Conservative News Daily

McCarthy’s Congressional Departure Confirmed by Photo: ‘Time to Go

Is Kevin ‌McCarthy Planning to Quit Congress?

Speculation is⁣ swirling among congressional insiders that former⁣ House Speaker Kevin McCarthy may​ be planning to leave the GOP. According to a ‌report from Axios, McCarthy​ has ⁣been privately telling his fundraisers that he ⁣wants to “get the hell out.” This sentiment was echoed in⁢ his recent public remarks at The New York Times’ DealBook summit, where he expressed uncertainty about⁣ running again in 2024. McCarthy’s office also ⁤shared an Instagram post featuring ⁣his dogs‌ “helping out” at the office, which some interpret​ as a sign of him cleaning out ​his desk. Could this be McCarthy’s revenge on the GOP?

Uncertainty and Ominous Signs

McCarthy’s recent statements and actions ⁢suggest that he may not be satisfied ⁤with his diminished‍ role within the party. After burning bridges on his way out, it seems⁣ he is contemplating a departure from Congress. A photo from his office reveals a sparse and empty space, with only⁣ a ⁢few framed certificates and plaques, photos, and an iMac remaining. Even the mounted deer head on‍ the wall‍ seems to be preparing for a new opportunity. Is McCarthy ready​ to walk away?

  • Speculation is growing that Kevin McCarthy may be planning to leave the GOP.
  • He has privately expressed his desire to “get the hell⁤ out” to his fundraisers.
  • Publicly, he has been vague about his⁣ plans, suggesting uncertainty about running again in 2024.
  • A recent Instagram post from‌ his office ​shows a nearly empty space, adding to the speculation.

Is McCarthy’s revenge on the GOP to quit‍ and leave them scrambling⁢ for a ‍replacement?⁢ Only time will tell.

Is McCarthy Leaving Congress? Photo Appears to Confirm Rumor: ‘Get the Hell Out’

Speculation over McCarthy’s potential departure escalated‍ ahead of the Thanksgiving recess, with multiple GOP sources noting he posted‍ a photo on Instagram in ​which ​his district office appeared to​ be in the process of being packed,” Axios noted.

So, how would⁣ this be revenge?

Well, consider the GOP’s slim majority ‌in the House of Representatives, one‍ factor in McCarthy’s ultimate downfall as ⁢speaker.

Then⁢ remember that among their numbers⁣ is the untalented Mr. Ripley, ‍Rep. George Santos of New York, who likely‌ will be tossed out ⁢of Congress after a ⁤scathing ethics⁣ report found⁢ that ⁣the serial fabulist grossly misspent donor‌ funds.

Now, a vote on Santos’ fate is expected ​to ​come on Friday, and it isn’t expected⁢ to ⁤work ​out⁢ well, absent a last-minute⁤ decision‍ by the Democrats to vote to keep him ‍in Congress just for the larfs.

Thus, several GOPers told Axios they had “concerns ⁢that California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom could‍ hold McCarthy’s seat open ⁣if⁤ he decides to‌ resign in the new year.”

Axios​ also noted Republicans were concerned about McCarthy’s “awkward ‍nature of shifting from leading the conference to being a rank-and-file member” — particularly since ⁢he doesn’t appear to have much appeal to the “rank-and-file,” ‍either, along with the conservative members he deemed the “crazy eight” who voted to rob him of the‌ seat.

Will ⁣Kevin McCarthy leave‍ Congress?

“Some rank-and-file members voiced ⁣frustrations with McCarthy attempting to ‘kneecap’ multiple​ candidates ​that aimed to succeed him as speaker, arguing‍ that the efforts minimized​ much of the sympathy he gained‍ after the initial ouster,” ‌Axios reported.

“The image in the rearview mirror is⁤ getting smaller by the day,” one Republican ⁤said. “I don’t⁤ think he’s having a good⁣ time being a regular​ Joe.”

And then‍ there was the incident ⁣where ⁣he allegedly delivered ‍an elbow to the kidneys of Tennessee⁢ Rep. Tim Burchett, a former ally ‍of McCarthy’s who‌ voted against him.

So,‌ damned if you ⁤do, damned if you don’t.

On ‍the one hand, a disgruntled ‍former⁤ speaker hanging⁣ around in the ‌backbenches is an unpleasant situation,​ and if McCarthy decides to fully transition to a​ lobbyist and/or the sort of professional former Republican⁤ who ​goes on left-bubble cable news ‍media and talks about ⁣how wild ​and ⁢extreme the current crop of Republicans‍ are, it would be better if it took place before he was able to do more damage within the party.

However, giving more power to Newsom⁤ is never something you⁤ want to see any Republican do — and with Santos’ departure all but a certainty, given⁣ how blatant and massive his con seems to ⁢have been, that’s exactly what he’s​ poised to do.⁢ A disgruntled Republican is still a Republican, not an empty seat.

