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DeSantis Campaign Nearing End? Staff Hints at Possible Conclusion for 2024 Hopeful.

Is the ⁣DeSantis Campaign Over?​ Staff Confirms ‍Clue That ⁤Could ⁢Mean ⁢End is Near⁣ for 2024 Hopeful

Ron DeSantis is making some major changes to⁣ his ⁣campaign staff. But ‌does this mean ‍the end ⁢of his‌ presidential bid? ‌That’s the question being asked by numerous media outlets, including ABC, Associated Press, The Guardian, The​ New ⁢York Times,⁤ Los ⁤Angeles​ Times,​ NBC, Yahoo, Politico, HuffPost, and⁤ Rolling Stone. ‌They’re all keeping a close​ eye ⁢on DeSantis, wondering‍ if ⁢his⁣ campaign is in trouble.

Even Fox News has joined ‌in the ⁤speculation.‌ But ⁣who⁤ knows ‌what ⁢they’re really‌ about these ⁢days?

Now, cutting⁢ 10 people from a⁢ campaign ⁣staff 16 months⁢ before a ⁣general⁤ election doesn’t necessarily⁢ indicate⁢ a strategic move.⁣ It’s ​more⁣ likely a financial​ decision.

So​ what’s really happening‍ with the DeSantis campaign? Is it losing ‍momentum?

CNN’s Jake Tapper recently ‍sat down with‍ DeSantis to discuss these concerns. ​Tapper​ noted that‍ some supporters‌ are disappointed ‍with the‍ campaign’s⁢ lackluster polling numbers.​ He‌ suggested that ‌DeSantis may‍ have ‍initially gained popularity‍ by being ⁢seen as a ‍more⁤ electable conservative, similar ⁣to Trump. However, as he has taken‌ more⁢ extreme positions on divisive social issues, some Republican voters may see him as ⁣less electable.

DeSantis quickly dismissed‌ this idea, pointing‍ to ‍his success in Florida. He highlighted his focus⁣ on‍ parents’ rights, school ⁤choice, ⁤and removing indoctrination⁢ from schools. He also emphasized‍ his ⁤commitment to ‌addressing bread and ⁢butter​ issues like ⁢crime, inflation, and the‍ economy, noting⁢ that Florida’s economy is​ ranked number ‍one in the‌ nation.

DeSantis⁣ attributed his slip in the polls‍ to the ⁢extensive media coverage⁢ he received after⁤ his⁤ re-election as governor.⁢ He explained that he was required‌ to focus​ on his⁣ duties‍ as ‍governor, which ⁤took away from⁣ his campaign efforts. Despite the criticism,‌ DeSantis remains confident in his ‍chances‍ of defeating former‌ President Donald Trump.

DeSantis acknowledged that his campaign is focused ‌on ⁣building an‍ organization and grassroots support ‍in key ‍states ‍like Iowa and ⁤New Hampshire. He dismissed⁣ critics who ⁣are ​trying ⁢to ‍undermine his campaign, pointing out that they have‌ been doubting‌ him since he became ​governor. He also highlighted his ⁢successful fundraising efforts,‍ surpassing both‍ Biden and ‍Trump in the second⁤ quarter.

So, while the media ⁢may ​be⁢ speculating about‍ the end of⁢ the DeSantis campaign, ⁣he remains confident in ⁤his‌ chances of winning. Only time‍ will ‌tell if⁢ he can overcome ⁤the ‌challenges and come ‍out on top.

Stay tuned.

The​ post⁢ Is the DeSantis Campaign Over?⁣ Staff Confirms ⁤Clue ​That ⁤Could ‍Mean‌ End is Near for 2024 Hopeful appeared ⁤first on⁢ The ⁣Western​ Journal.

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