Washington Examiner

Israel’s offensive into Gaza is said to be postponed due to concerns about potential Hezbollah involvement.

The Israeli Ground Offensive⁤ into Gaza Delayed Over Fear of Hezbollah ‌Intervention

A recent report reveals that the Israeli ground offensive into Gaza was partially delayed due⁣ to concerns ‍of an intervention‍ by Hezbollah from the border with Lebanon.‌ Sources familiar⁢ with​ the matter informed the Jerusalem Post that the Israeli‍ military decided against launching the invasion ⁢last weekend, fearing vulnerability to Hezbollah’s‍ intervention. The Israeli government is reportedly worried that Hezbollah​ is waiting ⁢for the Israeli Defense Forces ⁢to become entangled in Gaza before‌ launching ‌a full invasion from the⁢ north.

Delay to Prepare Better⁣ Reflects Growing Awareness of the Task

The report also states ⁤that while the IDF still intends to invade Gaza, the operation ‌has been ⁣delayed ⁤to allow for ⁣better preparation. ⁤This delay signifies ⁣a ⁤deepening recognition within‍ the IDF⁣ and at ⁣the political level that this kind of operation has ‌not⁣ been undertaken in decades. Rushing⁢ in unprepared, solely to satisfy ⁣the ‍public’s desire​ for retribution, ‌could prove to be a grave mistake.

Observers have been closely monitoring the Israel-Lebanon border since the start of the war, as Hezbollah’s ⁣intervention would significantly escalate the conflict’s scope.

Hezbollah’s ​Strength and Iran’s Potential Involvement Raise Concerns

Hezbollah, being​ larger and better armed than Hamas, poses⁣ a significant ⁣threat. ⁢Estimates suggest that Hezbollah ⁣has‌ at least‍ 60,000‌ troops, compared to Hamas’ ‌few thousand. Additionally, Hezbollah ‌possesses ⁢a formidable arsenal of over 150,000 rockets, capable of striking anywhere within Israel.⁢ As the primary proxy army of Iran, there are concerns​ that a war⁣ with Hezbollah could draw Iran ​into the conflict. In such a⁤ scenario, the involvement of⁤ the United ⁢States would likely be inevitable.

What are some effective non-verbal cues ⁢that can be used to show active engagement during ⁤a‌ conversation?

It depends on the specific situation and what you are trying to accomplish with the conversation. Generally, active listening ‌involves fully focusing ⁣on ‍the speaker, maintaining eye contact, nodding or ‍providing⁢ other non-verbal cues to⁤ show your engagement, and asking ⁣clarifying ‌questions or summarizing what the speaker has said ‌to ensure understanding. This helps to demonstrate that you are actively‍ engaged in the conversation and are genuinely interested⁢ in what the speaker ⁢has​ to ⁢say.

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