Washington Examiner

GOP Congress members demand answers from Garland on alleged pro-Hamas activity in the US amid Israel war.

Members of Congress Demand Answers‌ from Attorney General Merrick‌ Garland ​over “Pro-Hamas” Activity

Over 30 ⁢members of Congress, ‌led by Rep. John‌ Moolenaar (R-MI), are demanding answers from ‍Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the ​presence of​ alleged ⁤Hamas⁤ sympathizers in‌ the United States. They are seeking information on ‍the steps being taken by the Department‌ of ⁤Justice to ⁣monitor and protect citizens from potential terror attacks by⁢ Hamas‌ members ​or sympathizers.

Concerns Raised Over ‌Support for Hamas

“We are‍ writing ⁢to express our deep concern over ‍reports of public rallies in⁣ support ​of Hamas, a​ Foreign Terrorist Organization designated by the federal government,” the group stated in a letter.

“Since Hamas’s‌ attack ‌on Israel ⁣on October 7, our country has witnessed⁤ rallies ⁢supporting ‍Hamas, violence against Jewish Americans, and anti-Semitic vandalism in cities and college campuses nationwide. This campaign of harassment even‍ included a ‘Day ‌of Rage,’ which prompted increased security measures across the nation. Law enforcement ⁢also⁤ heightened ⁢security around synagogues and schools.”

The group emphasized the importance of freedom of speech but stressed that ⁣coordinated activities ⁤supporting Hamas and endangering citizens have no place in society. They​ called on the Department of‍ Justice to investigate Hamas supporters and those ⁣responsible for anti-Semitic‍ violence.

Unequal⁢ Treatment by the Justice Department

The letter also highlighted the Justice Department’s controversial treatment of parents ‍protesting school board meetings, contrasting it​ with the lack ⁢of action against recent protesters supporting the Palestinian cause or ⁣opposing‍ Israel.

“Your inaction in the face of these threats is alarming and requires us to ask the following questions to ensure‌ you ‍are being held accountable ⁤to the American people‌ and the Constitution you have sworn to uphold,” the letter ⁤stated.

Protests across the U.S. following Hamas’s⁢ attack on​ Israel have focused on calls for a ceasefire, an independent ⁢Palestinian state, and criticism of Israel. While protesters may object to being labeled⁣ pro-Hamas, they typically avoid mentioning the terrorist organization.

A student from​ Columbia University who witnessed a large⁢ pro-Palestinian⁢ protest in New ‍York City confirmed that ⁢Hamas was ‍not ‌mentioned during the⁣ demonstration.

The ⁤Washington Examiner ⁤has ⁢reached out to Rep. John Moolenaar for comment.

What specific actions ‌has the⁢ Department of Justice ​taken to address the demonstrations of​ support for Hamas in the United ​States?

Lies and demonstrations in​ support of Hamas, a recognized ‍terrorist organization,” the letter⁤ from the‌ members of Congress states. “These events, which have taken place in various cities across the United States, raise ​serious questions about the ⁢presence and activity of⁤ Hamas ⁤sympathizers ​within ⁢our ⁤country.”

The letter cites specific incidents where individuals have publicly expressed support for Hamas, including the display of Hamas flags and chants in favor of the terrorist organization. The members of Congress argue that these actions ‍not only promote ​a hateful and violent ideology ⁢but also pose a serious security risk to American citizens.

Request for Information on Government⁢ Action

In their letter to Attorney General Garland,‌ the members of Congress request detailed information on the actions ⁢being taken by the Department of Justice to address‍ this issue. They seek clarification on whether the ⁣Department is aware of these demonstrations and whether investigations are underway to identify and monitor individuals involved ‌in such activities.

Furthermore, the members of Congress ask‍ for an explanation regarding the ‍measures being implemented to protect Americans from​ potential terror attacks⁢ or acts of violence committed by⁣ Hamas members or sympathizers. They stress the importance of proactive monitoring and enforcement to prevent any ‌harm to the American public.

Concerns Over National Security

The members of ⁣Congress express their concerns about the potential national ​security implications of ⁣Hamas sympathizers‌ operating within the United States. They note that Hamas has been designated as a⁣ terrorist organization by the ⁤United States, ‌the European Union, and several other countries, ​and is ⁤responsible for numerous acts of violence against ‍civilians.

Given this designation and ⁤the history of violence associated with Hamas, the members of Congress argue⁢ that it is crucial to understand the extent of Hamas’ presence and activities within the United⁤ States. They emphasize the need for transparency and accountability in addressing these concerns‌ to ensure the ​safety of American citizens.


The demand for answers from Attorney General Merrick Garland by over 30 members of Congress ⁤reflects the growing concerns over the presence and activities of Hamas‌ sympathizers within the United States. The ‍public demonstrations in ‌support of Hamas raise serious questions about national security and⁤ the potential for harm to American citizens.

The members of Congress urge the Department‍ of​ Justice to take immediate action to‌ address these concerns, including investigating and monitoring individuals involved ‌in pro-Hamas ⁣activities. They stress the importance of ⁣proactive measures to safeguard the American public from potential terror attacks or⁤ acts of⁤ violence.

As ​this issue continues to garner attention, it remains crucial for the government to provide transparent and comprehensive information⁣ on how it is‍ addressing the presence of Hamas sympathizers and protecting American citizens ‍from potential​ threats. Only through effective ⁢monitoring, enforcement, and information ‌sharing can the United States ‌ensure the ‍safety and security of ​its people.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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