Washington Examiner

IRS whistleblower exposes obstacles and interference in Hunter Biden investigation.

An IRS Whistleblower Reveals Obstacles in Investigating Hunter Biden

An IRS whistleblower made shocking claims on Wednesday about the challenges he faced while investigating Hunter Biden. According to the whistleblower, he was repeatedly told that he could not charge the first son outside of Delaware, despite evidence of potential financial crimes.

The whistleblower, IRS Supervisory Agent Gary Shapley, disclosed that First State U.S. Attorney David Weiss insisted he lacked the authority to charge Hunter Biden, contradicting his public statements. Shapley also revealed that Weiss attempted to charge Biden in Washington, D.C., and California, but was denied by U.S. Attorneys Martin Estrada and Matthew Graves, both appointed by President Joe Biden.

Shapley emphasized the significance of Weiss’ repeated statements by documenting them in a memo from an October 7, 2022 meeting. The memo was later approved by Shapley’s supervisors.

Interference in Search Warrants

Another major obstacle encountered by Shapley’s team was the execution of search warrants. Despite having probable cause, multiple prosecutors prevented Shapley from carrying out the warrants in the months leading up to the 2020 election.

Shapley explained, “Between April and June of 2020, we drafted an affidavit to execute a search warrant in a couple of different locations, and the prosecutors at the time stated that probable cause had been achieved.” However, as the election approached, the prosecutors continuously delayed and ultimately denied the execution of the search warrant, despite meeting all legal requirements.

Supporting Testimony and Contradictions

Shapley’s testimony was corroborated by a second unnamed whistleblower, who claimed that the Justice Department halted all activities in September 2020. These revelations directly contradict public statements and testimonies from Attorney General Merrick Garland and Weiss, who previously asserted that Weiss had “full authority” over charging Hunter Biden.

Furthermore, Shapley revealed that there were specific investigative steps his team was prohibited from taking, potentially hindering their ability to uncover further connections involving the president.

Last week, it was announced that Hunter Biden would enter a plea deal related to failure to pay federal income tax and a gun charge. As part of the agreement, he would avoid serving any jail time.

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