Washington Examiner

Israeli war: Festival-goer’s last farewell shared with family during Hamas attack.

EXCLUSIVE: Mourning Family⁣ Seeks Justice After Hamas Terror Attack at Music Festival

The heart-wrenching ⁤killing⁢ of a 26-year-old man by Hamas has left a devastated family seeking ​retribution against the⁤ Islamic terrorists who took his life at a nightmarish music festival in southern Israel.

Avidan Tordjman, an Israeli who spent his early months in France, ⁤was among⁣ the estimated 260⁣ attendees brutally murdered at the⁣ Supernova Sukkot Gathering near Kibbutz‌ Reim on ​October 7. In an interview with the Washington Examiner, Tordjman’s brother-in-law, Idan Rakovsky, described him as a “beautiful, tall person” with an⁢ “unbelievable smile.”

A Beloved⁣ Uncle and Leader

Rakovsky, who also served in the Israel Defense Forces, shared how Tordjman was adored by the elderly ‍in the kibbutz and⁣ was known for his kindness towards children⁣ and babies. He was a cool uncle who loved playing with them and showering them with gifts. Tordjman had a ⁣unique ability to connect with people.

The Re’im music festival turned into the deadliest terror attack ​in‌ Israel’s ‌history, orchestrated by Hamas.⁢ The attack has resulted in over 1,400 Israeli ‌fatalities and at least 200 hostages being taken to Gaza. The ‍State Department reports that 30 Americans have been killed and 13 are missing, ⁣while Hamas claims over 3,000 Palestinians have died.

Amidst the conflict, disinformation has been spreading on social media and news websites ​in the United States. For instance, Hamas propagated a conspiracy theory that an Israeli rocket killed 500 people⁢ at a​ Gaza City hospital. However, Israel’s military​ released an intercepted call revealing that the strike was caused by a‍ failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket. President Joe Biden confirmed that Defense Department officials provided ‌intelligence supporting the Palestinian⁣ side’s responsibility.

A Desperate Call for Help

On the‍ morning‍ of October 7, Idan Rakovsky ⁢and his wife, ⁣Prielle‌ Rakovsky,​ woke up to blaring sirens at ‍Masu’ot Itzhak kibbutz‍ in Israel. ‍They had traveled‍ from Toronto to introduce their ‌3-month-old​ baby to their⁢ Israeli family and celebrate Simchat Torah, a Jewish holiday. Faced with the‍ constant ⁤threat from⁢ Hamas, they sought refuge in their safe room for three hours.

When they finally emerged, they discovered a message from Tordjman in ‌their family WhatsApp group. He ​expressed his love for ⁣each one of‌ them. Concerned, a family member called Tordjman, who whispered that he was‍ hiding under one of the stages at the‍ festival. He described⁢ the terrifying situation,​ with terrorists shooting all around him.

Tordjman tried to calm⁢ others ‍trapped with⁣ him, assuring⁣ them that they were safe and⁢ that everything would be⁢ okay. Idan‌ Rakovsky described his brother-in-law ⁤as ⁤a ​leader who took charge in those moments of crisis.

Tragically, an explosion occurred, and the call abruptly ended. Later,​ a woman at‌ the festival informed the family that⁢ she had covered herself‍ with Tordjman’s blood to ‌feign ⁢death⁢ and hide⁢ from Hamas.

A Heartbreaking ​Discovery

As Tordjman remained unaccounted for, his family grew increasingly ​worried. Idan Rakovsky went to a police station in Lod to report him missing, providing‍ a DNA sample using Tordjman’s​ comb. The family also reached out to French ​authorities ⁤through their dual ‍citizenship and sought help from a parliament member.

Desperate for answers, Tordjman’s⁤ father decided to visit Shurah, a military base where bodies from‌ the festival were brought. ⁢However, they were not allowed inside. Outside the base, they encountered Simcha Rothman, an Israeli legislator, who ​offered support but had no answers. Eventually, ⁣a female soldier informed⁣ Tordjman’s father that his son had been killed.

Never Giving‍ Up

Tordjman’s funeral ⁤took ‌place in southern Israel, coinciding ​with the Israeli military regaining control of ⁤the Israel-Gaza border. ​The IDF received its first shipment of weapons from the U.S., and all options, including a ⁤ground offensive into Gaza, were on the table.

Idan Rakovsky emphasized that they are fighting for their existence and will do whatever it takes to protect themselves. He ⁢compared the situation to​ fighting against Nazis and ⁣vowed ​never ⁤to⁣ give up.

Survivors of the ⁤festival continue to share‌ their harrowing experiences online, recounting how they hid under dead bodies⁢ to escape the relentless attack by Hamas. The scene was ⁢described as ‍a brutal⁢ animal slaughter.

Tordjman’s family is still searching for answers regarding ⁢his cause of death. Idan ​Rakovsky‌ expressed the pain of ⁢witnessing history repeat itself, despite the promise made by the Jewish people after the Holocaust to protect their existence.

How is the Rakovsky⁤ family spreading a ‌message⁢ of hope and resilience despite their grief

E chaotic moments, guiding people‌ to safety and offering words of reassurance. Tordjman’s bravery ‌and selflessness during the attack were ⁣truly ‌remarkable.

Seeking Justice

As the Rakovsky family mourns the loss of their beloved Tordjman, they are determined to seek⁤ justice for his untimely death.⁢ They, ​along with other grieving families, have joined forces to demand that Hamas be ‍held accountable for the⁣ heinous act of terrorism that took place at the Supernova Sukkot Gathering.

According to international law, ​acts of terrorism are crimes against humanity,​ and those responsible should face legal consequences for their actions. The Rakovsky family, like many others affected by this tragedy,⁢ believe that Hamas should be​ brought before the International Criminal Court and‍ be held accountable for the lives they have taken and the devastation they have caused.

Furthermore, the⁤ Rakovsky family calls on the international community to condemn Hamas and to ​support Israel in its fight against terrorism. It ‍is crucial ​that the world stands united against these senseless acts of violence and supports the victims and their families in their quest for justice.

A Message of Hope and Resilience

Despite the pain and grief they ⁢are experiencing, the⁢ Rakovsky family remains hopeful and resilient. They refuse to let terrorism tear them apart or dampen their spirits. Idan Rakovsky, speaking on behalf‌ of his family, stated, “We‌ will ⁢not be broken. We will not let hatred win. Our love ⁢for Avidan will prevail, and justice will be served.”

The Rakovsky family continues to remember‌ Avidan⁤ Tordjman as a ​loving son, brother, uncle, and friend. They hold on ‌to the memories they shared and the impact he⁣ had on their lives. Their determination to seek justice and raise awareness about the devastating‍ consequences of‍ terrorism is both admirable and inspiring.


The horrific terror attack ​at the⁤ Supernova ​Sukkot Gathering has left the‌ Rakovsky family and countless others devastated. Avidan Tordjman’s life was stolen⁢ from him, leaving behind ‍a grieving ⁣family and a⁢ void that can never be filled. As they mourn their loss, the Rakovsky family seeks⁢ justice and calls for ‌international condemnation of Hamas and support for Israel in its fight against terrorism.

May the memory of Avidan​ Tordjman and all the victims of this horrendous attack be a reminder‍ that we must stand together against terrorism and work tirelessly ⁣towards ​a ‍world where peace and justice prevail.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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