The federalist

Is China truly weak or merely pretending

Unraveling the Mysteries ‍of China’s ‌High-Profile Purges

Several high-profile purges are said to have happened in China over the past few months. What do they mean?‍ Do the⁣ mysterious ⁤removals of ‍cabinet ministers and‌ generals signal weakness? Paranoia? Or something else?

Because China is a tightly controlled ‍totalitarian nation, getting good information on‌ it ⁤is difficult. China even ceased issuing certain reports about its economic ‌performance last ​August while criminalizing ⁣the gathering of basic corporate performance data necessary ⁤to make sound investment decisions.

In this context, everything coming out ‍of​ China ⁤should be viewed with extreme⁣ skepticism:⁣ Is ⁤this true,‌ or is this ‍something China wants us to ⁣think is true?

In World War II, Winston Churchill counseled, “In wartime, truth is so ⁣precious ​that she⁢ should always be attended by a bodyguard of ⁣lies.” ‌For the Chinese Communist Party, rulers of the People’s⁤ Republic of China, it’s always wartime, and⁢ the truth must be hidden.

Deng Xiaoping, a‍ hardened ⁢revolutionary under Mao, ran ‌China for most of the​ ’80s. His strategy versus America was to “Hide your‍ strength, bide your‌ time.” It paid off ⁢when, in the wake of the‍ Tiananmen ‍Square massacre in ⁤1989 and⁢ the ⁢fall of the Soviet ⁤Union two years later, the U.S.‍ neglected to revise its Cold ⁤War marriage of convenience ⁢with China ‌and instead granted China permanent most favored ⁤nation trading status in 2001, along with its accession to‌ the⁤ World Trade Organization.

Lack of Good Information

China is‌ largely an⁢ enigma, a ⁤black box ⁣by⁣ design. It’s simultaneously weak and strong: enormous government⁤ debt, a sluggish economy, huge​ youth⁤ unemployment ⁤— but with a ship-building capacity some 232 times ‍that of the U.S.⁣ supporting a massive expansion of the navy, a‌ rapid nuclear weapons buildup, and increasingly bellicose rhetoric and actions against Taiwan and ​in the South⁢ China Sea, mainly focused on ⁢the ⁤Philippines.

It⁢ is said that paramount leader Xi Jinping has purged ‍his defense minister months after his disappearance ⁣from the public eye, allegedly‍ for corruption. This is in addition to the purging of multiple senior military commanders. Just after ​the New Year,‍ this news was linked to a report from a midlevel⁣ Chinese military defector that military personnel ⁣routinely steal rocket and jet fuel for use‌ in heating food. Further, it was ‌leaked ⁣that U.S. intelligence agencies believe many Chinese rockets ⁣have had their fuel replaced with ⁣water and that their silo hatches don’t work — again, all due to ⁣corruption.

But absent the ultimate test⁤ of ⁣war, we don’t really know ⁢if that was ever the case, or is now the‍ case, or how widespread the problem ​is.

The purged officials might have been removed over legitimate charges of ⁢corruption. We don’t‌ know for sure. If not, some might have been cashiered over differences in defense policy.

But perhaps some of these high-ranking men might not⁢ have been removed at all. Consider the case of Gen. George S. Patton. Supposedly⁢ “purged” from command for 11 months after it was ⁢revealed⁣ he slapped two soldiers for cowardice (they were likely suffering from PTSD), Patton was put ‌in charge of⁣ the First United⁤ States Army Group (FUSAG), an entirely fictional command. FUSAG was ⁤composed of inflatable tanks ⁢and dummy headquarters pumping out voluminous ⁣amounts of radio traffic.

Of course, it helped ⁤that Patton ⁤had a​ flair⁤ for putting on a public display. This ⁢showed the Germans what they ⁤wanted to see: that the Allies’ best general was at the head of a ‍big ‌army at the narrowest spot in the​ English Channel, across from Calais in‍ occupied France. It helped that German military culture could not conceive of an aggressive, successful ⁢general ever being punished for slapping a soldier. Patton was forced​ to ​maintain the charade ​until⁣ he was unleashed⁤ once‌ again against the Germans on Aug. 1, 1944, at the head of the very ⁤real Third Army.

China’s Cooperation on Climate

The realm of China’s supposed cooperation on reducing ​greenhouse gas emissions offers another example. ‌Biden’s climate czar, former Secretary of State, presidential⁤ candidate, and U.S. ⁤Sen. John Kerry, cites ⁤China’s willingness to work with America on climate change as a major ⁣area of agreement with the one-party dictatorship. ⁢Yes, ⁢China is building solar and wind power and producing millions of electric vehicles for⁢ its domestic⁤ market as well as export.

