partner of Iran, has closed an oil pipeline used by the Kurds, severely impacting the KRG’s​ finances‍ and global⁢ crude‌ supply. This move has also enabled Iran⁣ to boost its ⁤own heavily-sanctioned oil ‍exports, which the Biden administration has turned a ⁢blind eye⁣ to in its pursuit ‌of a revamped nuclear accord.

Representative Michael⁤ Waltz, along with other ⁣Republican lawmakers, warns​ that Iraq is on the verge‍ of being lost to Iran. He emphasizes the need for the Biden ⁤administration to address the blockade of⁤ the Kurdish allies‍ and the escalating Iranian oil smuggling, which fuels ‌terrorism and jeopardizes‍ regional stability.

The⁤ KRG, ‌with its own oil exports reduced to ⁢almost‍ zero, is struggling to survive and is beginning to question the ‍benefits⁣ of ‌its alliance​ with the United⁤ States. Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has expressed his concerns to President Joe Biden, fearing that the ongoing campaign against the⁢ Kurds may‍ lead to ‍the collapse of ‍the Federal Iraq model that the U.S. supported since 2003.

Despite these pleas, the Biden administration’s approach in Iraq remains unchanged, frustrating Republican ​lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.‍ They urge President Biden to take decisive action to end the mistreatment⁣ of Iraqi Kurds and the KRG by Iran-aligned elements in Iraq. While⁣ Secretary of State Antony Blinken has voiced support for the Kurds, his department has made little effort to reopen the vital Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline‌ and rescue⁣ the Kurdish government from financial collapse.

The lawmakers ‍emphasize the need for a new Iraq strategy that ⁤addresses the crisis and prioritizes the ⁤well-being of the Kurdish allies.

What specific actions has Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani taken to undermine the Kurdish population in Iraq and‌ further‍ Iran’s regional ambitions?

⁢As ​a proxy ‍to ⁢further its regional ambitions. The ⁤close ties between Tehran and certain‍ factions within the Iraqi‌ government have ⁣created a ⁢hostile environment for pro-U.S. Kurds in ⁣the country.

One of the key figures in this Tehran-aligned effort is Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed ‍Shia’ Al Sudani.​ Al Sudani, known for ⁣his close ties with Iran, has been ‌instrumental ⁢in⁣ implementing policies that undermine the ‍Kurdish population. Under ‌his leadership, ​the Kurdish region has faced economic strangulation through the imposition of hefty taxes‍ on ⁤oil exports. ⁤These taxes have depleted the KRG’s ‌finances and hindered ‌its ability to provide basic services to its⁣ citizens.

Moreover, the pro-U.S. Kurds in Iraq have also been subjected to political and legal pressure. Dissenting ​voices within the Kurdish ⁤government have been silenced⁤ or imprisoned, while the ruling regime has ‌forcefully imposed its policies on the​ Kurdish population. This‌ blatant disregard for the rights ​and‍ autonomy of the‍ Kurdish people is directly linked to Iran’s desire to undermine American influence in the region.

In addition to economic and ⁢political pressure, pro-U.S. ‍Kurds in Iraq ​are facing military ⁣threats from Iran and its proxies. ⁤The Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), a paramilitary group formed to fight against ISIS, have been increasingly targeting Kurdish areas. These⁢ attacks not only disrupt the stability and security of the region but also⁤ aim to weaken the pro-U.S. Kurds​ and diminish their influence.

The situation has alarmed the​ House Foreign Affairs Committee, which recognizes the strategic importance of the Kurdish region and its role in ‍supporting American⁢ efforts in the Middle‌ East. In⁤ their letter to the ⁢White⁣ House, the⁣ committee urges immediate action⁤ to⁤ address the plight of⁢ the pro-U.S. Kurds⁣ and counter Iran’s⁣ growing⁣ influence in Iraq.

It⁤ is ‍essential for the United States to stand by its Kurdish allies and support their aspirations for⁢ autonomy, democracy,‍ and stability. The‌ U.S. has a vested interest in ensuring that pro-U.S. Kurds are not suffocated or eliminated ⁣by​ Tehran-aligned elements within ⁤the Baghdad ⁤government. Failing to protect and support the‌ Kurds‌ would not only undermine U.S. credibility in the region but also allow Iran​ to further​ consolidate its control ⁤and ‍dominance in Iraq.

The House ​Foreign Affairs Committee’s⁤ letter serves as a wake-up call for the White‍ House to‍ take proactive ​measures in support of the⁣ pro-U.S. Kurds in Iraq. Diplomatic pressure, economic aid, and military assistance should be⁤ considered⁤ to bolster the Kurdish region and ‍help it ​withstand Iran’s attacks on‌ its autonomy. Additionally, the U.S.⁤ should ​engage in diplomatic efforts to address ‍the Iranian influence within the Baghdad government, working towards a more ‌inclusive and representative political landscape that protects ‍the rights of all Iraqis.

In conclusion, the Tehran-aligned elements ‌within Baghdad’s government are ‍systematically strangling pro-U.S. Kurds in Iraq, ⁤posing a significant threat to ⁢American⁤ interests and⁢ stability in the​ region. ​The House Foreign Affairs Committee’s concerns and call for action to address ‌this dire situation ⁣should not⁢ be taken⁣ lightly. It is imperative for the United States to step up ⁣its support for ⁤the pro-U.S. Kurds and counter Iran’s ⁣influence in ‍Iraq to‍ ensure the long-term security and stability of the region.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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