It would be⁣ nice, of ⁤course, if McCarthy simply realized he wasn’t the ⁣man for the moment and got ⁣himself a dose of coping.

The⁣ post Is‍ McCarthy Leaving Congress? Photo Appears to Confirm⁢ Rumor: ‘Get the Hell Out’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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What recent statements and actions by Kevin McCarthy suggest that he may be planning to leave the GOP?

Is Kevin McCarthy Planning to Quit‍ Congress?

Speculation ⁣is swirling among ​congressional insiders that ⁤former House Speaker Kevin⁣ McCarthy may be ‌planning to leave the GOP. According to a report from Axios,⁢ McCarthy has been privately ​telling his fundraisers that⁤ he wants to “get the hell out.” This ‍sentiment was echoed in his recent public remarks at The New York‍ Times’ DealBook summit,‌ where he expressed uncertainty⁤ about running again in 2024. McCarthy’s office also⁤ shared an ‌Instagram post featuring his dogs “helping out” at the⁤ office, which some interpret as a⁤ sign of him cleaning out his desk. Could this be McCarthy’s revenge on the GOP?

Uncertainty and Ominous Signs

McCarthy’s recent⁤ statements and actions suggest that he may not be satisfied with his ⁢diminished role ⁤within the party. After‍ burning ⁤bridges on his way out, it seems he ‍is‌ contemplating a departure from Congress. A photo from ‌his office reveals a sparse and empty space, with only a‍ few framed⁢ certificates and plaques, ⁣photos, and an ⁢iMac remaining. Even the mounted deer head on the wall seems ⁢to be preparing for a new opportunity. Is McCarthy ready to walk ⁤away?

– Speculation​ is growing that Kevin McCarthy may be planning to leave the GOP.

– He has‌ privately expressed his desire to “get the hell out” to his fundraisers.

-‍ Publicly, he has​ been vague about ‌his plans, suggesting uncertainty about running again in 2024.

– A recent‍ Instagram post from his office shows a ‍nearly empty space, adding to ⁢the speculation.

Is McCarthy’s revenge on ⁤the GOP ‍to quit​ and leave them ‌scrambling for a replacement? Only time will tell.

“Is McCarthy Leaving Congress? Photo Appears to Confirm Rumor: ⁢’Get the Hell Out'”

Speculation over McCarthy’s potential departure⁤ escalated ⁢ahead of the ​Thanksgiving ‍recess, with multiple GOP⁤ sources noting he posted a photo on Instagram in which his district office appeared to ​be in the process of⁣ being packed,” Axios noted.

So, how would this be revenge?

Well, consider the GOP’s slim ‌majority in the House of Representatives, one factor in McCarthy’s ultimate downfall as speaker.

Then remember that among their numbers is the untalented Mr. Ripley, Rep. George ​Santos of New York,‌ who likely will be tossed out of‍ Congress after a scathing ethics report found that the⁣ serial fabulist grossly​ misspent donor funds.

Now, a vote on ⁤Santos’ fate is expected to come on Friday, and it isn’t expected to work out well, absent a last-minute decision by ⁣the Democrats to vote ⁢to keep ‌him in Congress ‌just for the⁣ larfs.

Thus, several GOPers told‍ Axios they⁤ had “concerns that California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom could ‍hold McCarthy’s seat open if he decides to resign in the new year.”

Axios also noted Republicans were concerned about McCarthy’s “awkward nature of shifting from leading the conference to being a rank-and-file member” — ‌particularly since he ⁤doesn’t appear to have ‍much appeal to the “rank-and-file,” either, along⁣ with the conservative members he​ deemed the “crazy ⁢eight” who voted to ⁣rob him of the seat.

“Some rank-and-file members voiced frustrations with McCarthy attempting to⁢ ‘kneecap’ multiple candidates that aimed to succeed him​ as speaker, arguing ⁣that the efforts​ minimized much of the sympathy⁣ he gained after⁣ the initial ouster,”⁤ Axios ‌reported.

“The image in the rearview mirror is getting smaller by the day,” one Republican ⁢said. “I don’t think he’s having a good time‌ being a regular Joe.”

And then there was the⁤ incident where he allegedly delivered an elbow to the kidneys ​of Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett, ⁣a⁢ former ally of McCarthy’s who voted against him.

In conclusion, the uncertainty surrounding Kevin McCarthy’s potential departure from Congress is causing a stir among political circles. ⁢With private statements expressing a‍ desire to leave, public remarks hinting at ‍uncertainty, ⁣and revealing ‍photos from his​ office, it appears that McCarthy may ⁤be contemplating a future outside of GOP politics. Whether this would be considered‍ revenge on the GOP or simply a personal choice is still⁢ unknown.⁣ As time progresses, it remains to be seen if McCarthy‍ will indeed walk away from Congress.

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