Washington Examiner

IRS whistleblower lawyers criticize Hunter Biden’s lawsuit as a baseless attack.

Hunter Biden’s Lawsuit Against the IRS: A Desperate Attempt to Silence Whistleblowers

Attorneys representing one of the‌ whistleblowers have⁣ accused‌ Hunter ​Biden of using ‍his lawsuit against‍ the ‌IRS ​as a means to​ intimidate those who ⁢testified about his special ⁣treatment‌ by ⁣the federal government. Empower Oversight, a group providing legal representation for whistleblowers, labeled the lawsuit a⁢ “frivolous smear” against their client, ‌Gary ‌Shapley, ​a veteran⁤ IRS criminal investigator⁤ who exposed⁣ missteps during the Department of Justice’s​ investigation ‌into ​Hunter Biden.

A Distraction from Hunter Biden’s Legal Troubles

Empower Oversight firmly stated, “This suit against the IRS ‍is ⁢just another frivolous⁢ smear by Biden family⁤ attorneys trying to turn people’s attention away from Hunter Biden’s own legal problems and intimidate any ⁤current and future ‌whistleblowers.”

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s lead ‌defense lawyer, claimed in ⁤the ⁤complaint ⁤that Shapley, along‌ with ‍another agent on the case named ⁣Joseph‍ Ziegler, and their legal counsel, publicly disclosed⁤ tax information about Hunter Biden that⁣ was strictly prohibited. Lowell argued that their status​ as ⁣whistleblowers does not shield them from the‌ consequences‍ of their unauthorized disclosures.

Improper Disclosure⁢ of ‌Tax Information

The⁢ lawsuit ​alleges that the IRS whistleblowers improperly disclosed Hunter Biden’s tax information.⁤ This comes in ⁤the⁤ wake of Hunter Biden’s recent indictment on⁢ three felony charges related to a 2018 gun purchase.‍ The plea deal reached between Hunter Biden⁤ and special counsel David Weiss ⁤was never finalized, as a federal judge raised concerns about potential future ​charges being shielded.

Hunter Biden’s Defense Team Strikes Back

In response to ⁣the unraveling plea‍ deal and the gun-related indictment,​ Hunter Biden’s defense team has⁢ taken an offensive approach.⁣ They have not only sued the IRS‌ but have also ​denounced the indictment as a result ‍of Republican pressure. Additionally, they have filed lawsuits against individuals ‌accused of unlawfully ‍accessing Hunter ​Biden’s computer ⁣data.

Whistleblowers Expose Government Misconduct

Shapley ‍and ⁤Ziegler testified before Congress in May,⁣ revealing that Weiss had limited‍ authority over the Hunter​ Biden case and that U.S. attorneys in Washington, D.C., and California⁤ had prevented⁣ charges ‌from being​ brought ⁢against the president’s son‍ in those jurisdictions.‌ They also claimed that the case was deliberately delayed and that federal investigators faced unusual ⁣obstacles.

A Line Crossed?

Hunter Biden’s lawyers argue that the whistleblowers and their attorneys ​crossed ⁤a ⁢line by making media appearances and discussing the case. However, Empower Oversight countered that ⁣the whistleblowers ​and Shapley have ​only disclosed information authorized ​by statute⁤ and have​ the right to discuss public information released by Congress.

Senator Chuck Grassley, a staunch advocate ‌for whistleblowers, ‌condemned⁣ any attempts ⁢to smear these ‍individuals, stating that Shapley and Ziegler‍ “saw serious wrongdoing and government ‍misconduct and did their job by⁣ lawfully exposing ‍it. Now Weiss needs to do his. Retaliatory efforts to smear‌ these whistleblowers reeks of desperation.”

⁣ What are ⁢the potential consequences for whistleblowers if Hunter Biden’s lawsuit is successful?

Owers, including Shapley and Ziegler, unlawfully disclosed Hunter Biden’s ⁤tax information to the media and other unauthorized individuals. The lawsuit claims that this information was ‌confidential and‍ protected by federal law. The attorneys representing Hunter Biden argue that these unauthorized disclosures were attempts to damage his reputation and further⁣ a political agenda.

A Desperate Attempt to Silence Whistleblowers

However, Empower Oversight sees this lawsuit as a desperate attempt to silence whistleblowers ‍who critical of Hunter Biden and his alleged special treatment by the federal government. They argue that by filing a lawsuit against the IRS and the whistleblowers, Hunter Biden is trying to intimidate and‌ discourage others from coming⁢ forward with information that could be damaging to him. It is seen as a tactic to divert attention from⁢ his own legal⁣ troubles and discredit those who have spoken out against him.

Empower‍ Oversight also‍ accuses Hunter Biden ⁤of using his political influence and connections to target⁣ those who have​ criticized him. They argue that through this lawsuit, he is sending a message that anyone who exposes his alleged wrongdoings will face legal consequences⁢ and public scrutiny. This, they ⁣claim, is an⁢ abuse of power and an attack on the‌ principles of accountability and transparency.

The Stakes for ⁤Whistleblowers

The outcome of⁢ this lawsuit has significant implications for whistleblowers and the future⁤ of accountability in government. If Hunter Biden is‌ successful ‍in his lawsuit against the IRS and the ‍whistleblowers, it could set a dangerous precedent for those who wish to expose⁢ corruption and wrongdoing. Whistleblowers may become fearful of the ‍legal and personal ‌consequences ⁤they may face, leading to​ a chilling effect on transparency and accountability.

On the ‍other hand, if the ⁢lawsuit is dismissed ⁤or ruled in favor​ of the whistleblowers, it would⁣ send‍ a message ​that individuals have a right to speak out⁤ against powerful figures without fear of retaliation. It would reaffirm the importance of protecting those who seek to expose ‍misconduct ‌and highlight the role of whistleblowers in promoting integrity and ethical behavior.


Hunter⁢ Biden’s lawsuit against the​ IRS and the whistleblowers has sparked a heated debate over the role of whistleblowers in a democratic society. While Biden claims to be protecting his personal information, Empower Oversight argues that this is merely a tactic to silence and intimidate those who have been critical of him. The outcome of this⁢ case will not only impact the individuals involved but also shape the future of whistleblowing and accountability in government. It is a ⁤critical moment for transparency and justice, where the rights of individuals to⁢ expose wrongdoing are pitted against ‌the ‍preservation of‍ personal ‍privacy and ‌reputation.

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