But China is also massively expanding its use of coal, with construction underway and plans to build the equivalent of America’s entire coal fleet. ‌Its coal fleet is already about 5 times larger than the U.S. ⁤coal fleet.

Recall that China also snapped up a significant chunk of America’s ‌Strategic Petroleum Reserve ⁢when⁣ Biden was‍ selling it off in 2021 and 2022, all​ while China was also ⁤importing large amounts of ​sanctioned Russian and Iranian oil.

Thus, while China seeks to convince useful idiots like‌ Kerry of its​ green intent, another way of​ looking at China’s actions yields a more sinister picture: preparing for war by making the ⁢nation largely immune ‍to a cutoff in oil imports through the Strait of Malacca in the event of war with the U.S.

China has done‌ this by stockpiling oil and by electrifying a large portion of its transportation infrastructure with what are, in effect, coal-powered vehicles. This reserves oil for more valuable uses: fueling ​combat jets, naval vessels, and armored vehicles.

Numbing the Enemy’s Senses

Lastly, even China’s relentless ‍runs at Taiwan’s airspace, ⁢with ⁤frequent flights of dozens⁤ of fighters, bombers, and drones, as well ‍as increasing naval ⁢exercises, are dismissed by many as⁣ merely clumsy efforts to intimidate Taiwan⁤ and influence its domestic ​politics.‌ But these exercises serve another⁣ purpose. They deaden ⁤Taiwan’s senses ‍to what could be the opening stage of an actual attack. Egypt successfully⁤ used this same ⁣tactic in the run-up to the 1973 Yom Kippur War with Israel.

Unfortunately, China’s widespread and successful effort to “capture” American elites ‌in politics, academia, business, and the foreign service has served to deaden the senses ⁤of ‍too many of those we rely on to defend the ⁤nation.

China might ⁢be weak — or it might wish us to think so.

How does China’s commitment to coal-fired power capacity ​by 2025 align with its⁤ efforts to​ tackle climate change?

⁢ Lectric power ⁣capacity⁢ from coal by 2025. This‍ fact ‌is often dismissed or ignored, with the ​focus instead on China’s renewable energy⁢ efforts. ‌Is China truly committed to tackling climate‍ change, ⁢or is it ⁤using the ​issue‌ as a smokescreen to build​ up‍ its‌ own power and influence?

The truth ‌is, it’s⁤ hard to ‍say. China’s opaque political system and state-controlled media make it difficult ‌to ⁢discern⁢ the real‌ motivations behind its⁤ actions. The high-profile purges that have occurred recently only add ‍to the mystery. Are they a sign of weakness or paranoia within the Chinese Communist Party? Or ⁤is there a different explanation altogether?

One thing ⁢is clear: China wants to maintain a tight grip⁤ on information and control the narrative both domestically and internationally.⁣ It has been increasingly cracking down ‍on dissent, tightening restrictions on the media,‍ and censoring online content.⁤ This raises questions about the reliability of the information we receive from China and the true state of affairs within the country.

As outsiders looking in, we⁣ must approach news‌ and ⁢information coming‍ out⁣ of China with caution and skepticism. The lack ⁣of transparency and the ​state’s⁤ control over ⁢the⁤ dissemination of information make‍ it difficult to separate fact from fiction. We must consider ‍the possibility ‍that what we see and hear is what China wants us to see and hear, rather ⁣than the⁤ unvarnished truth.

The recent purges in China may ‌or may not have significance beyond what is being ‍presented to ⁤the public.⁤ They could​ be a result ​of legitimate charges of⁣ corruption or differences in⁤ policy. ​They could‌ also ‌be part of a larger strategy by‌ the Chinese Communist Party to consolidate its ‌power and maintain control over the country.

Whatever the case may be, ​one thing is clear: China remains ⁢an enigma. Its economic and military prowess are undeniable, but so are its debt, economic ‌challenges, and internal struggles. Understanding the true nature⁢ of China’s high-profile purges and its ⁢intentions remains a difficult task, given the limited ‌access ⁤to‌ reliable information.

In an era‍ where disinformation and propaganda are⁢ increasingly prevalent, it is ⁢more important than ever to maintain a critical eye and​ seek ​multiple sources of ‌information. ‌Unraveling the mysteries of China’s⁢ high-profile purges requires diligent‌ research, analysis, and an understanding of‌ the complexities of China’s political system and its aspirations for global ‌power.

Ultimately, only time will tell what the true motives and implications ​of these ⁤purges are. Until then, we must remain ​vigilant and⁤ cautious in our assessment of China’s ⁤actions⁢ and their impact on the international stage.

Read More From Original Article Here: Is China Weak Or Just Pretending?

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