Washington Examiner

Israel fears a major conflict with Iran-supported Hezbollah.

Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Warns of Possible War Triggered by Hezbollah Leader


Israeli Defense Forces military intelligence chief Aharon Haliva has warned that Lebanese Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah is close to making a mistake that could lead to a big war in the Middle East. Haliva made the statement at Reichman University’s Institute for Policy and Strategy. The warning came after a Hezbollah official boasted that the terror group could “rain down our precision missiles” on Israel during war games in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s Threat

Hezbollah’s precision-guided munitions arsenal has been a concern for U.S. and Israeli officials for several years. Iran has aided Hezbollah in stockpiling tens of thousands of rockets and missiles in recent years. Lebanese Hezbollah forces have contributed to Iran’s efforts to ensure the survival of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s regime. Israeli forces have conducted airstrikes intended to prevent Iran from establishing military positions on the Syrian-Israeli border.

Israel’s Response

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has affirmed that Assad’s restoration to the Arab League “will not give Iranian proxies any immunity” from Israeli strikes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long-standing efforts to prevent Iran from securing a “land bridge” from Iran across Iraq and Syria to Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea. Haliva warned that Israel is ready to use force and will do whatever is necessary to bring calm.


Hezbollah’s threat and Iran’s nuclear weapons program have been a concern for U.S. and Israeli officials for several years. Assad’s stabilization could foreshadow a renewed effort by Iran to threaten Israel from multiple fronts.

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