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Is a lateral move beneficial for your career?

Are you tired of clawing and scratching your way up the corporate ladder? Well, guess what? There’s another ‍way to advance your career that ‍might just be​ more ‍effective – a lateral job move.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is‌ a lateral move and how can it help you get that coveted promotion? Let’s dive in and find out!

Types⁣ of Lateral Moves

Believe‍ it or not, sometimes going sideways is the best strategy when your ultimate goal is a promotion. There are two types of lateral moves you can consider.

The first type is an internal lateral⁣ move, where you stay within your current company but transition ‌to ⁢a position at the same level as your current job. It’s not a complete career change, but it allows ⁣you to gain new experiences and skills within the same ⁢field and company.

The second type is an external lateral move, ⁢where you leave your current‌ company for a similar role with ‌a new‌ title, while remaining at⁢ the same career level. For example, if you’re ⁣currently a midlevel employee, ​you’ll still⁣ be midlevel ⁣at the new⁤ company.

Both types of lateral moves can ultimately put you on the fast track for that promotion you’ve been eyeing.

Why Lateral Moves Are‌ a Good Strategy ⁢for Promotion

If you want⁤ to be successful in your career, it’s ‌important to have‍ a diverse skill set. Take it from a wise ‍general manager who once said, “I can do all your jobs, but you can’t do mine.” This manager had made ‌lateral moves throughout her career, which gave her ⁤the tools and knowledge needed for promotion.

For example,‌ if you’re currently in customer ⁣service,​ consider making a lateral move to ⁤a product-facing role. Once you’ve mastered that, you can then move on ⁤to a sales representative position. By doing so, you’ll have three valuable⁤ skills to market ‍yourself with.

More Exposure to Various Managers

When ⁤it​ comes to getting ‍promoted, networking is key. And ⁢what better way​ to expand your network than by working under different managers?

By making lateral moves, you’ll‌ have the opportunity to work with various⁣ managers, making yourself more visible and well-known ⁣within the company.‍ When it’s time for promotions, having multiple managers who can‌ vouch for your skills and abilities can give you​ a competitive edge.

Showing Learning Agility

Companies value employees with high potential, and one way they identify⁣ them is through “learning agility.” This means being ⁢able to quickly learn⁤ new skills‌ and concepts, and then apply​ them effectively.

By making lateral moves, you demonstrate your ability to adapt and learn in different roles and environments. This showcases your learning agility and makes you an attractive candidate for long-term investment and future promotions.

Embrace ⁤Lateral Moves ‌for Career Growth

Read More From Original Article Here: Is a Lateral Move Good for a Career?

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